Either Needed Mutant-esque/mole group rp

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Either Needed Mutant-esque/mole group rp


Bumblebee Therapist
Local time
Today 9:04 PM
Eastern Shore of MD
The world is not too keen on mutants, and mostly due to government propaganda they're feared by the general public and are to be reported and taken into custody as soon as they're spotted. Few know what have happened to those who are captured, as most are never seen again. In reality the government are doing testing on them, not unlike animal testing by scientists, looking for a way to duplicate the mutants abilities in order to, in short, create a super army.

General plotline start: A group of mutants squatting in a warehouse for the time being is found by another mutant looking for somewhere to stay, but is she everything she seems?

My character is a government agent, one of the few mutants employed by them. Brainwashed by her supervisor to believe she's doing the world good and that no harm is coming to those she brings out. My character's current mission is to go after a group of mutants on the run. Their whereabouts have been located and she's to find their weaknesses and/or lead them into a trap. But this time she grows attached to these new people and after so many others had gone "missing" after her missions she starts to change her mind. But does she have the heart to betray the only person who's ever "cared" about her or does she decide to go on the run with these mutants instead? And if the group finds out that she's a mole how will they react even if she says she's changed?

Your character is on the run, has been so for however many years you decide, and is currently living/squatting at an abandoned warehouse in a large city with a small group of others. All your character owns is whatever they're able to carry from place to place. Times are tough, a move is always in store once people get too familiar with your face or start to get suspicious. With no real home, the people you travel with is the closet thing you have to it, and most importantly your family.

**No god-like powers. One power per character preferred. Exceptions can be made. Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions
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