MxF - Shal's Search Thread

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MxF - Shal's Search Thread


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Today 1:21 PM
Heya! Shal here, looking for a few good RPs.

Some things you should know about me:
  • Female, 33, married with 2 babies (ages 1 and 2) - Will let you know if I can or can't post but can usually post once or twice daily.
  • Lazy advanced lit. Quality over quantity. Been writing since I was 12, roleplaying since 15.
  • Central Time
  • Ditch-friendly.
  • MxF relationships
  • I like OOC chat for plotting and friend-making purposes.
  • I double. Keeps us both happy. I play males and females.
  • Fair warning: Age gap relationships is a common pairing with me because I have a thing for older men. My OCs are always over 21.
  • I tend to use real face-claims vs anime face-claims.

Some rules:
  • 18+ characters only, please.
  • Not into furries. Not into non-con.

I've included characters I can play effectively and ones I would ask you to play for me. If it has a * , that means I have a plot in mind.

*Star Wars (all except the last 3 movies cuz ick); The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, Rebels, Clone Wars
I can play: Any
Could you play? Thrawn or Dooku

*Game of Thrones
I can play: Anyone, just ask. I have experience playing Jaime and Jon.
Could you play? Tywin Lannister

Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age 2 (I have yet to play this but I can always watch playthroughs and read up)
Dragon Age: Inquisition

I can play Alistair, Morrigan, Leliana, Cullen, Solas, Blackwall, Cassandra, Dorian (one way to convince me to do a yaoi), Iron Bull, Josephine, Sera, Hawke, Fenris, Anders
Could you play? Loghain, Alistair, Cullen, Blackwall

Mass Effect 1 - 3, Andromeda

I can play Shepherd, Ashley, Garrus, Kaidan, Tali, Liara, Miranda, Cora, Liam, PeeBee, Vetra, Jaal, Suvi, Gil, Lexi
Could you play? Garrus, Jaal

Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Oblivion or Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)

I can play...the list is huge so feel free to ask for whichever character you want.
Could you play? Lucien LaChance, Martin, Erandur, Teldryn Sero

Walking Dead

I can play All
Could you play? Negan

Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4, Fallout (TV show)

I can play...anyone you ask.
Could you play? Tektus (Far Harbor DLC), Hancock, Vulpes Inculta, Caesar, Joshua Graham, The Ghoul (show)

*Harry Potter
- I like the idea of exploring the Death Eater's side of the war or possibly something regarding the aftermath of the war; I'm also down for AU, such as Voldemort winning. Also up for anything that follows the main storyline. Not really into Marauder's Era (sorry).

I can play anyone you ask.
Could you play? Lucius Malfoy, Corban Yaxley, Sirius Black, Severus Snape


I can play Sam, Dean, Cas and more.
Could you play? Crowley

I'm pretty much open to anything above or if you have a suggestion regarding a different fandom, ask. If you don't have a specific canon character you want me to play, I can create a romance-able character to suit your character.

I'm open to originals as well so long as you have a general idea of what you want to roleplay. I like historical roleplays when it comes to original RPs.
Sample of writing from my fanfiction Vabazeri, an Elder Scrolls fanfic.

< + >

When I returned to Fanacas, I found something I wasn't expecting: a congregation of vampires arguing with their Elder. The air was tense and the general unrest of the place made me uneasy. My Beast whined inside of me, warning me that tempers were high and it was best to stay out of the way if I didn't want to be involved in the potentially violent conversation ahead. I stuck to the shadows, feeling safer in their arms than in the gentle blue light of the Welkynd stones that lit the hall. An Orc was addressing Shalimar, who was bedecked in black, boiled leather tonight and wore no jewels. It was unusual to see him without ornament.

"You would ask us to return to Morrowind? The wilds are likely to kill us as the lack of food," the Orc argued.

An Imperial huffed nearby with derisive amusement. He joined the conversation, looking down his nose at the Orc. "You surprise me, Sheush. You who brags of your fighting prowess and strength, to be afraid of the wilds of Morrowind...It's a disappointment to hear you say such. It's not befitting of an Orc to show fear."

"For one who has never been to Morrowind, your overconfidence will get you killed. That is, if I don't slaughter you first, little pig," the Orc growled, a hand settling on the grip of the jagged Orcish great-sword attached to his back.

"We shall see," the Imperial sneered. "You may be strong but I'm quick. It would be nothing to cut you down."

"Silence," came Shalimar's order.

Both vampires went silent but glared at each other, ready for a fight.

Shalimar addressed his brood. "We are leaving because we must. Our fragile peace with the Vampyrum Order is beginning to break, thanks to the recent attacks on trader's caravans on their way to Cheydinhal."

"Do we know who is behind these attacks?" the Imperial questioned. "Perhaps if we put a stop to them, the Order will allow our brood to remain."

Shalimar shook his head, his dark face grim. "Even if I know his name, finding him and dealing with his brood is another matter, and it is not enough. The Order outnumbers us and we were permitted here on the basis that we would not cause trouble. However, our own young bloods have been influenced by this vampire and I have had to hand out severe punishment for this breach of confidence, which is why you do not see any young bloods here tonight. There are also hunters to consider. They've been hearing whispers and desire to thin our population. It is safer for our brood to remove ourselves to Morrowind until such a time as we can create a better peace with the Order and return."

There were murmurs of protest, disagreement regarding the lack of food in Morrowind. Perhaps it was the disparity of settlements on its rough terrain, Vvardenfell especially, that worried them. Less people meant less food and more suspicion if someone went missing or became sick. They disagreed with the idea that finding and killing Caemorin's brood would give them leave to remain in Cyrodiil. I knew it would not be so and so I stepped from the safe arms of the shadows and into the light to join the conversation.

"I know where this vampire is," I said once the murmurs and protests ebbed.

"Oh really?" came the sneer of the Imperial. "You have not been a vampire more than a month but you know where this vampire is? Our own Elder does not know."

I felt a burst of anger in my chest and my eyes narrowed with displeasure. "Perhaps if you stopped talking and posturing so much with your green friend over there, and put your ear to the ground, you might have already heard yourself," I growled. I wasn't stepping to Shalimar's defense but I wanted to wipe that sneer from his handsome Imperial face, which was exactly what I did. Certain I would not be interrupted by the Imperial, I looked to Shalimar. "He's in a cave, twelve miles north of us."

"So he's been under our noses this whole time?!" the Imperial burst, outraged. He jabbed a finger towards Shalimar, who scowled in answer. "You didn't know? How could you not? You who claim to be so powerful and strong, to know all? You who claim to be our leader? I'm starting to agree with the Orc. Perhaps Morrowind isn't for the best. Perhaps you are the one who needs to be dealt with!"

The words died on his tongue when his master stood, glaring at him with those otherworldly red eyes. However, it was Shalimar's turn to sneer. He held out his hands, palms up. "If you want my position so badly, come and take it."

To my surprise, it wasn't the Imperial that moved first but the Orc, who unsheathed his great-sword and swung it at Shalimar's head. Only the blade didn't reach its mark. Shalimar caught the sword with his hand. His strength was ten times that of the blow. It hadn't even cut the skin of his hand. With a flash of Shalimar's blood-red eyes, the blade grew white hot; so hot that it spread from Shalimar's hand, along the length of the blade and melted the Orc's hands to the grip. The Orc roared and wailed with pain as the heat crept up his arms, burning him so severely that skin, muscle and sinew fell from his bones as ashes. The blade itself melted into massive droplets of Orichalcum, which splattered across the stone floor and hardened.

The Imperial's dagger sang when he pulled it and as he said, he was quick. He rushed Shalimar but the Elder was faster and sent him flying back with a spear of ice. It lanced the Imperial's rib-cage nearly in two and lodged itself fittingly into his heart. An expression of pain and surprise graced the Imperial's face as his skin turned gray. He dissolved into a pile of cool, wet ash.

It was as if someone struck a flint and lit a wild-fire of spells and weapons. The brood was furious. Perhaps the Orc wasn't popular but the Imperial certainly was. I drew my own weapon, ready to defend myself as the other vampires charged towards myself and Shalimar. Only a few of my brothers and sisters followed suit.

The area around me charged with power. Deadened nerves tingled and the hairs on my neck stood on end, much like the day Thomas killed the bandit woman with his Lightning spell. Only this was more powerful. It cast a great net throughout the hall. Twenty of my brothers and sisters contorted against a barrier of lightning, blue-white lines that spread from one to the other like disease. Their skin crackled and popped, their mouths agape with pain. The lightning that crackled through every corner of the main hall blinded me. The sound of ashes dashed across the floor filled the room as vampires fell before their powerful Elder. I was so frightened by my inability to see, I dropped my sword, fell to my knees and hid my head.

My eyes stung when I opened them, my head pounding as if I'd heard thunder in my ears for days. I reached for my Viperblade, returning it to its sheath as I brought myself to my feet. There were only five of us left: Shalimar, his Bosmeri shadow Sisandra, a Dunmeri sorcerer, a Breton warrior, and myself. Shalimar had an expression on his face that suggested he was both disgusted and satisfied by the outcome. I was particularly disgusted by the whole ordeal. I was disgusted by the brood that would dare to be so disloyal to their Elder and disgusted that Shalimar killed them all without so much as batting an eye. It was appalling to think that our numbers could be thinned so easily by our own making.

"We leave tomorrow night for the Imperial City," Shalimar told us. "From there we will take a ship to Morrowind. Ready the carriages and your coffins."

The others bowed their heads and made to follow their Elder's orders. Shalimar approached me then, taking my jaw in his hand as he was wont to do. "Come. A death knell has rung for Caemorin. His death is long overdue."
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