Character(s) My Characters

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Character(s) My Characters

Saint Savage

Unholy Saint of Savagery
Local time
Today 11:46 PM

Name: Ryan Powers

Date of Birth (& age): July 10th, 1995 25yrs. old

Place of Birth: Akron, Ohio

Gender: Male

Species: White Human

Social Class/Community Status: Upper Middle-class

Language: English

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Father John Powers, Mother Sarah Powers, Sister Mandy Powers, Best Friend Bryan Winters, Pet Golden Retriever named Bear

Physical Description

Height: 5ft. 7in.

Weight: 218lbs.

Hair: Dirty Blonde

Eyes: Electric Blue

Detailed Physical Description: Ryan is lean with a little muscle on him. He usually looks relaxed and tends to walk at a slower pace.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: He's always wearing a t-shirt in one of his favorite colors with blue jeans and his black tennis shoes.


Personality/Attitude: Laid back and relaxed, does have a short temper and gets angry easily.

Skills/Talents: Can sing and rap pretty good, also can do most fo the basics on electronics like phones and computers

Favorites/Likes: His favorite colors are red, grey, blue and black, enjoy's music, horror movies, and the supernatural, favorite food is pizza

Most Hated/Dislikes: When people repeat themselves multiple times it annoys him

Goals/Ambitions: would like to get into ghost hunting or become a musician

Strengths: book smart, good-natured and kind, sarcastic and a great sense of humor though it may be dark at times

Weaknesses: self-doubt, lack of confidence, has trouble controlling his anger

Fears: doesn't care for spiders and is intimidated by his own potential

Hobbies/Interests: writing his own songs or raps

Regular Routine: get out of bed, take a shower then throw something in the microwave for breakfast, get ready for classes

Philosophy of Life: Just go with the flow and try not to worry about what others think

Attitude Towards Death: It happens to everyone eventually

Religion/Beliefs: Feels there is some kind of higher power but doesn't know what

Strange Behaviors: Has trouble staying still so he gets up and walks around just to release energy

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: He is straight, has been with one girl before when they both got drunk at a party

Education: Taking college classes

Place of Residence: Dorm

Occupation: Hasn't had a job yet
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