Character(s) My Children

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Character(s) My Children


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Theme song: (Opt.)


Athanasia Euthalia (Atha for short)​
Looks late teens/early twenties
Actually 2,495 years old​
Relationship Status:
Straight but will act Bi for her own means​
Atha is cold and calculating, choosing to work alone rather than be tied to a group. She doesn't fear much since she has seen generations of hardship, all the wars and natural disasters she has witnessed and been apart of. Although she doesn't want to be tied to a group she still misses her family and that feeling of being loved. She has a soft spot for animals.​
History (Opt.):
Born in the Peloponnese Region of Ancient Greece, Atha was apart of a large middle class family. She was the youngest of her siblings and often babied by them. Her parents named her Athanasia in hopes that she would live a long happy life knowing that life was unpredictable and they had lost many children to early deaths already. Life was peaceful and as time went on Atha thought that everything was going to be that way forever but that was just not meant to be.
One day while out and about with one of her older sisters they were attacked by a strange man. Her sister tried to protect her but was killed in the process. Atha was frozen in fear with her sister's corpse in her lap and the man chuckled menacingly. "Are you just going to sit there little one? Was she important to you?" His smile softened and he kneeled close to her, caressing her cheek with his bloody hand. Atha jumped slightly at his touch and it made him chuckle again, he knew she feared him and he loved it. Her sister's body started to go cold and the man was kneeling in front of her so she couldn't escape. He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "Do you mind if I have a bite?" and before Atha could even comprehend what was happening she felt a sharp pain in her neck as the man held her tightly with one arm. She tried to scream out in pain for help but he held her mouth shut so only a muffled whimper escaped. She bit his hand as hard as she could, drawing blood but it didn't stop him. Eventually she blacked out from lack of blood.
Once she awoke she was alone, drenched in blood, cold, and her sister's body nowhere to be seen. She got up weakly, her legs shaking under her, and numbly started towards home. When she got there and saw her mother tears swelled up in her eyes, she was home, safe at last. Her mother ran to her, asking question after question, but Atha wasn't listening. All she knew was that she was safe and before she knew it she had blacked out once more. She woke up in her bed to an eerie silence, her head was pounding, her throat burning, and she wanted was a drink. When she walked into the main room she froze, blood and body parts were everywhere and the stench was unbearable. She quietly called out for her mother but there was no response. Tears started to swell again until she heard the front door slowly opened to reveal the strange man from before.
In anger she ran to him, hitting his chest as hard as she could, "H-how could you!? First m-my sister and now this!?" she looked up at him with tears in her eyes, "What do you want!?". Her body was trembling and the man held her tenderly with a smirk on his face, "What you you mean? I didn't do this little one, you did this.". He firmly held her chin so he could look straight into her eyes, "And as for your sister, well, you were supposed to meet the same fate but..." He trailed off looking around the room before starting to walk away. Atha followed his gaze before falling to her knees in the doorway, "B-but what?". He turned slightly back to her, the same smirk across his face, "You intrigue me, and if I were you I would come along now little one before someone comes along and kills you for what you have done.".
After she became a vampire she followed her "Maker" around, learning from him and doing his biding. After a couple hundred years of this she decided she was done being beneath him and killed him. She was free but alone, not knowing what to do or where to go she started just going where the road took her. She learned how to control her hunger and her powers as well as hunt for herself, becoming able to survive on little without much hindrance. She traveled the world learning about new cultures and species, and learned to live alongside humans without blowing her cover.
Needless to say due to her beginnings she has never gotten along with other vampires and the ones she has gotten along with she has never actually trusted. She has been lying low for a while so at the moment she is traveling around the world learning of the new vampires that have popped up in the last couple centuries just in case she needs to crush some bugs under her boot.​
Special powers?:
  • Ravine Tolerance: She has had so many scrapes with it that it only really makes her sick at this point unless it is in large doses.
  • Shapeshifting: She can transform into creatures of the night such as bats, owls, etc. She can also turn into mist but only for a very short amount of time.
  • Partial Control Over Gravity: I don't mean she can fly but she can walk on walls and such as if it were the ground.
  • Sunlight Tolerance: Can walk in sunlight for short amounts of time but the longer she is the weaker she is.
  • Eidetic Memory: Intense photographic memory
  • Super Human Abilities: The typical faster, stronger stuff although she definitely is not the strongest due to her stature.
  • Death Touch: Only works on humans or creatures with weak bodies. She almost never uses this unless absolutely necessary (mercy kills mostly)
Special Skills:
  • Highly proficient in archery and horseback warfare
  • Incredible intellect due to her travels and age
  • Stealth due to hundreds of years of practice
  • War strategy skills due to the many wars she has seen and been apart of

Established Relationships:
Anything else?:
She may be older than most but it doesn't make her more powerful. She may be a bit faster than most but not by much, she just has more wisdom due to age. She really rather fight from a distance so she isn't very skilled at hand to hand combat and only fights hand to hand if there is no other choice due to her small size.
Has a horse named Elpis
Plot ideas?: (opt.)
None at the moment

Layan Alouette




Layan is soft spoken when she is around the family she works for and usually is bossed around more for being so. When she is away from them she is inquisitive, she wants to learn about the world and find her own safe place.

It was a dark and stormy night when the Riffat family heard the crying. Mr. Riffat went downstairs to the galley kitchen to find out where it was coming from and was surprised to see one of the maids with a baby she had clearly just brought in. He agreed to let the maid keep the baby since she and the other's lived on the grounds and his own children were only a few years older so it might benefit to have another maid closer to their age once the baby is older.

The next few years went by quickly, Layan was named by the maid who found her but all of the maids took to raising her and teaching her how to work alongside them. She grew up fairly close to the Riffat boys and was like a little sister to them until their mother put a stop to it. Their mother had found Layan and her eldest son hiding in a closet together from the other two boys and she took it the wrong way. Layan was only five at the time and her eldest was 10 and teaching Layan how to play hide and seek but Mrs. Riffat took it as Layan trying to weasel into the family. After that Layan was only allowed near the boys when she was helping the maids.

As the years went on the boys started treating her more like a maid than a sister since their mother kept twisting their view of her. The only one that was kind still was the oldest since he didn't believe his mother's words. Once he was old enough though he left town for higher schooling since his father wished it and Layan's life became much harder. The only times she had to herself were the times she went to the abandoned castle's garden where she would daydream of living for herself and learn of new places.

One day while she was in the castle garden Mrs. Riffat sent her two younger sons (now 21 and 23 while Layan is 19) to fetch Layan so she could give her some new torturous task. Layan heard the two older men calling for her and, not wanting to go back just yet, ran into the castle knowing they would not think to look inside or even dare to. Once inside almost any thought of the Riffat's dissapeared from her mind once she heard the faint sound of music coming from deeper within the castle.

She loves animals and helping people whenever she can.




Caliope Leta

Cali or Cal

Epithets and titles:
Flower Girl

Orphaned and raised by an older witch before she passed

Cursed Witch


  • Transmogrification: The most regular kind of witchcraft is turning something into something else. Because this is the basis for all witchcraft, it is also the most common. They can't create something out of nothing, and thus all spells must take one thing and transform it into what it wanted.

  • Creation of charms and wands: Using crystals and herbs, witches can create objects for magical purposes. This is by far the most powerful tool of a regular witch, as they can create the object during a ritual and keep the forces of such an event for later use.

  • Plant based magic: Can make plants grow at a much faster rate than normal and put charms on them that affect the mood of the one smelling it.

  • The Cross: Has only ever heard of it but never used it.
Caliope was left at an orphanage when she was six after her parents got into an accident. Her father passed right away and her mother passed later that night in the hospital due to internal injuries. Only a few days later she was adopted by an old woman who had known her mother. The woman, who she referred to as her grandmother, raised her as her own and taught her all about herbology, hoping she would take after her and run her store once she too passed. Everything was great throughout her childhood after that. She never went hungry and felt loved every day, but that all changed when her Grandmother got sick.

Suddenly her biological children and grandchildren were coming out of nowhere and doting on her grandmother. They kept pushing Caliope away and referring to her as a snake who only wanted their mother/grandmother's money. This threw Caliope into a very dark place, she felt like she was losing her only family and no matter what spells she found or tried, nothing was working to help her grandmother.

The only time she had with her grandmother before her passing was to clean her and help her with the things her own family would not. During this her grandmother would tell her wonderful stories from her childhood and playfully joke with Caliope about when she had first adopted her and how she knew so little when it came to spells. She reassured her that everything would be alright and that she would be taken care of. That night her Grandmother passed away in her sleep and the funeral was held shortly after.

At the funeral Caliope was not allowed to speak or even sit with the rest of the family. None of them wanted anything to do with her and only referred to her as a snake like before. She was the last to say her final goodbyes and fought to hold back tears when she saw her Grandmother's face, it was so peaceful, if only she were still here. After everything was said and done a man called her and some of her Grandmother's family into a separate room to talk about the will. The family members whispered excitedly, hoping for something good to come of this.

The man started by addressing the room with polite hellos making sure that everyone was present. The family members were first, getting old clothing and costume jewelry that her Grandmother had saved over the years and some had received keys to old tractors and cars that no longer worked. The last thing to be addressed was the flower shop where she and Caliope had lived. A knot formed in her throat, would she be losing her home as well? She had stopped paying attention, just thinking of what she should do to find a living situation when an uproar interrupted her thoughts. One of the women who had only received a few trinkets was yelling at the man, saying that it wasn't fair that "She" should get anything since "She" was only a child and not related by blood. Caliope froze, she had been awarded the shop.

The man walked up to her and asked if what the woman said was true about her age and Caliope shook her head, she was already 19 at this point so the man told the woman that the decision was final and that f she wanted to discuss who gets what outside then she could but legally the shop was now under Caliope's name. The woman, still angry, huffed and left the room with the rest of her family following close behind.

The next few days were quiet, Caliope was not used to being home alone since her Grandmother was always by her side. The dark thoughts from before started to cloud her mind, 'if only she were more skilled she could have saved or at least prolonged her grandmother's life' and 'I should have been the one to pass, she had her whole family to live for'. Suddenly she heard a knock at the shop door that pulled her from her thoughts. She went to go tell whoever it was that the shop was closed but once she opened the door she was pushed aside by the mean woman from before and some men.

They started throwing anything they could get their hands on, laughing as they did as if it were all just fun and games. Caliope didn't know any spells that could help stop them so she ran up to them trying to stop them instead but was easily pushed away so she ran for the phone to call the police but was stopped by the woman grabbing her by the hair. The next thing she knew there was a dull pain in her skull and everything went black. When she woke she was surrounded by broken pots, dirt, and dying plants, some of the last things she had of her Grandmother.

She burst into tears and the pain in her head started pounding, she felt utterly useless, she couldn't do anything to stop them from ruining her life. What good was her magic if it couldn't help her Grandmother or save her shop? Why was her life being tormented by death around every corner? Once her tears subsided she went to her altar to Hecate that her Grandmother had helped her build when she first started practicing magic.

In anger she began to break the altar, cursing Hecate's name, and blaming her for her Grandmother's death. Her tears began to flow once again and she screamed that she wanted nothing to do with magic anymore if it could not even save the person she cared about most. Little did she know, Hecate had heard her and was furious that she would even think to blame her for such a thing. It had nothing to do with her and even if it did how dare a mortal disrespect her this way.

Hecate decided this little mortal needed a punishment, to think on what she had said, and so she came to Caliope and asked her what she believed she was. Still angry, Caliope could only think of how her Grandmother's family had hurt her and what they had called her so without much thought of the repercussions she called Hecate a snake. A smile crossed Hecate's face, she could see the hurt behind the word for the girl and so she grabbed her face, forcing Caliope to look into her eyes before cursing her. Caliope squirmed, trying to get away from the goddess as pain spread throughout her body. Soon the pain was too much to bear and she passed out, being dropped by Hecate who returned to the Underworld.

She awoke in pain, feeling cold in the dark of her room. She remembered everything that had transpired and groaned in pain. Did Hecate really come here or was it all some crazy dream after a horrible night with her Grandmother's family? As she got up she felt strange, she couldn't feel her legs but instead something odd and powerful. She went to the full-sized mirror on the back of her door and looked at herself in shock. Her legs had been replaced by a long powerful tail, her skin had turned a pale mint green in color, and her hair had grown and gone white. It wasn't a horrible dream after all, and now she had to live with the consequences.

Since then she has learned how to do her makeup to make her look more human and set up the shop so she can easily get around without people seeing her tail. During the times that the shop is closed she prays and gives regular sacrifices to Hecate in the form of new plants she creates hoping that she will forgive her for what she has said.​

She has blue eyes and is fairly small in stature. She was only 5'2" when she was cursed and has kept her smaller features through the change. She typically wears clothing that hide more of her like sweaters and long skirts.

Magical Objects:
Her wands which she keeps in her hair like accessories.

Her shop is also a common place for other witches to get herbs that they couldn't necessarily find themselves.​



Sayah Aveen




Slave Traders/Unpurchased

Sayah is very soft spoken but cold person. She is very obedient because that is what she has had to do to survive. She is a dreamer in secret but when it comes down to it she is willing to do anything for her survival.

Special Abilities/Powers:
  • Flight - Wings, although she hasn't been able to use them in years so she doesn't have much strength at the moment.
  • Conjure Fire - Fire appears from her hands similar to a flamethrower but on a larger scale. She can tone it down to come through her fingers but it takes more concentration since it is quite unpredictable. Powerful but wild, can only be used for short amounts of time because it uses a lot of energy.
  • Shadow Familiar - Can summon her familiar (a snake named Reshma) from the shadows to do her bidding. It can do everything that a snake can do as well as traverse through shadows and let Sayah see through it's eyes for a short period of time.
  • Proficient with the bident and other spear/staff like weapons.
None at the moment

She was born to a human father and a Drakaina. When she was born her mother abandoned her with her father and he raised her to be obedient and quiet while he tried time and time again to find work to support the both of them. Eventually it became too much and he began to despise Sayah and blamed her for all of his problems. If it weren't for her and her mother he would be in a better situation right? So one night he decided to sell her on the black market as a slave thinking that it would fix all of his problems. Sayah was hurt but she was raised to do as her father said and so she went with these new men and said goodbye to her father who only got about 200 dollars for her. Because she was obedient the slave traders treated her nicely, putting a chain around her neck instead of throwing her in a cage like most of their "merchandise". The traders knew they had something interesting when they bought her so they put her price on the high end believing some rich man would snatch her up due to her rarity but that never happened. People came and went and never showed more than a curious glance her way and eventually she gave up any thought of leaving the markets. The slave owners eventually lost hope as well but instead of throwing her out like they would do to any other slave they kept her to help with menial labor because of her obedience. She is not treated kindly, more of like a guard dog at this point but that is better than being stuck in a cage. Thirteen years have passed since she was first sold and she has become almost like a staple of the slave market, always there to help calm down other slaves, take care of customers while her "masters" are away, and make sure no one steps out of line.

Theme Songs:


She has a bident that she uses to "protect the merchandise" and make sure they stay in line. She loves the smell of burning wood (like a campfire smell) and her only friend is her familiar Reshma. She is straight.


Kirsi Merith
Hybrid (Human/Valkyrie)
simple description:
"short" back story:
Kirsi was born into a very old and traditional family that kept to themselves in the Nordic countryside as nomads.

They believed that the old ways where the only way to go and scoffed at the growing technological advancements happening around them. During their travels Kirsi's father met and fell deeply in love with a young woman outside of his familial group which did not sit well but they believed nothing would come of it. She was apart of the military and renowned for her brute strength and impulsiveness. Due to their nomadic nature Kirsi's father was only able to stay with this woman for a short time but little did anyone expect, it was more than enough time to have fate intervene. He was sad to leave her behind but he couldn't just abandon his family, he knew nothing of her world, and so he left.

Years went by before he and his family returned. Subconsciously he hoped to meet the woman he had fallen in love with so long ago but even he thought it was unlikely that she would be waiting for him. During his stay he met a young girl who looked so much like the woman he loved but her hair was the same color as his. Honestly he found it quite cute and would pretend that he had stayed all these years and had a child with his love. The girl found him weird but liked his company so she indulged him. One day he asked where her parents were since he always saw her alone and she bluntly told him that her mother had died during childbirth and her father had left before he had even known her mother was with child. He felt bad for asking and decided to drop the subject.
A couple more days went by where he would meet the girl, treat her like his child and tell her of the woman he loved, but he knew that he would have to leave soon and wanted to know that the girl would be safe. He asked her who was taking care of her so he could meet them, wanting to make sure she was taken care of. The girl nodded and lead him to the barracks where he had once spent time with his love. He looked around, hoping to possibly catch a glimpse of her but she was nowhere to be seen. They shortly arrived at the leader of the barracks quarters and he looked at him in disbelief. He had known this man around the time he was with his love. The leader looked up at him, also taken by surprise but it slowly turned into anger.
He asked the young girl to go to her quarters so he could have a "talk" with the man she brought. Once she had left the man rose from his desk and walked over to Kirsi's father before punching him in the face. He began yelling at him, saying that he was no good and that he should have never returned. Her father was hurt and confused, he had known this man to be kind and gentle, he asked him what was going on, why he was yelling and attacking him out of nowhere, and where his love was.
The man was about to punch him again but took a deep breath and sat back down at his desk. He asked him what he thought of the girl he had been spending time with and avoided his gaze. Her father looked confused, he said she was a wonderful child but what did that have to do with any of this? The man sighed and looked him straight in the face before telling him that his love was dead and that girl was their child. He looked at him in disbelief, the girl he had pretending was his actually was and the woman he loved, the mother the girl had talked about, was really gone.
He crumpled onto the floor in shock. What should he do? Would his family except her? Would she except him? Just as he was about to completely shut down he felt a hand on his shoulder. The barracks leader was looking down at him, trying his best to be comforting. He told him that he could stay here and raise the girl or he could take her with him and have her surrounded by her real family, it was his choice.
He found himself standing outside of the barracks looking at his families camp as they were packing, getting ready to move on. He felt a small tug on his pant leg and looked down to see Kirsi with what little belongings she had. She looked as calm as ever and that calmed his nerves, even if his family wouldn't except her as one of them he would do anything for her and that was that.
As the years went by and Kirsi got older she became stronger and learned the old ways of her people. Not all of her family ever really excepted her but they ones who did made up for it with their love and teachings. She quickly became skilled in hand to hand combat as well as horseback and thought that this is how life should be. Peaceful, free, and with love. Sadly that all changed when the world fell apart.
All she can remember were the screams as she awoke from a deep sleep. The world around her had fallen into chaos around her in a matter of moments, her family was being attacked by strange creatures who had already killed off over half of the family. Kirsi tried fight them off but by the time they had retreated the damage was done. All of her family was either dead or on death's door. Her father had been one of the ones who tried to fight but was beheaded from behind. She tried to care for the injured but not knowing how to care for them they all succumbed to their wounds. She spent the next couple days burying the bodies and fighting whatever creatures dared come across her.
Since then she has been wandering the wastes and trying to survive, haunted by her families screams. Her journey has brought her across oceans, joining multiple groups that never lasted long, searching for a safe haven to call home.

During the attack on her family she managed to save her horse which since has never left her side and she considers to be her only family left.
She also has a few family weapons that she is proficient in wielding: Her sword and knife, her father's bow, her uncle's ax, and her grandmother's spear (although she mainly just uses it for fishing and hunting). She also has a shield that was given to her before she left the barracks as a child that belonged to her mother.
Theme song:
Laila Ragnhild


Demon of Fate


Relationship Status:


Laila is honestly a bit of a mystery when it comes to what she is thinking. She is very silent and soft spoken and it's almost as if the air around her is cold and still. Although she is so soft spoken her words seem to command attention with her faint Norse accent slipping off her lips. Most times she stays in the back of a crowd but sometimes when death is near you'll spot a soft smile across her face.

History (Opt.):
970 years ago Laila was born in a small village in Norway during the Viking Age. She lived learning how to fight from her father and was respected by those around her for her eagerness to learn and her level head. When she was old enough she joined her father on the raids, believing she was going to be a brave warrior like her father. The raids were just as she was told, bloody and full on riches. The longer she traveled the more she became used to the scent of blood and dirt but one day it all went wrong. During one of the raids she was struck in the back of the head and wouldn't have survived if her father hadn't stepped in. She had a large gash on the back of her head and was unconscious for days, but when she woke something was off. She went from a happy eager girl to a very cold bloodthirsty woman who found great pleasure in the screams of her victims.

It had become so bad that when her father and the rest wanted to return home she refused and continued on her own. This was ultimately her downfall. During one of her solo raids she was overwhelmed and captured. Instead of just outright killing her they decided to torture her until she died. They stripped her of everything and tied her to a post in the center of town with no food or water. Any time someone would pass they would either spit, hit or pour freezing water over her body which would throw her into shock. Whenever this would happen they would laugh and call her horrendous names.Her spirit never died though, she burned with hatred and would scream curses onto the town every night. After a couple of days one man had grown tired of her constant yelling and anger so he went over to her now weak body and untied her from the post. He kept her bound just in case and lead her to a nearby lake. He told her to drink, using kind words and saying everything would be alright from now on.

She didn't trust him but her thirst was unbearable at this point so she kneeled to drink from the lake. The water was freezing and hurt but she just couldn't stop, suddenly she felt the mans hands around her neck as he plunged her head into the cold water below. She gasped from the shock and water quickly started to fill her lungs. After what seemed like eternity, her body stopped moving, everything going black as she cursed the man and his town for the last time.

When she awoke again her body was cold, and she couldn't feel anything that resembled a pulse. She looked around the dark abyss that surrounded her remembering her life and the madness that had consumed her final days and the anger rose within her. She blamed her father, her village, the towns people that tortured her, everyone. She dispised them, all of them, but what could she do? She was dead. Suddenly she heard a deep melodic voice in her ear that asked her what she would give for them all to die. The thought brought a maniacal grin to her face, "Everything". The voice chuckled and pain overflowed throughout her.

The next thing she knew is that she was back, at the edge of the lake where she had died but everything else besides her name were now a distant blur. She looked down into the water, looking at her appearance and soon noticed the smell of smoke in the air. She walked towards to town only to find it in flames with only one man standing. It was the man who had killed her and all of the people she had wanted dead were around his feet. How this had come to be she had no idea but she walked toward the man to see just what would happen. The man fell to his knees before she reached him, he was facing away from her but she could tell he was breathing his last breaths. Once she reached him she whispered in his ear, "Everything will be alright from now on". His eyes widened, knowing she was behind him but before he could say anything he fell to the ground, a now lifeless husk.

Since then Laila still doesn't remember more than her name or death but has been living for herself and the pleasure of watching people die. Currently she has decided to take a small break from the death to come here although she doesn't know why, but these feelings have never lead her astray before so why fight it? Her personality since she has died has become much calmer but she still loves death and everything it entails.

The Fallen Angels

Demon of Fate otherwise known as an Angel of Death

Special powers?:
  • Telekinesis- Can move things with her mind but she must concentrate on it and can only be things she herself can lift.
  • Necrokinesis- can manipulate the dead but only so many at a time, the larger/more powerful the being the less she can control. (Demons: 1, Vampires: 2, Werewolves: 3, Humans: 5).
  • Dark Portal- Can summon a portal to escape from a fight to a place of her choosing but it takes all of her energy as well as cause her pain and she can only do it once every seven days because of the strain it puts on her.
  • Crystal Shield- She can put a barrier around herself that looks like an amber crystal. She can do it while controlling the dead but she can't control as many with the barrier in place. It can crack and be broken if hit enough times or with a powerful attack.
Special Skills:

Established Relationships:
None at the moment

Anything else?:
She likes to play with vampires, viewing them like little children or pets. She is very attracted to heat and can often be found near fire if there is any.
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