Any My Daughter-In-Law is teasing me

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Any My Daughter-In-Law is teasing me


Lord Gil
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
This RP is about sexual temptation and sexual frustration, with the most complex, difficult character being the on you write not the one or ones I do.

The characters

Edwin Goddard – The middle-aged Father-In-Law who is constantly being teased and tempted by his daughter-in-law

Thomas Goddard – The twenty something husband and son of Edwin who has no idea what his wife is doing. All he knows is that at times she is wild as a whore in bed.

Sara Goddard – The wife and a very minor player (maybe) in this play of passion

Tiffany Goddard – 19, beautiful, and wrestling with her own sexuality. She has a crush on your character but does not know what to do about it.

Your character is a sexual temptress who enjoys teasing her father-in-law unmercifully. She does it in such a way that no one but Edwin is aware of it. Around others she calls him Mr. Goddard no matter how many times he tells her to call him Ed. In private she calls him "Daddy." She is delighted when she discovers Tiffany's crush, for it gives her another opportunity to torture a family member.

Where any of this leads? Ultimately sex with daddy? Sex with Tiffany? Finally caught out teasing? Tiffany gets outed? It will lead where the RP leads us and if done correctly no one at his point, including me, knows where it will lead.

Your challenge is to invent ways for your character to tease and turn on Edwin, and, on occasion Tiffany, without ever letting either of them fulfill their desire. It also has to be done so on one else knows what she is doing.

You have the freedom to choose any name and any description for your character. I am a pretty visual person so I would prefer a picture of her but that is up to you.


1) No one-liners unless you can tell me a good reason why

2) On the other end of the spectrum don't need an entry worthy of War and Peace. A few paragraphs are plenty.

3) Don't need a response everyday but. I have a 10-day rule. If you don't respond in 10 days you are dead to me.

4) No scenes involving bodily fluids, sex with animals, children (under 18),

5) For God's sake proof before you publish

6) Know the difference between a subject and a verb

7) Have fun with this

Once I have someone on board with this I'll start a thread with opening scene at the wedding of Thomas and your character.

PM me if you are interested
Edwin Goddard sipped his champagne and looked around the country club floor at the 200 or so people gathered at the wedding reception celebrating the marriage of Thomas and Dawn. Edwin Goddard was as self-made man who understood the value of a dollar having grown up without a lot of dollars, and saw this affair as a giant waste of money. Since his new daughter-in-law had no parents, Sara, his wife, had stepped in, really without asking permission and planned the entire wedding. Sara was good at that; taking charge and running the whole show. He really couldn't complain much; after all she had worked as hard as he to build the business, and she knew better than anyone what they could afford. Still, when they could have ended up with the same result with a justice of the peace it rankled.

He watched his new daughter-in-law dancing the first dance with his son. No one could argue with the fact she was beautiful and, elegant He frankly, wasn't thrilled she was a so called medium, but, hopefully, Thomas could wean her off that over time. Again, the thought went through is mind that "it's not my monkey, not my zoo." Thomas would have to mind his own store. Edwin realized they knew very little about Dawn, except what she had told them. He was skeptical about her being raised by gypsies, but had no way of proving it a lie. Thomas and she had been together about three months when he brought her to meet the family. It was immediately obvious Thomas was beyond smitten. He had that "she's the one look" on his face. Whatever doubts Sara and Edwin had evaporated after being exposed to her charm and grace. Still, there were unidentified worries that might just be a Father's natural concern that would be there if it were any young woman.

As the two moved around the dance floor as Dawn through her back, laughing at something Thomas said, her long hair trailing far down her back, her low-cut wedding gown accentuating her full bosom. As the music played on, the broke from each other and Thomas went to take his mother to the dance floor. Dawn made her to Edwin, smiled her drop-dead gorgeous smile, and held out a hand for Edwin to take.
My partner on this bailed on me so if any one else would like to try send me a PM or respond here.
I know this is not your typical smut story so you you are going to have to have some imaginative chops to take it on. Surely there is some daring soul out there.
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