Any My first rp request thread.

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Any My first rp request thread.


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Today 9:31 PM
Hi there. Im Vixorous and this is my request thread. (My first one anyway. There may be more in the future.) It will be here that i post and update any cravings or plot ideas I may come up with as of writing this. Im also fairly easy going and open minded when it comes to to ideas so if you want to add your own spin on any of my submissions then feel free to do so!
Ground Rules:
1. Please post frequently. You don't have to do it every day, more like once every three days at the slowest. Obviously I'd like it better if the rp was moving forward at a decent pace but if you're not having fun or just want to stop for any reason then just let me know.
2. I need at least one paragraph per reply and maybe not even that much. You can easily write like two sentences and so long as it moves the story along meaningfully then I'm perfectly fine with it. I guess I'm just asking you to get some of those writer gears turning and be a bit more descriptive than "she moaned". Because that's boring and nobody likes it.
3. Got a kink? Run it by me. The only things I will definitely say no against is barf, blood and scat. So long as it's not one of those then its likely fair game! I consider myself pretty open minded so if there ever was a specific 'scenario' you wanted to do then I'll try and work it into the rp.
From male to female or dom to sub and everything in between, I will play it! You need not worry about what naughty bits you have between those sweet thighs of yours. I accept all types of pairings.
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