Simon (Stalker) Fitzgerald
Simon Fitzgerald
Age : 22
Height : 5'2
Weight : 130 (underweight, slim)
You'll generally never see Simon someplace that she didn't want you to see her. She is great at hiding. At not being seen. After her childhood with a strange father and absent mother figure, it seems almost more easy to not be seen than to be noticed. Be normal. Average. Her outside persona is much different than the jittery bug that Simon feels inside. She is very collected, barely talking but that was nothing out of the ordinary with her group. Most of her responses are limited to five words unless she truly likes the person. Then things get messy.
Looks (Not Shown in Photo)
Simon has thick scars across the small of her back and her backside from beatings as a child. She also carries some on her forearms that seem to be from chains, but doesn't speak of them. If asked, Simon generally shuts down instead of answering. She wears a thick chain necklace along with others that she has. There are some small piercings that she has. A septum, a pea sized gauge and a tongue piecing. Her scars are white and thick, she has no tattoos just yet.
Simon Fitzgerald
Age : 22
Height : 5'2
Weight : 130 (underweight, slim)
You'll generally never see Simon someplace that she didn't want you to see her. She is great at hiding. At not being seen. After her childhood with a strange father and absent mother figure, it seems almost more easy to not be seen than to be noticed. Be normal. Average. Her outside persona is much different than the jittery bug that Simon feels inside. She is very collected, barely talking but that was nothing out of the ordinary with her group. Most of her responses are limited to five words unless she truly likes the person. Then things get messy.
Looks (Not Shown in Photo)
Simon has thick scars across the small of her back and her backside from beatings as a child. She also carries some on her forearms that seem to be from chains, but doesn't speak of them. If asked, Simon generally shuts down instead of answering. She wears a thick chain necklace along with others that she has. There are some small piercings that she has. A septum, a pea sized gauge and a tongue piecing. Her scars are white and thick, she has no tattoos just yet.