My Mildly Glorious Introduction... Probably.

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My Mildly Glorious Introduction... Probably.


"Salve me, Fons Pietatis."
Local time
Today 7:47 PM
The South
Hello! I'm Charene! You can call me whatever you'd like!
I am 25 years of age, and I absolute love anything to do with Horror or Cats. :3

I participate in a lot of gaming when I have spare time outside of my job!
I work as a Psychiatric Aide, with many children, teens and elderly adults! I help with anything and almost everything they need! My job is difficult from time to time but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in my career!
Strong dislikes I have are: Rude people.... aside from that... I actually don't have anything to dislike off the top of my head, but feel free to keep a lookout as I'll be looking into some RP partners very soon!

Thanks a ton :3
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!

Until recently, I was a psychiatric nurse in a prison. Wasn't proud of it and grown tired of daily beatings so now I work in a nursing home for long term elders. Love it there!
Welcome to the site! I'll think of a good name to call you.
You sound like you'll fit right in here. Looking forward to seeing the stories you create!
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