Any My Revised RT. Come one, come all.

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Any My Revised RT. Come one, come all.


White Knight extraordinaire.
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Mists of Avalon
DISCLAIMER!!! ALL my characters are of legal age.

This is a roleplay/story attempt and I am looking for someone to play Xander's 3 older sisters. Names to be determined by you. He has been separated from them for most of his life and is finally returning home-somewhat on autopilot. Think Xander from Buffy crossed with Charmed.
You pick the names and powers of the sisters.
What follows here is the opening intro for use as an RP.
The bottom, larger version is the original, on paper edition.
Andrea Elizabeth, Sarah Nicole, Rebecca Angelica, Alexander Michael

Alexander "Xander" Agrotera is the youngest of four siblings and the only boy. Sent of to be raised by distant cousin due to a prophecy that had the underworld in an uproar. From the age of 3, he was Xander Aaronson, son of James and Angela. The past 18 years had been multiple levels of hell <as he and friends fought off interdimensional bandits, wannabe intergalactic tyrants, and a few near world-ending wars> . With the city he grew up in now flickering in and out of reality, almost being killed by his evil alternate, and more internal scars than he could count - Xander was heading back to a home he wasn't aware he remembered.

Alex Aaronson was tired of being the normal guy out of all his friends. He had been there for them consistently for the past five years and was weary from the constant fight. His childhood friend had found out she was a half-blood sorceress from an old line of seers and casters. His late ex-girlfriend was no more human than the neighbor's annoying schnauzer. And the main member of his friends had been 'cursed' with above normal abilities and healing. This led to short tempers and shorter fuses. He had learned, after their deaths, that his parents were not related to him, and he now was heading somewhere away from the only life he knew.

At a stopover between the small Midwest town he had always called home and somewhere west, he answered the call of someone being attacked. Ten fifteen at night and nothing much in this part of town, he came across what appeared to be a seven foot half gorilla/half mantis attempting a late snack. Without even thinking, Alex clenched a fist and uttered "llaberif". A fireball the size of a grapefruit hurtled at the creature, sending it screaming away in pain. Its intended snack, a woman in her 30s, gathered her stuff and shakily thanked him before running away herself.

Looking at his hands, he wondered where that had come from. He had never been anything but normal as long as he could recall. Heading back to the bus depot, he reclaimed his seat and proceeded to pass out . He would know where he was going when he got there.

The bus pulled up to the station in San Fransisco and Xander grabbed his little bit of gear and headed for the closest burger place. The long ride had him hungry and he was still trying to figure out why he was here and where he was heading.
After a good meal at Burger Palace, he headed towards the Bay. A friendly cabbie offered him a ride-business was slow-and refused to charge.
"Where ya headin', friend?" the driver asked.
"Not sure exactly. I just feel that the Bay area is where I need to be."
"The Bay it is, then"
After about 20 minutes, Xander said "Here! That house is where I'm heading. Let me off here."
"That place? I've heard some unusual stories about what goes on there. Three women, living by themselves; explosions, police involvement, Halloween pranks out of season that go way over and beyond. Are you sure about this? I know a good soup kitchen, or even a nice club or two that could use some extra help." he offered.
"No, but thanks. I just have a feeling this is where I was heading to."
"Your funeral, friend. Just watch your back." With that, he left as soon as Xander was on the sidewalk with his gear.

He walked up to the house and started to knock. The door opened on its own, and a small silver grey cat exited. It took one look at Xander and purred as it wove back and forth through his feet.

After 10 and a half hours, Xander found himself on the front porch of a house he had not seen since he was little. As he raised his hand to knock, the door swung open ... and he collapsed across the threshold from exhaustion and physical/mental/emotional fatigue. He was HOME, and his body & mind finally allowed the 'time out' that was long overdue.

Andrea Elizabeth, Sarah Nicole, Rebecca Angelica, Alexander Michael

Alexander "Xander" Agrotera is the youngest of four siblings and the only boy. Sent of to be raised by distant cousin due to a prophecy that had the underworld in an uproar. From the age of 3, he was Xander Aaronson, son of James and Angela. The past 18 years had been multiple levels of hell <as he and friends fought off interdimensional bandits, wannabe intergalactic tyrants, and a few near world-ending wars> . With the city he grew up in now flickering in and out of reality, almost being killed by his evil alternate, and more internal scars than he could count - Xander was heading back to a home he wasn't aware he remembered.

Alex Aaronson was tired of being the normal guy out of all his friends. He had been there for them consistently for the past five years and was weary from the constant fight. His childhood friend had found out she was a half-blood sorceress from an old line of seers and casters. His late ex-girlfriend was no more human than the neighbor's annoying schnauzer. And the main member of his friends had been 'cursed' with above normal abilities and healing. This led to short tempers and shorter fuses. He had learned, after their deaths, that his parents were not related to him, and he now was heading somewhere away from the only life he knew.

At a stopover between the small Midwest town he had always called home and somewhere west, he answered the call of someone being attacked. Ten fifteen at night and nothing much in this part of town, he came across what appeared to be a seven foot half gorilla/half mantis attempting a late snack. Without even thinking, Alex clenched a fist and uttered "llaberif". A fireball the size of a grapefruit hurtled at the creature, sending it screaming away in pain. Its intended snack, a woman in her 30s, gathered her stuff and shakily thanked him before running away herself.

Looking at his hands, he wondered where that had come from. He had never been anything but normal as long as he could recall. Heading back to the bus depot, he reclaimed his seat and proceeded to pass out . He would know where he was going when he got there.

The bus pulled up to the station in San Fransisco and Xander grabbed his little bit of gear and headed for the closest burger place. The long ride had him hungry and he was still trying to figure out why he was here and where he was heading.
After a good meal at Burger Palace, he headed towards the Bay. A friendly cabbie offered him a ride-business was slow-and refused to charge.
"Where ya headin', friend?" the driver asked.
"Not sure exactly. I just feel that the Bay area is where I need to be."
"The Bay it is, then"
After about 20 minutes, Xander said "Here! That house is where I'm heading. Let me off here."
"That place? I've heard some unusual stories about what goes on there. Three women, living by themselves; explosions, police involvement, Halloween pranks out of season that go way over and beyond. Are you sure about this? I know a good soup kitchen, or even a nice club or two that could use some extra help." he offered.
"No, but thanks. I just have a feeling this is where I was heading to."
"Your funeral, friend. Just watch your back." With that, he left as soon as Xander was on the sidewalk with his gear.

He walked up to the house and started to knock. The door opened on its own, and a small silver grey cat exited. It took one look at Xander and purred as it wove back and forth through his feet.

After 10 and a half hours, Xander found himself on the front porch of a house he had not seen since he was little. As he raised his hand to knock, the door swung open ... and he collapsed across the threshold from exhaustion and physical/mental/emotional fatigue. He was HOME, and his body & mind finally allowed the 'time out' that was long overdue.

About that same time across town, three women stopped their activities and simultaneously attempted to call each other. The oldest, Andrea, managed to make the connection and called her sisters, "Girls, I have the urgent feeling that we are needed at home. Not like an emergency, just urgently needed." Rebecca, the youngest, replied "Me too, Andi. Kind of like a sharp tug drawing me back." Sarah cut in, "Girls, I am on my way already. Meet you there."
Half an hour later, three very confused women met on the front porch. "Something is ... different. Kit is locked out, the curtains(shades) are all closed(drawn), and the door is not admitting us.", Sarah remarked. Rebecca went to step around the cat siting restlessly between them, and managed to stumble just right into her sisters-causing all three to make contact with the door, thereby opening it.

As the sisters entered the house, they found an unconscious young man on the sofa. Cautiously approaching him, Andrea brushed the hair from his eyes ... and gasped. Rebecca and Sarah stepped forward to catch her as she nearly collapsed. In a bare whisper, she said "It's him. He came home" Becky asked "It's who, Andi? Who is it?" Sarah uncovered his face and paled. Looking at Becky's confused face, she replied "Lexie. Our little Lexie is home. " Rebecca broke down and just hugged him, which upset Kit from the spot she had claimed on his chest. After tending to his bruises, cuts, scrapes and making sure he was okay, the sisters called in sick for family emergency and allowed themselves to fall asleep while watching over their baby brother.

Some hours later, Xander woke up - slightly stiff and a little disoriented. A silver grey cat that had been cured up on his chest stretched and chin-bumped him, purring contentedly. He blinked at the cat a moment before reaching up to pet it. "Kit?" he asked tentatively. The cat gave him a look that clearly said Of course. Who else would I be? , and proceeded to clean herself. Looking around, Xander noticed first the sisters, then his surroundings. "I'm home, then. Of course! Where else would I end up? Don't answer that, Kit." He carefully got up without waking his exhausted 'guardians' and headed for the kitchen to brew some tea. As the tea was about ready, Rebecca stirred in the living room. "Lexie? Is it really you?" she asked cautiously-as if he might vanish once more into a dream. Xander fixed them each a cup and sat beside her. "It's me, Becca. Shh! Let 'Rea and Sarah wake on their own. How have you been?"

"Honestly? Worried sick about you. No word from anyone about you since you left home. Andi about collapsed from shock when she realized who was on the couch. How have you been? is the question. What's been happening with you?" Sarah sleepily joined them and gave him a stern look. "Yes, Lexie. Did you even try to write to us? Becky cried for two whole weeks after they took you. It was another month after that before she even came out of your room without a fight." Rebecca blushed. "Sarah! The important thing is that he is back and he's okay." Sarah gave them a half-hearted glare before sighing and answered "You're right, Becca. Lexie, you were missed greatly and all three of us did our best to find out how you were. Mom passed away within a year, and Dad disappeared a couple yeas after the funeral ." Andrea yawned as she sat down with he favorite mug and stated "Everyone we knew acted odd on the subject of your well-being. But the main thin is that you are here and we are together again."

Just then the antique grandfather clock in the hall started to chime. Looking at her watch, Becca frowned. "That can't be right. I have only seven after eight." Sarah counted the chimes. "Thirteen? Impossible! It can't do that. Can it?" As the last chime died down, all the doors simultaneously slammed shut, and a well-dressed but disheveled-looking gentleman materialized in mid-sentence. "...Yes, well! This is highly irregular, you realize. The projected timetable shows..." He paused as he saw where he was and who all his current audience was. "Oh my! Ladies, it seems something has occurred to call me here ahead of schedule. Has anything... Alexander! I see! Now I know the situation. I will return shortly." As he vanished just as suddenly as he appeared, Xander and the sisters stared at where the stranger had stood, then back & forth at each other - not one with an answer.

Xander was the first to speak. "Anyone know who he was or how he just popped in then out of the house? All I know is, he looks like someone I vaguely recall from a dream. He seemed to know us well enough, though." Andrea sat up - now fully awake - and stated "I have never sen him before this. Obviously though, something is very off about this whole situation. Girls, any ideas?" Sarah and Rebecca both shook their heads - then Rebeca stopped thoughtfully. "Um, well. I think I remember seeing him visiting Mom once right before Alexander left. I was only 5 at the time, but ... " She slowly went to retrieve some early pictures from childhood. "I think this is him. Always keeping away the monsters, like a guardian angel or something."

Sarah blushed guiltily and admitted "To be honest, he's the White Knight in my teenage writings. He was always a little more real then the other characters. Alex, what role was he in your dreams?" Rubbing the back of his neck, Xander replied "Mentor, guide, teacher. In what, I couldn't say - but something important. That's the best I can recall." Andrea nodded. "It seems all of us have been impacted over the years. Personally, just his voice is naggingly familiar. Almost like a relative or close friend of the family you know, but have not actually met."


I would LOVE to be able to put together a story for this. PRIME favorite currently.


Any and all can be revised, tweaked, shifted, adjusted, changed, or redone.
Nothing is set in stone.

Loosely D&D/Pathfinder based.
My plot idea can be styled for male or female main character.
You wake up in a nice tent in the forest. Gear on hand includes signet ring on your hand, sword at your side-perfectly balanced for you-of obvious very expensive make, full camping gear {cook pot, rations for a full week, water skin, cloak of forest green, staff, hand axe, pack}
Also as you wake, you hear a voice that by observation can only come from a large silver-gray wolf looking over at you. About time you woke up. The day is well begun. Your past and identity is unclear. You are aware of your name, the wolf is not just friendly-but your companion, you are on some quest given by deity.
You also have in a small pouch 5plat, 50gold, 378silver, and some copper-as well as a few nice quality gems.


I do much of the following:
demon x angel; demon x human; shifter x human; vampire x human
dragon x neko or kitsune; dragon x human; demon x hunter
brother x sister; parent x child; those last two within age reason
tentacles; human x alien; twisted fairy tale
and likely most anything else you care to suggest

Character concepts:

idea for RP.
Slave/bride auction, monsters, a reality quite different from ours, elite patrons from many dimensions


(1)Elite assassin/espionage agent, answers to the throne only(kingdom type optional)
Contact is through the throne, has many aliases, owns 3 houses in different parts of the city, employs multiple outfits and settings
has a pet gyrfalcon named Grimalkin

(2)Main character is young female named Mouse. She lives in an abandoned library in the ruins of (maybe New York) she uses forgotten passageways and old service doors for getting in and out of libraries and book stores. The world has suffered major catastrophe (you name it) and she is a rare, untainted survivor

(4)Name: Lazarus St. Cloud
Age: 30 to 40
Gender: Male
Appearance: He is 5'11" with dark brown hair showing small touches of grey. His eyes are a silver grey and tend to flash when he is interested.
In his 5'11" height, he is a very fit and trim 185 lbs. This maintained by a rigorous gym session 3 times a week as well as a daily routine for the sake of maintenance.
There are no known tattoos or piercings on his perfect body. What may be there, is any one's guess or fantasy.
He has been voted most eligible bachelor five years in a row. His personal life outside the persona of Heterodyne CEO is a mystery and the source for much gossip.
An entrepreneur, philanthropist, and humanitarian; Lazarus has many holdings both openly and under shell companies.
Local eccentric millionaire Lazarus St Cloud has picked you out carefully from multiple others through an extensive background/personality search.
The estate is inherited twice over. Laz inherited it from a great uncle-who inherited it from the original owner, his grandfather. Philanthropist, most eligible bachelor, business man, private life so private even the snoopiest reporters have nothing, only child, parents passed away when he was young-leaving him the business and CEO position (Heterodyne, Inc.), is seeking to fill the position of personal assistant(and submissive) hence the Invitation, Laz is looking to fill the position of personal assistant/submissive. He is very particular and careful about choosing the right individual. If the female has the right personality and temperament he can fall for hr and decide wife would also be a good position for her. He needs an assistant that is not phased by his personal life and can keep up with him in the office & boardroom. He also is looking for a good submissive to train to his personal tastes. If she fits both roles well, then it is a bonus for him. She is offered a car and a suite of rooms at the estate, as well as a hefty raise in income and even a personal spending allowance well beyond what she is accustomed to.
Scenario Intro--
You have received a sealed invitation to the St.Cloud estate up on the hill.
Access to the grounds-through a guarded gate-is invitation only; and these invitations are not discussed off the grounds.
You have heard vague rumors about the man in the manor house-none of which bother you-only excite you.
You are now pulling up to the house after being admitted through the gate.


(6) Story Outline:
Female character: angel(name tbd), one-of-a-kind offspring of a heavenly being, daughter of chief archangel(head of protectorate of Celestia -primary section of Heaven under the THRONE), power and potential is unprecedented and unpredictable, innocent and unaware of the 'real world', uncontrollable curiosity, has slipped away from instructor/guardians to explore the earth realm, has no concept of sin,vice,temptation or evil
Male character: Daimon St. John aka Daimon Hellchilde; bastard son of Lucifer and a human woman. was left at the back door of the rectory to be found by the Sisters there. Raised by the Church, educated by the Sisters, he is aware of who and what he is- but has chosen to live his life working for the Light. He now has his license as a P.I. and generally works cases involving the supernatural
Hell wants to control her to tip the balance in their favor/Heaven wants her back to maintain the balance. Her father just wants his child back
This is where he meets the lost angel.
Story idea: temptation, defilement, loss of innocence and virtue
Plot twist: he falls for her in spite of himself, wants to protect her from Hell and is afraid to approach her father or Heaven on her behalf

(8) Character concept:
Paladin type; mystical bow that shots arrows of purest silver-forged of the shattered sword of a mortally wounded angel, the shards found beneath what is now the Cathedral of St. Michael in Romania; whether he is human or other, is not known; he wears an oversized cape and large wide brimmed hat; his steed is rumored to be of demonic origin-yet neither he nor the beast are harmed by holy or blessed objects or places; hunts things that go bump in the night-monsters, demons, spirits, wannabe godlings, freaks and other such that Hell had spawned.

semi-futuristic world. The supernatural is an acknowledged fact of life. Not all angels are the good guys; as not all demons are out for souls. The planet ha been devastated by WWIII, leaving much of it in ruins that only non-humans can live in. There are outposts of survivors and mutated freaks that used to be recognizable animals. Things and powers not seen on earth for thousands of years have now resurfaced. Recovering tech exists alongside magic and sorcery.
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In a world of ancient magics and high sorcery, a child was born amidst the world's greatest strife.
At the age of 3, her parents died in a disaster brought on by potent magics colliding during the Mage Wars.
Raised by traveling seers, she was christened as Ruatha Alita Delphine. Fiery red hair, eyes the color of purest emerald.
She learned to hunt, cook, and upon her menses; received a great gift at a terrible price.
She was able to foresee events to come, not knowing exactly when just that they would occur.
This new vision cost her the use of her regular eyesight.
Eyes now a clouded pale green, she could still move around as if seeing.
A valued member of the matriarchal Kalderash clan, Alita was in a position of authority by the time she was a woman grown.
My DnD type character.


Name: Layla Hilltoppler
Race: Lightfoot Halfling
Class: Rogue

Alignment: Undecided
HP: 9
Speed: 25' (5 squares)
STR: 08 -1
DEX: 16 +3
CON: 12 +1
INT: 12 +1
WIS: 14 +2
CHA: 14 +2

Skill Proficiency: Sleight of Hand +5
*****************Deception +4

Tool Proficiency: Disguise Kit +4
****************Forgery Kit +4

Language: Common, Halfling

Sneak Attack +1d6

Expertise: Thieves Tools, Investigation

Thieves Cant

Finesse Weapons: Dagger, Short sword, Rapier(+5 hit, 1d8+3 dmg)

Proficiencies: Light armor, Simple weapons, Hand crossbow, Long sword, Rapier, Short sword

Thieves Tools: +5

Acrobatics +5, Stealth +5, Perception +4, Investigation +6, Thieves Tools +6

Burglar pack,leather armor, 2 daggers, thieves tools, short bow w/quiver of 20, belt pouch w/15gp, marked deck, set of fine clothes, disguise kit.

Lucky: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw - can reroll but must accept the 2nd roll.

Brave: Halflings are brave and have advantage on saves vs frightened

Halfling Nimbleness: May move through a space of a creature one size or more larger

Naturally stealthy: You can hide when obscured by a creature at least one size larger
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Setting: Post-apocalyptic America. Un-named moderate to large city.
Tech is down, no power or automobiles

GIDGET: 23, Leader of five (or 6) misfits thrown together by circumstances. Medium brown hair to her shoulders,
blue eyes, 5'4", petite and almost always accompanied by a shadow hound named Wraith who has been by
her side since she was little.

TANK: 40-something, abt 6'3", 300 lbs of muscle, bald, pre-War tattoos on his arms. He is the muscle and bodyguard
of the group. Adoptive uncle/big brother to Gidget. Sometimes calls her "Baby sister", occasionally permitted
to hand feed Wraith, seriously wierded out by the twins; Nightshade and Belladonna.

NIGHTSHADE and BELLADONNA: Twin sisters, the group's medics, herbalists and cooks. Pale complexion and soft
of voice, long pale white hair. Familiar with plants of all varieties; beneficial as well as harmful uses, as well as
the antidotes for them. Of indeterminate age.

GIZMO: The group's gadget wizard. Thirty-something, homemade spectacles with lenses of varying strengths, Able to
fix or make anything from bits of other things. Accompanied by pet mechanical owl, Archimedes.

WRAITH: Five feet long from nose to rump, four feet tall at the shoulder. Originates from some shadow plane
opened during the Cataclysm that set off the War of Dominion. Emits a howl that can chill a person's
bones, reminding his hind brain of ancient nights spent huddling in caves behind giant fires trying to fend
off the darkness.

Gidget is the youngest member and the leader of her group. She has no memory of her birth name, as she lost her mother at an early age and never knew her father. Being a precocious child as a toddler, she wandered off from the abandoned apartment she and her mother were hiding in at about age 3 or 4. It was during this particular "exploration" that she first met Wraith. The otherworldly (hound/mastiff/canine?) had cornered some miscreant preying on a child of about 8 to 10. Unfortunately, the child failed to survive the encounter, whereas the miscreant stood terrified in a corner, showing a dark stain down one leg of his pants. It was about then that Gidget wandered up and cheerfully exclaimed "Puppy!" Whereby the miscreant collapsed in a dead faint. Wraith tilted his head to inspect the newcomer. Gidget attempted wrap her arms around him for a hug and corrected her earlier statement "Big puppy!"
Sniffing her hair, he decided she was neither threat nor in danger herself and left by dimensional rift to the sounds of "Bye puppy". They next saw one another when Gidget was about 8 and living in a dilapidated ruin of a building. He appeared at her side, and seeing him there she woke fully and grabbed hold. Just as they appeared across the street in a sheltered alcove, the old building she was just in shivered and collapsed into a pile of un-survivable rubble. The two have been inseparable since.

Gizmo is the group's tech wizard. Born Galahad Allan Jones in the year 32 post-cataclysm. From a very young age, he showed a phenomenal affinity with mechanical items. The young Galahad quickly became what had previously been called an artificer for the small commune his parents lived in. By age 10, most had started referring to him as Gizmo, and it soon became his accepted name. At 15 he was the sole survivor of a bandit raid on the commune, alone now but for Archimedes- his mechanical owl.At 22 he joined the group and quickly adopted them as his new family.

Natalie and Elizabeth Delacroix-identical twins-spent the majority of their childhood with an eccentric aunt after their parents died in a suspicious accident. Their mother's sister had never married and generally had eyes only for her unique collection of flowers and other plants. The years of tending them had affected her mind to where she was rarely coherent of the world around her, thus rendering locals shocked that she was aware enough to responsibly acknowledge, claim and accept responsibility for her two nieces. The girls grew up learning more about their aunt's exotic collection than the social norms. Shortly after their 13th birthday, while assisting with a delicate mixture, something unidentified went awry- resulting in thick perfumed smoke and a lingering cough. Over time, the cough changed to a permanent softness of speech, and the chemicals eventually turned their hair a silvery pale white.
They met and joined the group one day out gathering specimens and encountered Gidget doubled over suffering from the effects of Brimstone weed. Once curing her and assuring themselves of her continued health, they decided to make themselves the group's cooks and medics.

Nothing yet. The hardest to put together. All help appreciated.
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One thousand years ago, in a world far different than the one we know, something monumental occurred.
A young child, full of innocence and purity of heart born in a world full of dark deeds and darker individuals,
found an old manuscript from an older and forgotten age. As he laid his hands upon it, the word changed.
Sorcery and the sword ruled the land, cruel men and evil practitioners. This one young boy, though, held the key to peace and harmony.
Who he was, no one knew. This world was not his own. To ask him his name was futile, for he never knew it himself.
Destiny, the Powers That Be, whatever you chose to believe ruled the fates of men; decreed that this would be.
Who is this boy, what is his story? How does he achieve his destiny and claim his identity?
You decide. This story is yours now. I bequeath it to you. I have given it birth, you raise it up.
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BUMP and edited/updated my thread
I'm interested in your first RP with the 3 sisters
A lost princess, born amidst dark times in the courts.
Raised among humans with no idea of her true identity.
Upon her 21st birthday, the Autumn equinox, doors open.
Secrets are revealed. A destiny is stepped into.
Her name is Taliawynn "Tally" Llewllyn and she is the new Queen of Spring

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