Character(s) Mythos ollys characters

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Character(s) Mythos ollys characters


Just your friendly neighborhood Abnormal
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Today 8:42 AM
Well I need to start some where I will be posting the bios of my mythos characters here.

Full name: Tracy Pine
Nickname(s) or Alias: Glitch?
Gender: Female
Species: Human Abnormal (teleportation)
Age: 22
Mental age: 22
Sexuality: Pansexual
Currently lives: In an apartment above the bar she works at
Relationship Status: Single

Height: 5 ' 4
Weight: 120 Pounds
Figure/build: between skinny and busty
Hair color: Ginger
Hairstyle: Medium Length
Facial Hairstyle: None
Eye color: green
Skin colour: tan
Tattoos: Dragon tattoo on left shoulder
Piercings: ears (purple studs)
Scars/distinguishing marks: NA
Preferred style of clothing: white tank top, purple zip up style hoodie, Blue jeans,

Full name: Daniel Hunter
Nickname(s) or Alias: Hunter
Gender: Male
Species: Human Abnormal (Shadow Manipulation / Shadow Travel)
Age: 22
Mental age: 22
Sexuality: Unknown
Currently lives: Address not available
Relationship Status: Single

Height: 5 ' 2
Weight: 120 Pounds
Figure/build: skinny
Hair color: dark brown
Hairstyle: Short and Messy
Facial Hairstyle: None
Eye color: brown
Skin colour: white
Tattoos: none yet
Scars/distinguishing marks: working on planning out some scars
Preferred style of clothing: black band tee, aviator leather jacket, Black jeans, chain wrapped around waist used as a belt and weapon, aviator sunglasses

Full name: Hector Alexander Blain
Nickname(s) or Alias: TBA
Gender: Male
Species: Abnormal (cursed immortality, interdimensional Traveler)
Age: 22
Mental age: 420
Sexuality: bisexual
Currently lives: In a place called the projects. I will also be using it for Project Blain.
He also travels alot.
Relationship Status: Single

Height: 5' 11
Weight: 220
Figure/build: skinny with a kick of muscle
Hair color: dirty Blonde
Hairstyle: Medium Length
Facial Hairstyle: Five o'clock shadow
Eye color: blue
Skin colour: white
Tattoos: A hydra tattoo burned into his back (a hydra dragon not that marvel fluff)
Piercings: none
Scars/distinguishing marks: all over his body
Preferred style of clothing: Dress pants, White shirt, leather jacket,
Personality: Savage, merc, sassy,an ass,unpredictable,some kind of Crazy

Full name: Dakoda Grey
Nickname(s) or Alias: Delinda Rose, Night Shade
Gender: Trans (She/Her)
Species: Abnormal (Profit/Dream Walker)
Age: 20
Mental age: 20
Sexuality: bisexual
Currently lives: In a spare room above the pub she hangs around

Relationship Status: Single

Height: 5' 4
Weight: 158
Figure/build: skinny
Hair color: blonde
Hairstyle: Short with a little length in the front
Facial Hairstyle: none
Eye color: brown
Skin colour: white
Tattoos: A Dragon on her left arm
Piercings: none
Scars/distinguishing marks:
Preferred style of clothing: Tight Jeans, baggy grey hoodie
Personality: Shy, Persistent, clever
Appearance 2: she can turn into a purple dragon.

Full name: Sylvia Reign
Nickname(s) or Alias: Ivy
Gender: Female
Species: Abnormal (Siren)
Age: 20
Mental age: 20
Sexuality: Straight
Currently lives: Currently building her world
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

Height: 5' 11
Weight: 200
Figure/build: average
Hair color: Dark Brown, Red Bangs
Hairstyle: Medium Length
Facial Hairstyle:
Eye color: Green, Yellow
Skin colour: White
Tattoos: A hydra tattoo burned into her shoulder blade (a hydra dragon not that marvel fluff)
Piercings: Dragon tooth through left ear
Scars/distinguishing marks:
Preferred style of clothing: she wears wood framed glasses, a Black Trench coat
Personality: Charismatic, Works well with people she trusts
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