MxF Need a Male Partner for an Fo4 RP

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MxF Need a Male Partner for an Fo4 RP


Resident Forum Haunt
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Today 9:06 PM
the desert of your mind~
I'm Mirage!
Nice to meet you~
New to the site, but certainly not new to the world of role playing.
I'm prone to liking slow-burning romance RPs that tend to get graphic in places, possibly with a bit of vanilla-ish kink thrown in. Story content, setting, relationships, etc. all depend on what you and I will negotiate on for story content. The better we write together, the better things will carry on.

But alas! Not all RP's are meant to be. If you begin to lose interest in any story/campaign we may be working on, let me know so we can either change some things up, or scrap it all together. Promise I won't be mad. ;) I favor communication over, well...ghosting. *titters in maddening, spectral, haunting echoes*

Since I've been doing this for over a decade, I prefer writing partners who are similarly experienced. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to be as old as me or older, just somewhere near my level. (However, I will not typically RP with anyone under 22)

I'm not super strict on how many paragraphs you write in every post, but I will warn that I AM wordy and love world-building, detail, fleshing out the story with secondary and tertiary characters...that kind of thing. But it's no fun to do that all on my own.
So if you'd like to play, I expect you to bring a similar energy. ;)

Now, with that all out of the way....

I'm in desperate need of a way to indulge myself in some Fallout 4 rp.

I'm sure I'll be interested in more things somewhere down the line and I will make a thread to talk more about other plots/stories at a later time, but this is what I'm most interested in.

My role would be the one of the female Sole Survivor, Nora.
And I'm looking for a male partner to play either Nick Valentine or John Hancock. OR better yet - both. This is what I am looking for, first and foremost.

The only other pairings I would be flexible with are:

- Nora x Danse
- Nora
x Deacon

But that's only if I can't find anyone suitable to play the other role(s). Must be familiar with Fo4 lore, landmarks, and characters.

Call me on the Ouija board if you're interested~
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