Any Need a partner to assist in building my writing skills

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Any Need a partner to assist in building my writing skills


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I need a RP partner that is literate and patient enough to help me build my literary skills back up that can also work around RL schedules
Sup dawg. I might be the person you're looking for. I'm also looking to improve my somewhat rusty writing wit. Lemme know if you're interested. I'll be lurking about til I finally get inspiration for a starter or something.

I'm trying to dip my own toes back into the roleplaying pool :)
I'm fairly literate and can typically post 4+ paragraphs, or at least mirror my partner's.
Very plot oriented and flexible both as a writer and a partner. I like being surprised by the story and I'm very patient in regards to post frequency as my own life can get busy. I've had partners that could only reply once a month and that's okay with me.

If you're still searching, I'd like to hear about the different themes you enjoy playing with and the kind of roles you prefer to take on :)
Color me intruiged as well, but I won't be able to do much until later today. :)
Honestly, I've only ever roleplayed with one person, so I feel pretty inexperienced with this too. I know this probably isn't helpful, but I'd really love to have someone to practice with too. If you don't mind, of course.
Honestly, I've only ever roleplayed with one person, so I feel pretty inexperienced with this too. I know this probably isn't helpful, but I'd really love to have someone to practice with too. If you don't mind, of course.
That would be great!
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