new hands touching beacons…

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new hands touching beacons…

Local time
Today 4:21 AM

/suddenly appears from a murder of crows with a cherry slurpee in hand/

Yo. Going to keep it very simple…
Feel free to call me Judas due to my username. Yes, I've been at this for a time, but no need for me to gloat or anything like that. Also, you all don't want to be bombarded by the same thing you have read a hundred times.
Username comes from a song I greatly enjoy; most think its something religious. Not for me though.
Any information that is more roleplay related will be posted in a thread later on. Till that point feel free to drop me any questions or whatever in here or even in a pm.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
welcome to the site judas! love your intro <3
Thank you to you both! The young roleplayer in me wanted to draw it out, but the wiser and older side of me won out.
Hello and welcome. I hope you enjoy your time with us.
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