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MxF New here but not new to roleplaying - seeking Lit/Adv Lit partner

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxF
  2. Doubling
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. Erotic
  3. Fetish
  4. Deviant
  5. High Fantasy
  6. Low Fantasy
  7. Dystopian
  8. Historical
  9. Medieval
  10. X-Punk (cyber, steam, aether, etc)
  11. Political
  12. Crime
  13. Supernatural
  14. Modern
  15. Other

The Court Jester

The wheel weaves as the wheel wills.
Local time
Today 5:37 AM
โ€ ๐“๐“ซ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ฝ ๐“œ๐“ฎ โ€
Hi, you can call me Jester. I use she/her pronouns I've been itching to roleplay again so badly
recently. So, after a 6-year hiatus, I am back to writing! Please excuse me as I dust off the rust.
Prior to my hiatus, I had been writing for over 13 years and ran multiple large roleplay groups,
both here and on other sites. I'm new here, but this site came highly recommended from friends.

I can only realistically reply 1-5 times a week, for the moment. There may be times when my
replies take longer. I have Multiple Sclerosis atop a vast multitude of other chronic health
and autoimmune issues. I get sick and hospitalized often, which can cause reply delays. Though
I will try to communicate when this happens, I may not always be able to.

I'm 31 and would prefer a partner who is 21+.

โ€ ๐“œ๐”‚ ๐“ก๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“น๐“ต๐“ช๐”‚ ๐“ข๐“ฝ๐”‚๐“ต๐“ฎ โ€
I prefer to follow the mini-skirt rule. It's long enough to cover everything and short enough to keep it interesting.
However, I am flexible and will most often mirror my partner. I love novella writers, and though I am rusty, if you're
patient with me you can help shake the rust off from my hiatus and get me shiny quickly.

I like to make pretty posts. You don't have to be as into the coding and layout editing
and pictures, but I love to do it. I often use digital art, or anime style photos and designs.

Romances are built over time, not rushed into (unless it is a toxic one) Sex, while natural, is not something that
happens every couple of scenes. Let everything flow naturally. Don't make it mostly or heavily smut because I will
lose interest quickly. I can do fade to black if my partner prefers, or we can get down and dirty. I'm flexible.

I love most dark and mature genres. Horror/Gore/Psychological Horror/Macabre/Gothic/etc are all things that make
me drool. Dark romance, twisted plots, fantasyโ€ฆ That's my jam. I have very few triggers. I also enjoy a wide variety of
other roleplay genres and themes. I absolutely love medieval fantasy and pirates. (I fucking love pirates holy hell) I'm
not really into Fandom roleplays, 100% smut, or generic slice-of-life. I do have some plot ideas are posted below, but
please feel free to share your ideas with me!

If you have any other questions about my RP style, check out my profile. If you do not find the answers you
seek there, feel free to ask. I don't bite too hard.

โ€ ๐“ฆ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ ๐“˜'๐“ถ ๐“ข๐“ฎ๐“ฎ๐“ด๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ฐ โ€
I am looking for someone who prefers playing a main male character. I would be more
partial if you were capable of playing both male and female NPCs and minor characters like I do.
No story is comprised of only two characters. Let's flesh out the world together.

Roleplays require a delicate yet intense power exchange balanced between the two partners.
Don't be shy. Grab the reins and take the lead. But don't be afraid to follow when I take the lead.
Godmodding = ICK

I OOC chatter fairly often, especially on Discord. I'd love a partner who does semi-frequent
check-ins. I won't badger you for posts, but talking about the world, and planning is something I
love to do. So many amazing ideas are born this way.

I do not want to be the one doing the bulk of the plotting. I wish to have a partner who contributes
as eagerly as I do to the creativity of our world. Give me your ideas, tell me if you think something
can be better. I value creative input and sound boarding.

I have a minimum requirement of 3 meaty paragraphs, but I will mostly mirror my partner's response
lengths. If you write novella-length posts, you are my favorite person ever! (Throw me in the deep
end! It'll shake the rust off quickly!)

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โ€ ๐“Ÿ๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ฝ ๐“˜๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ผ โ€

I have a few ideas that I am really interested in doing right now, but I am also open to other ideas/cravings you
may have! Please share them with me.

โ€ Rumor has it that a hidden island holds the fountain of youth. A motley crew of pirates set sail to find it.
A few days after they left port, a stowaway young woman is discovered. (I yearn for this)

โ€ A noble Lord hires a trained assassin to be his companion. The Lord has set his sights on the Throne and
he will stop at nothing to possess it.

โ€ An ancient sorceress approaches a warrior. She tells him he is the reincarnation of a legendary hero and
must reclaim their past life's unfinished quest.

โ€ A bored god(dess) decides to interfere with the human world. A human sparked their interest, and they
decide to give the human their attention. Desperately they try to get their chosen hero to follow the path
they set out for them.

โ€ A blacksmith forges a weapon of immense power. He is tasked with delivering it to a specific god and
quickly finds himself attracting the attention of other gods and demons.

โ€ ๐“ฆ๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ฐ ๐“ข๐“ช๐“ถ๐“น๐“ต๐“ฎ โ€

The two men stared one another down, and Anna couldn't help but grin. Mostly because she was relieved that they had been found. But it broke, and Vais apparently didn't find Dorian threatening. Which was good. Otherwise Anna would have had to step in, and set her foot down. Among the Petrel crew she was ignored, but here, on Abrasiav soil, only the Lords held more authority than she did.

Anna wrapped the warm blanket around herself, shivering as the warmth enveloped her body. It helped with the cold, biting wind, though it didn't thaw her feet, which felt like frozen cubes of flesh. After a few minutes, they entered the ship, and Anna glanced around at the soldiers and crew, recognizing many familiar faces. Each who passed her, dropped into a deep bow, and just from that, Anna seemed to morph before Dorian's eyes. She stood straighter, held herself with frigid grace. Her expression was cold, disinterested, as though she felt no emotions. It was how her father had trained her to be in the public eye.

Anna followed Vais to the captain's quarters, and waved at the pair, as they exited the room. Poor Dorian. He really would get overlooked with her around. But she would fix that, once they arrived at Yessenia's palace. She would care for him, and make sure he was attended to, as if she herself was being attended to.

Anna sat on the bed, waiting for the healer to arrive, which she did, promptly. A soft knock on the door had her rising to her feet and opening it. A tall, willowy woman stood there, dressed in stark white robes, with the Abrasiav royal crest embroidered over her left breast. "Milady?" The healer bowed, and Anna smiled. "Please take me to the bath. You can heal me once I'm in the water." The healer rose from her bow, and turned, leading Anna down the hallways. It wasn't far from the captain's quarters, and the room was nice. The bathroom looked the same as the halls, however in the center of the room sat a big metal tub, already filled with water that steamed enticingly. It was bolted to the ground, to keep from sliding around.

Anna stripped herself quickly, shivering in the cool air. The healer watched, looking, noticing what needed to be done for Anna, where she was injured. The were various cuts and bruises over her form, and some raw flesh, but the worst of it was Anna's feet. The toes were tinged with frostbite, along with the tips of her ears, however it wasn't severe enough that she would lose the appendages.

She slid into the tub slowly, gasping in delight at the heat. It warmed her to her very core, and Anna leaned her head back against the edge of the tub. It felt amazing. Though she was covered in grime, Anna didn't worry about actually bathing. She could handle that when she was safe in the palace, with her father on the way. For now, she just wanted to warm up.

The healer approached Anna, her steps slow and soft, and her hands gently cradled the girl's head, thumbs pressing against her temples. A soft glow emanated from her hands, and warmth spread across Anna's body. She felt the itch as her skin healed, her cuts closing up without leaving a scar. Color and warmth flooded her feet, and the stung and prickled painfully as the nerves beneath her flesh healed. It took a few minutes, and when the healer drew back Anna opened her eyes, wearily. Any energy she had left was gone, used with the aid of magic to heal her.

She was handed a metal cup, with a thick, sludgy steaming liquid inside. Anna grimaced, but chugged it down, retching at the foul taste that filled her mouth, and lingered. But warmth flooded her belly, and she rose from the tub. Anna hastily dried off, and slipped Aust's clothing back on, to be escorted back to her temporary quarters. Once delivered to her room, the healer began to turn away, and Anna grabbed her wrist, halting her. "My friend. Take care of him. He is special to me. Give him the same treatment you would to me." The healer looked at Anna, with big, startled eyes from the orders of the girl, and nodded, before scurrying away. With that done, Anna curled onto the bed, and pulled the blankets over her, before her eyes shut, and she drifted off to sleep.

The time back to Vefaijus flew by especially fast for Anna. She felt the ship beginning to settle, and it roused her from her nap. She folded the blankets back over the bed neatly, and started to run her fingers through her tangled hair, attempting to make herself look at least presentable for her impromptu visit with Yessenia. But it was to no avail. The locks were tangled and matted, from a few days of not being cared for.

Vais met her at the dock, a look of surprise at seeing her all ready to leave the ship. The door opened and a rush of cool air met Anna's flesh, but it wasn't frigid like it was on the coast. Thankfully. Vais escorted Anna off the ship, and she glanced at him, frowning. "Where is Dorian?" The soldier glanced at Anna and jerked his head back to the ship. "He will be escorted by my second in command. He won't get an audience with our Lord." Anna frowned, and crossed her arms beneath her breasts as they walked up the path, into the gorgeous stone palace. It was cozy and warm inside, luxuriously decorated, similar to her father's, except for the various weapons and mounted monster heads along the walls. "Make sure he is treated well. He is a dear friend of mine, and the only reason I am still alive right now. Get him in a warm bath, and put him in a nice room, because after I visit with Auntie, I'll be spending my time with him. And I swear Vais, if I hear he was mistreated...." The pair stopped, and Vais held up a hand, looking defeated. "Milady, I will make sure all is handled. To your specifications. Now, to the study." Anna glared at Vais, and shook her head. "No. I know the way. I'm fine and safe here. Go take care of my friend." The Captain of the Soldiers grimaced, and bowed deeply to Anna, before turning away.

Anna went along her own way, down the blue carpet lined halls, until she stood before a set of double doors, of deep, rich mahogany wood. They were intricately carved, with scenes of a hunter and its prey, fleeing. Anna knocked loudly, before opening the doors, to be met with frigid words. "I didn't give you leave to enter." The door opened to the sight of Yessenia sitting at her desk, a quill in her hand, as she was writing something. "You've never needed to give me leave to enter before, Auntie."

At the sound of Anna's voice, Yessenia looked up, and a smile graced her cold lips. "Anna. What a surprise. What brings you to Vefaijus?" Anna entered the study, and shut the doors behind her, allowing Yessenia to get a complete look at her. And the smile faded, turning into a scowl. "What ever happened to your hair child? And your clothes! You are in line for the Fourth throne! You cannot be seen like that!" Anna chuckled, and shook her head. "It's a long story, Auntie. But to make it short, I had an amazing date, end very badly."

Anna sat in the plush chair on the other side of the desk, and told Yessenia everything, including about the Petrel crew, though she left out their names and appearances. Because it was simply easier to tell the truth, and it meant getting home would be a lot safer. "Anna..." Yessenia shook her head, stunned at all the girl had told her. She needed to speak to Johannes, that much was obvious. And the two kids needed to get home. Johan was probably losing his mind. "I don't think it needs to be said, but Dorian and I need safe passage home. The sooner the better, if possible."

The Second Lord snorted in amusement, and rose from her chair, glad she was no longer sitting. She approached Anna, and ran her hair through the tangled mess, gently picking apart the knots, smoothing it out, until Anna looked presentable. Her hand pressed against a rune along the wall, and Yessenia spoke to it. "I am taking a short trip to Dromeda. I'll need a ship, supplies, and a crew, organized within the hour. I have two guests joining me. I also need Vais sent to me, immediately, and someone to fetch a gown that will fit the heir to the Fourth throne, Anna. Something suitable and warm, along with shoes."

Yessenia crossed her arm and looked at the girl, who was staring at her questioningly. "I'll be joining you to Dromeda. It'll soften the blow to your father's reaction to you vanishing with a boy so suddenly. Plus, I need to discuss the pirate situation with him at length." Anna nodded, and rose from the chair, to embrace the Second Lord, in a tight, loving hug. "Thank you, Auntie."

A knock at the door broke the pair apart, and when given leave to enter, Vais walked in. "Take Anna to her friend. We will be taking them home." Vais bowed, and turned, leading Anna from the room. She followed him to a guest apartment, one she recognized from her childhood visits to Vefaijus. Anna entered the sitting room, where a maid already awaited with the proper clothing. Wordlessly she shooed Vais away, and brought Anna behind a screen, to help her into the silk gown. It clung to her slender frame, and was a deep grey. Silver fur trimmed the edges of the gown, to lend warmth. She slid on silk slippers that matched, and the maid ran a comb through her long locks, which was weaved into a thick braid, tied off with a silver ribbon. The maid then took the discarded clothes from her, to destroy.

Left alone, Anna walked through the door, into the bedroom itself, searching for Dorian.
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