New Here & Hello!

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New Here & Hello!


Confirmed Responsible Adult
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Today 4:47 AM
Hello, everyone. You can call me Olympia. I have been rping for about 6-7 years now. But new to here. Been on and off other websites, but decided to give this site a chance.

I am heavily into Supernatural themed rps. Mainly The Vampire Diaries, The Originals & Legacies. Cross-overs are highly selective.
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Hello Olympia, welcome to I.S. It's pretty rare for anyone to know about Legacies, good on you. I'm more of a fan of the Originals myself and didn't like Vampire Diaries at all, though I suffered through it. I think they have dropped the age back down youth wise for the audience they are trying to appeal to with Legacies but my wife likes it a lot so I power through it as it follows the story and there's always a tidbit of info in the show that makes me smile when they do throwbacks to the Originals.

I hope you find what you are looking for and that you have a good time while you are here. Happy writing Olympia and again Welcome.
Hello there,
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum~
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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