New Heroes

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New Heroes


>biblically accurate angel<
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Today 10:51 AM
In a world filled with Iron Mans, Hulks and Captain Americas, it's easy to feel at peace and safe. Sure, there are still dangers of the world, that's inevitable. But with superheroes keeping a watchful eye, you can't help but feel protected. The heroes know what they're doing, they have it all under control…That's what everyone thought, and that's certainly what a group of college students from Louisiana State University, driving from the French Quarter back to their dorms after a fun night of celebrating Mardi Gras, thought.

However, they did not think on this one hour and thirty minute drive back, that a mysterious boulder would come crashing down to earth, landing in a nearby pasture. They did not think, that the innocent action of checking out the crash site, and touching the ominous, glowing boulder, would have them waking up with superpowers the very next morning. They also did not think that their interaction with this boulder would be caught on cctv, and now they're being watched…Pretty soon they'll find out that heroes don't always know what they're doing, and they don't always have it under control.


This is a role play that will be set in the world of the MCU. I thought it would be fun to write a story with others within said universe, creating heroes, villains, etc. As someone with not much knowledge of anything phase 4 and beyond, I would prefer to place this story within the first three phases. Or, if the group would prefer it, maybe it could take place at the very beginning of phase 4? I'm planning on an isolated story, with slight mentions of what's happening within the MCU going on in the background.

I am a descriptive writer, who prefers to write in third person. I usually like to fluff out my writing, but tend to follow the lead of my role play partners. I'd prefer quality over quantity when it comes down to it, but we can discuss word/line count as a group to make sure we're on the same page. Ideally, I am looking for three other writers who would want to create this story with me.

I am fine with cursing, as well as gore. I'm fine with romance between pcs, and smut. But for a group rp I'd prefer smut to he separate. Maybe in another thread, or replies with such content could be held within spoilers, another topic that can be decided as a group. This will of course be a lgbtq+ safe space, as all my characters tend to be queer.

If you're interested, please comment below or message me. Thank you! <3
I'm interested. I like superheroes and rarely get to write them.
I'm always looking for playgrounds to drop my 300,000 superhero OCs in! Giving the MCU a try sounds fun.
I'd be up for it.
I may have an idea for this.
I'm interested. I like superheroes and rarely get to write them.
Apologies! I had fallen ill, and for the past couple of days I've been trying to nurse myself back to health. Would you possibly still be interested? Completely understandable if you weren't.
Oh, I don't expect immediate replies on a forum. I assumed you were awaiting a critical mass of interested parties. I'm always happy to do a superhero emergence story.

I've not dwelled too much on specific concepts because I wanted to see what ideas the group had. Shared friend group, shared origin. Feels like character creation should be more collaborative than just trying to slam together a fistful of OCs.
I'm probably looking at a bog standard LSU student. Someone who could be summed up as 'no one special'. Decent student, decent looking, doesn't excel or struggle in any meaningful way with a living middle-class family and no notable traumas. Perfectly content to live a normal, boring life until they stupidly put their hand on a magic space rock and are now someone special. Maybe give them obvious powers or visible mutations just to really drive home they've become Othered.
I'm thinking about a university professor / post doctorate whose research unlocks an innate inner power, something elemental and undesirable, at least in the beginning.
We went drinking with a professor? You naughty.
Very European.
My idea is for a college athlete, like a basketball player—not so skilled that he's nationally famous, but good enough that he's taken seriously and is respected as part of the jock class at the school. It would be interesting to see how an injection of superhuman ability would throw a wrench into that sort of comfortable-but-high-stakes life.
I'm thinking a science major lass who gets powers similar to Metamorpho or Element Woman, without the disfigurement but maybe with more instability. She gains the ability to alter her body's atomic structure, shape, volume and density at will, as well as regeneration. However this comes at the cost of requiring constant focus to keep her powers in check, otherwise she turns into an alchemical blob monster that destroys everything in sight until she brings herself back under control.
The OP left it open. Someplace in the first three phases or right after Endgame.

Setting it during the Blip would give a /ton/ of freedom.
I'll differ to you guys about Marvel canon stuff, because I'm not that familiar.
Bonjour! I'd like to join! I'm thinking of actually creating an antihero. Likely one with a little insanity in mind whose powers are similar to the Scarlet Witch - except instead of red pulses of magic she will have turquoise pulses of magic. I'm thinking of naming her Polaris. Or maybe instead she will wield light? Like star light?
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Can I throw my hat in the ring?

I have a Ant-Man kinda vibe character in mind but without the suit as its just his power and can shrink/grow himself or body parts or grow his muscle mass temperarily.

Well can make something else but I'd love a superhero story
The OP's premise was a group touching a meteor and getting powers from the same event. That said, the OP's been real quiet.
Man, if that counts as AWOL… 😬
Oh, I don't consider it AWOL. They're just a new members and might have found the response intimidating. I hope they return to the idea they forged.
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