MxF new idiot on the forums

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MxF new idiot on the forums

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Today 6:56 PM
Okay, there's a lotta things I just deleted, like I felt like I'm filling out a fucking tinder profile and trying to write every detail about myself. Anyway, I don't hate detail and actually like to write a lot, but that's only in roleplay. All you need to know about me outside of roleplay, really, is that I'd love to find someone Adv. Literate to Novella. Let's just write a book in each other's DMs because why not.
Yes but what kind of book? I don't like long intros either - nobody ever reads them anyway, I have found. But what sort of writing are you interested in? Genres, themes, pairings, that sort of deal. Believe me, if you start off saying "I'm ready for anything," then somebody is going to prove you wrong.
I'll actually do anything, but my favourite three that are also likely to have more interesting writing in them are fantasy (medieval), adventure, action. Those things, I can actually write about and not describe in full detail how my ass farted once in a normal slice of life modern roleplay.
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