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New Member has entered the Chat!


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Today 8:51 AM
Hello hello! I go by Dami. I'm in the 30+ category of life and have been roleplaying since the days of Yahoo/AOL. Fun times, fun times. I have been on quite the hiatus from roleplaying and am looking to get back into it. I miss the fun of it and especially the writing and plot plotting sessions. Some of the best friends I have to this day are former roleplay partners that have retired due to life.

I have a fair bit of free time so I am able to post at somepoint during the day, that free time just varies day to day. Since I'm getting back into the groove, I am aiming to shake the rust off with casual posting style, not intricately long posts filled with flowery prose. Maybe eventually I'll work back up to it! I'm pretty game to most genres and plots, except like...techy stuff. Obligatory other likes: Chitchat, cooking, anime, vidya games, streaming games when my connection is good enough, and spoiling my menagerie of pets.

Anywho, that's the short version bio of me, I look forward to getting to know the people here and creating stories together!
It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site! I do hope you love it here and I look forward to seeing you around!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to the site. I hope you have a great time on here. You certainly seem like you have a lot of experience since you've rped since you were young .
I remember using microsofts messenger and everything to rp, those were the good old days. I've also been on a long hiatus from rping but use to be quite lit, hoping to work my way back up as well but itll be a work in progress. I'm an avid cook these days so feel free to bounce any ideas or questions off me! and welcome to the site!
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