Any Newb Looking for Roleplay

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Any Newb Looking for Roleplay

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Hello, I am new to the site, but not new to roleplaying. Finally getting some free time in my life again and want to spend it writing.
-I personally roleplay as both male and female characters
-Will admit, I generally play "top" or "Dom" characters. Its a mental thing, I apoloigize for those who are turned away by this
-I love OOC chat, so feel free to just chat me up about my day, or if I haven't responded in a timely manner, feel free to check on me
-I currently work 3-5 days a week, mostly nights, so I tend to be available late at night, or early morning

-Looking for: (* would love to rp)
-Im pretty open to plot ideas, and don't have any of my own, but will list the shows I have watched and would love to roleplay

-Black Butler*
-My Hero Academia
-Ancient Magus Bride*
-Fate Zero/Stay Night
-Yuri On Ice
-High School DxD

TV Shows:
-Legends of Tomorrow*
-Avater the Last Airbender
-Anything Marvel or DC Universe*

Feel free to ask about any other show, I probably know of it, but drew a blank when writing this
Welcome to the site! I'm fairly new myself but enjoy the people and the forums here, the chat is generally always going and you can hop in anytime. I might be up for some marvel/dc roleplays soon! Ill definitely keep you in mind. I'm also thinking of starting a pokemon cruise/resort rp if that's something you might be interested in. I wish you luck in finding some rps and your niche here!
Welcome to the site! I'm fairly new myself but enjoy the people and the forums here, the chat is generally always going and you can hop in anytime. I might be up for some marvel/dc roleplays soon! Ill definitely keep you in mind. I'm also thinking of starting a pokemon cruise/resort rp if that's something you might be interested in. I wish you luck in finding some rps and your niche here!

Awesome. Thanks very much. I would love a pokemon roleplay, I just started Pokémon Sword a few days ago
Would you be willing to do a Canon x Oc with you playing the Canon? ^^;
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