Newcomer, bear with me!

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Newcomer, bear with me!

A. Shadow Dweller

1000 Likes! 1000 Posts! Happy Birthday!! Welcome to the Sanctum
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Tomorrow 3:47 AM
Hello, all! The "A." in my username does in fact stand for Abigail, and you can feel free to address me as such ^_^ I'm a 22 year old, final year archaeology student who's first love was reading which slowly evolved to include writing when I was about 9 years old. My tastes and styles have continued to change as I've grown, ebbing and flowing with the stages of my life, but I always come back to story telling, and that's exactly what I intend to do here!

I've been roleplaying for about 8 years, now, and I tend to stray towards fantasy, scifi, or realistic fiction, almost always with a slant towards romance and adventure, and I love creating stories with my partners where we both bring in our own ideas to make something thrilling and entertaining that we are excited to move forward together!

I must warn any future partners, however, that with work and uni, my replies may fluctuate in frequency, but if I ever foresee a time where I will be away for an extended period, I will always let you know, so please, bear with me!
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(I'm sorry for being such a grammar Nazi but for the sake of my spelling-oriented brain, it's "bear"... thx, you're welcome, and pls don't kill me!)
Oh hell, isn't that embarrassing...
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