Changeling, Hydrator and Aura Reader!
Staff member
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔

- Local time
- Today 1:25 PM
- Messages
- 1,141
- Age
- 24
- Location
- Lurking Under the Writing Desk
- Pronouns
- They/He/She
"Yes, Fi Fi, I can hear my stomach growling." There's a croak from the grass next to Marybeth, and she pulls her notes closer to herself. "No, Ra Ra, I will not be doing anything about it. I can eat when I get home."
There are two more croaks in unison. The fae sighs heavily, before her tanned face twists abruptly in confusion. She lowers her notes back into her lap, staring down at the now four frogs in front of her. The purple two are hers, to her left and right. But, where did these two green ones come from?
"Those are mine!" Mary's head snaps up at the voice. A pale face, with a set of glasses barely hanging on her sunburnt pointed ears. Sunny's currently hanging upside down from a branch much higher in the tree than the last time. "That's Tu Tu and Mo Mo! I love yours by the way; real sweeties!" It's a bit of a southern voice, something that hadn't sunk in during their very brief first encounter.
Mary blinks at the vampire. ".. What the hell are you doing up there?! Also, how long have you been here?!"
Sunny bursts into laughter, nearly losing her balance but swinging to sit on the branch. "I think since.. Three? No, one yesterday afternoon!" She flashes a fanged smile down at Mary's grimace. "I camped out in Salix all night!"
Sunny pats the tree branch with both hands. "Salix, that's the willow's name!" Mary sighs, having already started pulling together her things. "I stayed up and slept in! I wanted to hear more of her stories." Mary places her frogs back on her hat and straightens her blonde pigtails before standing. "H- Hey, where are you going?"
Mary winces at the change of tone, pausing mid step away. "Decided I'm hungry." It's said passively over her shoulder.
Sunny shakes her head. She grabs her bag and hat before sliding down to a lower branch. "Sorry, I didn't mean to talk too much. I'll head out, and you can stay with your tree."
"My tree?" Mary turns and to look back at her.
"Salix said there used to be a fairy bound to her. That's you, isn't it?"
It's fascinating. Mary had no idea the tree had a name, or that it could tell stories. Is that because it was bound to Jest before? This is very conflicting; the want to know more and every introvert instinct in Mary's soul. "There hasn't been a fairy attached to this tree for at least a hundred years give or take."
"Ah, sorry. I haven't asked for the details yet. I can only hear her in short bursts, so I've been asking short questions. Regardless, I'll head out so you don't have to." She moves down another branch.
The shadow sighs again. "Wait. You don't- I just- I really should go eat anyways."
"Well, so should I, so-" Sunny slips, missing the next branch she was aiming for.
Mary lets her bag plop to the ground, floating up and forward a few feet. She dips as she catches the vampire then floats back up for a moment. It was now fairly evident just how sunburnt the girl is, though the red on her face is more from the embarrassment. Sunny is lost staring at the gorgeous magenta fairy wings which have materialized, catching the sun and tinting rose gold. Her eyes find Mary's face. Matching magenta eyes, staring back with concern and framed by freckles.
Sunny chuckles. "This is the second time I've fallen for you now."
"Wha- H- Huh??" Mary flusters, setting her feet on the ground. "Well- Stop falling out of this damn tree!" She's tempted to drop her, but Sunny is already setting her feet in the grass herself, laughing again. The sound is so distracting for the poor fae, making the heat in her face even worse.
"Hey, uh," Sunny pauses, sweeping the strands of black hair out of her face. "Why don't we grab lunch together?" The girl bends to scoop up her frog familiars.
"And get stared at while I try to eat? I'm good." Mary turns away again, dismissing her wings and slinging her bag over her shoulder. The wings dissolve into glitter, and Sunny half reaches out as if to catch it.
No, for some reason, Sunny didn't want to let this girl just walk away. She wanted to talk more. "There's a cafe!" Mary flinches, pausing again. Sunny has clasped her hands over her mouth, startled by her own volume as well. "S- Sorry, but-. This cafe, a lot of people go there."
"You're losing me."
"P- People like us. Dealers of magic, and not just humans. And, I don't mean- It doesn't get very busy. Only usually a few at a time. I just meant- The place is more accepting." Sunny stumbles the whole time for the right sentences. Mary's ears perk slightly while she listens. "It's just across the town. And.. I'm curious to know the girl who seems to share some same things as me."
Mary, cold as steel, hadn't gone out for a very long time. Not for more than groceries or to this park. She doesn't like other people, less because of who they are but more an innate panic. Social anxiety. Being not human just adds on top. Two ribbits in unison draw her to look back. Hopeful deep red eyes, peeking over tinted shades and set in a really pretty face. Hands full of two fat green and yellow blobs which tilt their heads to opposite sides.
She exhales then gestures vaguely the way she was going. "Lead the way."
Sunny bounces on her heels excitedly. She fumbles for a second, pulling her hat on her head and placing her frogs on the rim. Decorative clips, just like Marybeth's. She bursts forward too quickly, rather inhumanly, stopping ahead and looking back while bouncing again. Mary bites the inside of her cheek, stealing herself and moving forward.
It's an old corner side store, with very few windows. There's a small patio. You almost can't see the birch wood tables through the plants. The sign as well has climbing snapdragons nearly hiding it. Book Nook. There's a strong scent that greets them before the tiny wind chime hooked to the door can. There's a very cozy lighting and several chairs of different types nooked between bookshelves full of novels and board games. The shop's counter is hidden across the store. Sunny was right about one thing, there actually aren't too many folks in here.
"Come on, come on!" The sunray weaves through the shelves so easily, like light through leaves. Mary drags after the girl. "Kurtsey! Hiya!"
"Sunny!" The young man behind the counter places down the box he just brought from the back. His nose scrunches when he smiles, showing off large canines. This is what causes Marybeth to search the rest of the werewolf's face and come to the conclusion. Though, he exudes the aura of a coffee colored husky rather than any wolf. "Dear Moon, you are burnt." He emphasizes the last word. "I'll get the aloe again."
"T-turmeric." Mary blurts. He blinks; he hadn't even seen her hiding behind Sunny. He tilts his head and hums curiously. "D- Do you have powdered turmeric? It- It helps with sunburns."
"We do; it's in our smoothie base. I'll grab that too then." He smiles more gently. "Chemy, can you get their order please?"
A second person in a matching navy blue apron sits up from the chair they were slouched in, placing their hands behind their head and stretching. "Yeah, yeah. I got you." Their tongue curls as they yawn, and they lower their hood when they stand. A set of twitching cat ears poke up from their straightened black hair. A nekomimi with a rich chocolate skin tone.
"Alley! Aren't you usually off by now?" Sunny asks excitedly.
"Hard to tell me to go home if I'm asleep." They laugh. "No, he's been reorganizing the basement and kept me captive. So, who's your friend, Glow?"
Mary shrinks when the attention is placed on her. "Marybeth." It's confident though rather quiet.
Alchemy's ears twitch again, and they smile. "Good to meet ya, Shade. I'm Alchemy; Doggo's name is Kurtis." They look back at Sunny. "So, what are we having? Wait, sorry. What kind of smoothie are we having?"
"Should have guessed. What about you, Shade?"
Mary stares up at the menu. She's not really a coffee drinker.. ! "Hot chocolate." She states firmly, a sparkle in her eye.
They smirk. "Marshmallows and whipped cream?"
"Both please."
"I'll throw some sprinkles on it too. Here or to go today, Glow?"
"Here, and can we get two chicken salads?"
"Chicken 'salads'? Or chicken salad sandwiches?" Sunny glances at Mary who flinches and mumbles an answer. "Salads. I got ya."
Alchemy swivels the screen to show the total. Mary digs through her bag for a second before being stopped. "Hey, I got us. I dragged you here anyways." Sunny smiles again, and there's a flutter in Mary's chest. She's too pretty; that's all. Or maybe the social battery is malfunctioning. Yeah, that could be it.
The girls are given a tray with their food, along with the aloe and turmeric powder. Sunny carries the tray, leading Mary to her favorite corner. If they had lingered in ear shot, or if they had the same heightened hearing as the two shifters, they'd have heard Alley betting ten bucks on the pair.
There really aren't too many in here. They pass a human couple, cuddled on a bench between shelves and reading. There's another nekomimi, silently jamming in their headphones and twirling the pen to their drawing tablet. And, a set of half elven twins argue calmly across a table from each other. Sunny and Mary end up in a round corner booth by one of the few windows.
"So, what do you think so far?" The sunray's voice wavers.
"It's.. Honestly pretty awesome." She mumbles again, lifting her hot chocolate gently. Chocolate shavings and rainbow sprinkles speckle the whipped topping. Mary's eyes sparkle again. They actually glow that magenta, and Sunny can't help but be enchanted by it, smiling contently.
"So, Marybeth, right?"
"Hm? Y-yeah. Sunny, correct?"
The vampire nods then brushes the hair that falls back behind her ear. Right, the sunburn. Mary set's her drink down and pulls the aloe and turmeric to her. The aloe bottle is cold with condensation, and she's pleased to find it's because the product is almost purely its label. "Here, hands please?" Mary makes a bowl with her hands, and Sunny mimics. Mary shakes squishes some aloe from the bottle and eyeballs the amount of turmeric. "Now mix and apply as normal."
Sunny nods, doing as told. "Can I ask, why turmeric?"
"It's good for burns and dry skin, which one can cause the other. Might as well treat both." She closes the containers.
"Interesting. I didn't know that."
"I work with a lot of herbs and things. I'm sure I read somewhere there are other things good for burns as well.." Her brow furrows cutely while she tries to recall. "I'll have to read up on it again when I get home."
"I'm better with living plants, like flowers and trees. Shrubs too. Though, talking with flowers is sort of sad. Though recurring one's aren't too bad, since they retain some memories season to season." The aloe is cold and burns softly.
"You said you spoke with the willow tree. You can speak with all plants?"
"I have to focus my magic towards it. My mom started me on it when I was little. The buttercups in the yard used to sing to welcome spring. They'd use the wind and the grass would whistle along the day after a rain."
"I've never heard of someone being able to hear them like that."
"Well, it's kind of time consuming, so I don't think most witches study the language of plants."
"It's fascinating." Mary was finally talking at a normal volume.
This place is comforting. A gathering place ran by shifters was bound to bring in less humans and more of the other races, not that it bothered Kurtis at all. He's quite happy knowing his cafe is a safe place for others.
Sunny and Mary spent their late lunch learning about each other. Both immortal. Both witches. And how frogs are just kinda the cutest animals in the world. They both spoke a lot about nature, still discussing as they left the store.
"Now if I could just get my chamomile and spearmint plants to grow. I'll have plenty of tea and insect repellent for the winter." Sunny laughs at Mary's griping, tripping over herself. "Whoa, careful." Mary steadies her.
She pats at the heat flooding her face. "Sorry." They stop on the path. "This has been fun."
"Yeah. I.. I honestly can't remember the last time I really just, hung out and spoke like that."
"Me either." Sunny laughs. "Would you want to again? Maybe.. The next time I see you sitting by Salix?"
Despite the day, Mary is still surprised by the question. "I- I don't know. I'd like to I think, b-but, I might not- My mood is kind of- .." She exhales, trying to find words
"Don't promise it." The shadow's ears perk at the words. "No set date, just if we encounter each other again and are feeling it. If you aren't when it happens, then we don't. Everyone has different amounts of people they can handle day to day."
Mary stares and soaks in Sunny's voice, flutters in her chest. She's just super pretty. .. Right? When was the last time she felt this accepted? The fae nods. "Till next time then?"
Sunny beams. "Till next time!"
The two head their separate ways. There's a breeze and the trees rustle their leaves at the energy left in the air. Next time, and hopefully soon.
There are two more croaks in unison. The fae sighs heavily, before her tanned face twists abruptly in confusion. She lowers her notes back into her lap, staring down at the now four frogs in front of her. The purple two are hers, to her left and right. But, where did these two green ones come from?
"Those are mine!" Mary's head snaps up at the voice. A pale face, with a set of glasses barely hanging on her sunburnt pointed ears. Sunny's currently hanging upside down from a branch much higher in the tree than the last time. "That's Tu Tu and Mo Mo! I love yours by the way; real sweeties!" It's a bit of a southern voice, something that hadn't sunk in during their very brief first encounter.
Mary blinks at the vampire. ".. What the hell are you doing up there?! Also, how long have you been here?!"
Sunny bursts into laughter, nearly losing her balance but swinging to sit on the branch. "I think since.. Three? No, one yesterday afternoon!" She flashes a fanged smile down at Mary's grimace. "I camped out in Salix all night!"
Sunny pats the tree branch with both hands. "Salix, that's the willow's name!" Mary sighs, having already started pulling together her things. "I stayed up and slept in! I wanted to hear more of her stories." Mary places her frogs back on her hat and straightens her blonde pigtails before standing. "H- Hey, where are you going?"
Mary winces at the change of tone, pausing mid step away. "Decided I'm hungry." It's said passively over her shoulder.
Sunny shakes her head. She grabs her bag and hat before sliding down to a lower branch. "Sorry, I didn't mean to talk too much. I'll head out, and you can stay with your tree."
"My tree?" Mary turns and to look back at her.
"Salix said there used to be a fairy bound to her. That's you, isn't it?"
It's fascinating. Mary had no idea the tree had a name, or that it could tell stories. Is that because it was bound to Jest before? This is very conflicting; the want to know more and every introvert instinct in Mary's soul. "There hasn't been a fairy attached to this tree for at least a hundred years give or take."
"Ah, sorry. I haven't asked for the details yet. I can only hear her in short bursts, so I've been asking short questions. Regardless, I'll head out so you don't have to." She moves down another branch.
The shadow sighs again. "Wait. You don't- I just- I really should go eat anyways."
"Well, so should I, so-" Sunny slips, missing the next branch she was aiming for.
Mary lets her bag plop to the ground, floating up and forward a few feet. She dips as she catches the vampire then floats back up for a moment. It was now fairly evident just how sunburnt the girl is, though the red on her face is more from the embarrassment. Sunny is lost staring at the gorgeous magenta fairy wings which have materialized, catching the sun and tinting rose gold. Her eyes find Mary's face. Matching magenta eyes, staring back with concern and framed by freckles.
Sunny chuckles. "This is the second time I've fallen for you now."
"Wha- H- Huh??" Mary flusters, setting her feet on the ground. "Well- Stop falling out of this damn tree!" She's tempted to drop her, but Sunny is already setting her feet in the grass herself, laughing again. The sound is so distracting for the poor fae, making the heat in her face even worse.
"Hey, uh," Sunny pauses, sweeping the strands of black hair out of her face. "Why don't we grab lunch together?" The girl bends to scoop up her frog familiars.
"And get stared at while I try to eat? I'm good." Mary turns away again, dismissing her wings and slinging her bag over her shoulder. The wings dissolve into glitter, and Sunny half reaches out as if to catch it.
No, for some reason, Sunny didn't want to let this girl just walk away. She wanted to talk more. "There's a cafe!" Mary flinches, pausing again. Sunny has clasped her hands over her mouth, startled by her own volume as well. "S- Sorry, but-. This cafe, a lot of people go there."
"You're losing me."
"P- People like us. Dealers of magic, and not just humans. And, I don't mean- It doesn't get very busy. Only usually a few at a time. I just meant- The place is more accepting." Sunny stumbles the whole time for the right sentences. Mary's ears perk slightly while she listens. "It's just across the town. And.. I'm curious to know the girl who seems to share some same things as me."
Mary, cold as steel, hadn't gone out for a very long time. Not for more than groceries or to this park. She doesn't like other people, less because of who they are but more an innate panic. Social anxiety. Being not human just adds on top. Two ribbits in unison draw her to look back. Hopeful deep red eyes, peeking over tinted shades and set in a really pretty face. Hands full of two fat green and yellow blobs which tilt their heads to opposite sides.
She exhales then gestures vaguely the way she was going. "Lead the way."
Sunny bounces on her heels excitedly. She fumbles for a second, pulling her hat on her head and placing her frogs on the rim. Decorative clips, just like Marybeth's. She bursts forward too quickly, rather inhumanly, stopping ahead and looking back while bouncing again. Mary bites the inside of her cheek, stealing herself and moving forward.
It's an old corner side store, with very few windows. There's a small patio. You almost can't see the birch wood tables through the plants. The sign as well has climbing snapdragons nearly hiding it. Book Nook. There's a strong scent that greets them before the tiny wind chime hooked to the door can. There's a very cozy lighting and several chairs of different types nooked between bookshelves full of novels and board games. The shop's counter is hidden across the store. Sunny was right about one thing, there actually aren't too many folks in here.
"Come on, come on!" The sunray weaves through the shelves so easily, like light through leaves. Mary drags after the girl. "Kurtsey! Hiya!"
"Sunny!" The young man behind the counter places down the box he just brought from the back. His nose scrunches when he smiles, showing off large canines. This is what causes Marybeth to search the rest of the werewolf's face and come to the conclusion. Though, he exudes the aura of a coffee colored husky rather than any wolf. "Dear Moon, you are burnt." He emphasizes the last word. "I'll get the aloe again."
"T-turmeric." Mary blurts. He blinks; he hadn't even seen her hiding behind Sunny. He tilts his head and hums curiously. "D- Do you have powdered turmeric? It- It helps with sunburns."
"We do; it's in our smoothie base. I'll grab that too then." He smiles more gently. "Chemy, can you get their order please?"
A second person in a matching navy blue apron sits up from the chair they were slouched in, placing their hands behind their head and stretching. "Yeah, yeah. I got you." Their tongue curls as they yawn, and they lower their hood when they stand. A set of twitching cat ears poke up from their straightened black hair. A nekomimi with a rich chocolate skin tone.
"Alley! Aren't you usually off by now?" Sunny asks excitedly.
"Hard to tell me to go home if I'm asleep." They laugh. "No, he's been reorganizing the basement and kept me captive. So, who's your friend, Glow?"
Mary shrinks when the attention is placed on her. "Marybeth." It's confident though rather quiet.
Alchemy's ears twitch again, and they smile. "Good to meet ya, Shade. I'm Alchemy; Doggo's name is Kurtis." They look back at Sunny. "So, what are we having? Wait, sorry. What kind of smoothie are we having?"
"Should have guessed. What about you, Shade?"
Mary stares up at the menu. She's not really a coffee drinker.. ! "Hot chocolate." She states firmly, a sparkle in her eye.
They smirk. "Marshmallows and whipped cream?"
"Both please."
"I'll throw some sprinkles on it too. Here or to go today, Glow?"
"Here, and can we get two chicken salads?"
"Chicken 'salads'? Or chicken salad sandwiches?" Sunny glances at Mary who flinches and mumbles an answer. "Salads. I got ya."
Alchemy swivels the screen to show the total. Mary digs through her bag for a second before being stopped. "Hey, I got us. I dragged you here anyways." Sunny smiles again, and there's a flutter in Mary's chest. She's too pretty; that's all. Or maybe the social battery is malfunctioning. Yeah, that could be it.
The girls are given a tray with their food, along with the aloe and turmeric powder. Sunny carries the tray, leading Mary to her favorite corner. If they had lingered in ear shot, or if they had the same heightened hearing as the two shifters, they'd have heard Alley betting ten bucks on the pair.
There really aren't too many in here. They pass a human couple, cuddled on a bench between shelves and reading. There's another nekomimi, silently jamming in their headphones and twirling the pen to their drawing tablet. And, a set of half elven twins argue calmly across a table from each other. Sunny and Mary end up in a round corner booth by one of the few windows.
"So, what do you think so far?" The sunray's voice wavers.
"It's.. Honestly pretty awesome." She mumbles again, lifting her hot chocolate gently. Chocolate shavings and rainbow sprinkles speckle the whipped topping. Mary's eyes sparkle again. They actually glow that magenta, and Sunny can't help but be enchanted by it, smiling contently.
"So, Marybeth, right?"
"Hm? Y-yeah. Sunny, correct?"
The vampire nods then brushes the hair that falls back behind her ear. Right, the sunburn. Mary set's her drink down and pulls the aloe and turmeric to her. The aloe bottle is cold with condensation, and she's pleased to find it's because the product is almost purely its label. "Here, hands please?" Mary makes a bowl with her hands, and Sunny mimics. Mary shakes squishes some aloe from the bottle and eyeballs the amount of turmeric. "Now mix and apply as normal."
Sunny nods, doing as told. "Can I ask, why turmeric?"
"It's good for burns and dry skin, which one can cause the other. Might as well treat both." She closes the containers.
"Interesting. I didn't know that."
"I work with a lot of herbs and things. I'm sure I read somewhere there are other things good for burns as well.." Her brow furrows cutely while she tries to recall. "I'll have to read up on it again when I get home."
"I'm better with living plants, like flowers and trees. Shrubs too. Though, talking with flowers is sort of sad. Though recurring one's aren't too bad, since they retain some memories season to season." The aloe is cold and burns softly.
"You said you spoke with the willow tree. You can speak with all plants?"
"I have to focus my magic towards it. My mom started me on it when I was little. The buttercups in the yard used to sing to welcome spring. They'd use the wind and the grass would whistle along the day after a rain."
"I've never heard of someone being able to hear them like that."
"Well, it's kind of time consuming, so I don't think most witches study the language of plants."
"It's fascinating." Mary was finally talking at a normal volume.
This place is comforting. A gathering place ran by shifters was bound to bring in less humans and more of the other races, not that it bothered Kurtis at all. He's quite happy knowing his cafe is a safe place for others.
Sunny and Mary spent their late lunch learning about each other. Both immortal. Both witches. And how frogs are just kinda the cutest animals in the world. They both spoke a lot about nature, still discussing as they left the store.
"Now if I could just get my chamomile and spearmint plants to grow. I'll have plenty of tea and insect repellent for the winter." Sunny laughs at Mary's griping, tripping over herself. "Whoa, careful." Mary steadies her.
She pats at the heat flooding her face. "Sorry." They stop on the path. "This has been fun."
"Yeah. I.. I honestly can't remember the last time I really just, hung out and spoke like that."
"Me either." Sunny laughs. "Would you want to again? Maybe.. The next time I see you sitting by Salix?"
Despite the day, Mary is still surprised by the question. "I- I don't know. I'd like to I think, b-but, I might not- My mood is kind of- .." She exhales, trying to find words
"Don't promise it." The shadow's ears perk at the words. "No set date, just if we encounter each other again and are feeling it. If you aren't when it happens, then we don't. Everyone has different amounts of people they can handle day to day."
Mary stares and soaks in Sunny's voice, flutters in her chest. She's just super pretty. .. Right? When was the last time she felt this accepted? The fae nods. "Till next time then?"
Sunny beams. "Till next time!"
The two head their separate ways. There's a breeze and the trees rustle their leaves at the energy left in the air. Next time, and hopefully soon.
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