Nice To Meet You All

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Nice To Meet You All


Night Sneaker
Local time
Today 7:49 PM
Hello, you can call me Crow.
I've been dabbling in RolePlay as another way to help pass the time since uh..
2006'ish. It was rather therapeutic during high school. Now, I still poke around in RP.
Albeit when I'm not busy with the many critical things in Real Life.

Hope we can get along!​
It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site. I assure you will meet plenty of skillful and avid writers such as yourself out here and I have no doubt you will love it :D I hope to see you around!
Hello and welcome! *pops in with some hot tea and biscuits* I hope that you enjoy your time here!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Many welcomes, it's a pleasure to have you aboard.
There is a wide range of writers and genres. We are mostly a quirky friendly and welcoming group, always pleased to see a new face.

Purple names are admin, do not hesitate to hit them, or the mods, (in blue) up for answers to any questions you might have. More general queries can be answered by the names in green, or pop into chat and ask us long time loiterers, someone somewhere will try to help or point you towards someone who can.

Looking forward to seeing you around. Take care and have fun.
Hey, hey, you need to rethink those priorities. What has Realsies ever done for you? *Whispers all convincy-like in Crow's ear* It's safe here, yeeeesssss. Welcome to the Sanctum. I'mma weirdo, ignore me.
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