No! My Disguise was foolproof!!

Currently reading:
No! My Disguise was foolproof!!

Princess Fazluna

A Runaway Princess
Local time
Today 9:47 AM
Shhhh! Don't let the town guard know who I am!

I am Princess Fazluna but please call be Faz or Luna. I've always been curious about roleplaying through the vast majority of my friends think of it in a more negative light so I haven't been able to experience it as much as I wanted to. Because of this, and family beliefs, I found that roleplaying forums and websites were a way to deal with my curiosity but it ended up feeding it. I'll admit that I haven't roleplayed in some years so my skills have unfortunately dulled. With that I will say that my writing skills haven't dulled as I've been keeping myself busy with writing stories and the occasional erotica.

Personally I love creating worlds, detailed backstory, lively settings, wonderful and creative characters that will keep the roleplay fun and engaging.

PM me if you want to roleplay.

I'll have my RT up at a later time
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