Challenge Submission No Rest For A Thief

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Challenge Submission No Rest For A Thief


Kinda friendly Bitter Old Shrew. Get off my lawn!
Local time
Today 1:46 AM
Oregon - Go Ducks!
(Well, it's longer than I thought it would be, but after so long not writing, the words just flowed! Hope it's liked!)

Amber hues gleaming from beneath the edge of the cowl that hung low over her face, she stared at the sight of the tavern, the first building to be spotted in the small village. She sat atop her horse, stopped just at the edge of the clearing that held the hamlet, the only movement being from her steed. Tack jingled, tail swished, and yet she did not go forward.

Food. Drink. Rest. Horse could use it too. Do I dare? To stop now might bring them down upon me and those here...

Faradey had rode hard for the last 24 hours, pushing hersrlf and her steed to their limits, and the tavern and it's held promises were calling with its Siren's song. She was a hunted woman, having relinquished Count Gandrsh of a certain highly valuable and sought after gem. The Heart of the Divine, a diamond cut to perfection that filled her palm now lay nestled tightly against her sternum, tucked beneath her leather vest and linen blouse.

Blood stained that blouse along her left shoulder where a lucky parting shot by an arrow intent upon her demise had sliced her open, but the pain was just another discomfort to add the the list.

.. just for a short while, if only for Horse. He won't make it back if he doesn't, and this is my last chance to pay off my note...

With a suffering sigh her boot met Horses flank gently and his slow, tired walk took them into the village, and on to the tavern with it small stable behind. A silver was handed off to the boy to tend Horse, pleased to note said child not too dirty, which meant at the least an establishment that was frequented often. It was more than likely a false hope she held that if the Counts men had managed to gain ground they would not try taking her while among innocents, but at this point, hope was all she had to cling to. Making her way into the tavern proper, her golden gaze slid over the area as she was permeated with the smells of good stew, good beer, and met with the soft sound of low banter by several locals. Only briefly did strange eyes take her in as a hand pulled the cowl free from her face, which was a good sign. They were used to travelers. Giving a nod to the barkeep she made her way to a lone table in the back, not daring to remove her cloak lest her bloodied shirt caused brows to lift. The stout man shuffled over with an amiable smile, taking her order of a bowl of stew and a tankard of ale.

Elbows met the tabletop, her small hands coming to slide digits over her face as her eyes slid closed, allowing herself this brief moment of respite. Yes. Just a short rest to refuel before she continued o the last leg of her journey. She had until plenty of time to make it back to Bridgedale to sell her loot and then to pay Augrun and get him off her back. Bowing her head, her fingers slid through her sweat wet hair and she held her head as the soothing sounds and scents of comfort surrounded her. She actually even dozed off, a soft snort escaping her as the gentle thump of tankard and bowl set before her sounded. Embarrassment set her face into a sheepish look as she slid a hand over her lips, hoping there was no drool... thank the Gods no. " Thank you..." she murmured, sliding several coins to the man before setting in to devour the fresh stew. So good! Thoughts already on perhaps taking a second bowl she downed half the tankard of beer, noting idly as she set it down that two customers entered. A pair of men, not overly large, wearing dusty traveling clothes. They sat at a table two across from her. Nothing about them brought her full attention, until as she lifted a hand to the barkeep again to signal for some bread, she noted one of the men flitting glances at her. Instantly her attention was caught, but she continued with her meal. Oh but she was on edge now.

They got here so fast.. too fast! Had a message been sent about her? Did the count have people even in this small place? Have to get out of here...

She was already scoping the path to the door and windows, her gaze scanning the room over the rim of her beer, trying to make it seem like she was not aware she was being watched. The men weren't being that coy about staring at her now though, one even standing and moving to another table as to flank her. Shit. She would have to fight her way out. She sure hoped Horse was rested, because they would need to fly....

ah well. Not like she hadn't thought this might happen. Casually she sopped up her remaining stew that had been delivered, licking her lips after downing the dregs of her beer. Another few silvers were placed upon the table, hoping it was enough to pay for the damage that was about to happen. Pushing her chair back she would stand slowly, watching as the men too mirrored her. The remaining patrons had noticed that something was up as well and were paying attention, hands grasping tankards tighter in case they needed to flee. No sense wasting good beer. Slightly up tilted eyes moved back and forth between the Counts men, and slowly a small smile would tug at the corner of her plump lips. Shifting her body, a hand would lay casually against the back of her chair while the other lifted and waved idly at the pair. " Well then, lets get this over with. I have an appointment to keep..." her timbre was cool and smooth, the fingers upon the back of the chair curling to grip it tight, before in an explosion of movement the furniture was lifted and flung at the man on her left, closest to the door. As the force of the chair hitting the man distracted him, her cloak was flung back and away from the sword at her side, the blade singing free. A boot came up to kick her table forth towards the other man, making room for her to begin a dash for the door.

Two steps and the first man had steel pulled as well, his downward swing towards her head faster then she had anticipated. Her block came up, metal screeching as she used the strength few would think she held to shove his hit away, shifting her stance enough to aim a sideways kick at his knee. His howl of pain was satisfying along with the sound of his knee cracking, taking him down to the floor. The wound upon her shoulder opened again allowing blood to begin to slide down her arm. The second man was on the move towards her, his snarls mingling with the yells of the first.. " GET HER DAMMIT!!" The man stood before her, a short sword in his hand, arms out as if to attempt to corral her. A bounce to the left then right as she attempted to psych him out, and it almost worked. He moved and she saw her chance, giving a burst of speed towards the now open path to the door. So close she was, she could already feel Horse beneath her as they galloped away... until with a "... gurk!..." she was hauled back, the man having managed to grab her cloak and yank her backwards. Only with the Gods grace did she manage to keep her feet, spinning around, her cloak wrapping around partly around her waist. She saw the look of triumph on the mans face, her own brow knitting to a scowl. Keeping her arms free she used her body to pull back against the man, her cloak pulling taut as he tried to reel her in. They were only a few feet apart, but it was all the space she needed.

Her blade lifted high, and with a downward slash her sword cut through the thick material easily, causing both she and her attacker to stumble back. The main difference was that he fell back onto his ass, and she kept her footing, backpedaling a couple of steps before turning and making for the exit. She had but moments she knew, and she ran. Skittering around the corner of the building, mangled cloak flapping, giving a thankful cry to the skies as she saw Horse there, merely waiting as he sampled the hay. Her steed wasn't even surprised when she flung herself into the saddle, whipping him around as her boots kicked him into a full on gallop, needing to get as much distance as she could away from the place.

Faradey would make it... she had to.
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