Character(s) Nobilis' Characters

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Character(s) Nobilis' Characters


The Nine-Tailed Fox
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Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
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Today 9:02 PM
The Waif of the Sea

"My girl, linen and curls; Lips parted like a flag all unfurled; She's grand, the bend of her hand; Digging deep into the sweep of the sand"
- Summersong, The Decemberists
| Name: Alexis.

Status: Retired, not presently available for RP.

| Sobriquet: Alex.

| Actual Age: 24.

| Apparent Age: mid-20s.

| Race: Siren.

| Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Pansexual

| Height: 5'6".

| Weight: 53 kg.

| Dominant Side: Right.

| Physique: Slender.

| Eyes: Blue.

| Hair color: Blonde.

| Hair style: Short, often messy.

| Skin Tincture: Sun-kissed.

| Affiliations: Unknown.

| Occupation: Singer.

| Nature: Curious.

| Alignment: Chaotic Good.

| Likes: Music, song, the sea, string-instruments, children, cats and dogs, coffee, apples, warm baths.

| Dislikes: Arrogant people, violence, being away from coasts for too long.


| Torso: Linen or cotton shirt, dresses.

| Hips: Belt.

| Legs: Pants or skirts.

| Footgear: Shoes.

As she is in a perpetual state of travel, she does not wear burdensome clothing. She prefers clothing that dries quickly and is light to wear. She dislikes clothing that is tight or form-fitting. While she will always dress simply when given the choice, though she does like formal wear or clothing that she considers 'pretty-people clothes'; usually evening gowns. formal wear, things that glitter or sparkle, etc.


Alex travels light, and often carries a bag with a change of clothes, rations, basic supplies (cutlery, first aid, etc.), and money. The bag is not a mundane item and has a minor magical enchantment that makes the coin pocket undetectable. The bag also seems to be able to carry more than it should be able to. She is not wealthy, and the bag itself is often worth more than its contents. The bag was a gift from a sibling and she will not part with it willingly. Her general nature, however, makes it likely that she will leave it unprotected as long as she believes she is alone or in good company. From the exterior, nothing about the bag suggests there is anything of value to it. Alex does not carry weapons.


Her heritage grants her the following abilities:

| Water-breathing: Her line of Sirens originate from the sea, but are comfortable both in and out of the water. Her lungs are able to switch between water and air easily, but she does need to take a moment to adjust between mediums.

| Swimming: Alex is a very adept swimmer and her ability to navigate through water is masterful. She is a very fast swimmer and can often out swim even the most competent land-dwellers. She does not require swimming equipment, which she considers 'bulky' and 'in the way'. She does not require any protective equipment to cover her eyes and salinity has no impact on her vision. Excessive pollution or something in the water may cause irritation depending on what it is.

| Intuition: Sirens have a strong ability to measure the character of an individual. They often make snap judgements about character and are rarely wrong. This ability is not without downsides, as purposeful masking of identity can cause a Siren to dislike individuals that they would normally like, and can also cause them to assume someone to be less dangerous than they actually are.

| Internal compass: While Alex is notoriously bad with directions and maps, she has a deep and innate understanding of compass directions. She can locate north, south, east and west effortlessly. She also has a general understanding of where bodies of water are located. She can find rivers, lakes, and oceans quite easily (though getting to them may take time). She has more difficulty finding smaller bodies of water (creeks, puddles, etc.).

| Pass for Human: Sirens have no difficulty at all passing as Human and are almost impossible to distinguish from them.

| Musically attuned: Sirens are able to pick up musical instruments almost immediately; they typically only require a few minutes of 'toying' with the instrument to learn the mechanics of it. Their ability to play music on instruments borders on supernatural, but is actually more akin to 'adjusting' already existing knowledge (much in the same way that one who knows how to swim would just take a bit of adjusting before they were able to swim through a more dense medium). Sirens love finding new instruments and once they learn how to plan an instrument, they never forget how to play it nor do they 'get rusty'.

| Singing: All Sirens are exceptional singers, and can sing expertly without any training. They have a very wide vocal range, but always have personal preferences. A Siren's ability to sing generally has two forms: Natural and Enthralling. Natural songs are no different than the songs of a human. They have no impact on an individual beyond the impact that any song may have (if people like music, they may like a song; if people dislike music, they may dislike it). Natural songs have no ability to tangibly impact the world around them. Enthralling songs are a thing of legend; the story of Sirens luring ships to crash on the craggy rocks off coasts, while generally not a thing that Sirens enjoy doing, are not without some degree of truth. Enthralling songs have supernatural effects, and can range depending on the intention of the Siren. Enthralling songs can be used by a Siren so long as they are able to make noise (humming, whistling, etc., can have an effect).

Alexis' Songs

Alex has a series of Enthralling songs that she is quite well-suited to singing, and these can have different effects.

| Magpie: Typically whistled or hummed, this song is extremely appealing to small animals. This can cause most animals to trust a Siren and will permit the Siren to touch, pet, or interact with animals in ways that would be impossible for humans to do at will.

| Sirenum scopuli: Is a song of belonging; typically sung by a Siren when they return home after a long time away. It is also sung in memory of home, especially when a Siren has been away from the sea for a long time. This song is able to temporarily create a sense of belonging in an individual or group. This can cause people to become less aggressive, and more accepting of strangers where they normally might not be. This song cannot remove feelings of deep-seeded hatred, though it may be able to pacify anger so as to avoid direct conflict.

| Aglaopheme: Is a melancholic and lambent song that draws forth deep emotions. People hearing this song tend to become very introspective and focused on their own mental issues. This is not an inherently negative effect; some examples include 'thinking about a long lost love' or 'the life decisions made in youth'. This song can cause strong emotional reactions in people who are prone to feeling emotions strongly, but has little effect on dissociative individuals who have difficulty or are unable to connect to their own feelings.

| Thelxiepeia: When people imagine Sirens luring sailors to their doom with honeyed songs, they are thinking of Thelxiepeia. This is a song that inspires deep and utter devotion and obsession with the Siren. Its effects can be devastating and long lasting as the affections of the listener can take a great deal of time to forget. While all Sirens are able to sing this song, some are better at it than others. Alex is very good at singing this song, but also dislikes it because it subverts a person's own decisions and free will. However, this song, can be a very effective defence for a Siren who is in danger.

| Calliope:
This song causes damage (temporary) to eardrums and can induce pain, nausea, extreme dizziness, and unconsciousness. Alex will not use this ability unless her life is in mortal peril. This song does not affect creatures that are unable to hear, but will have effects on creatures that have ears as the song also causes distortions in fluids in ears. This song can be lethal under water.
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The Fox in the Woods
Credit to Luka
"What's higher than the top? That's me."
- More, K/DA

| Name: Ezri.

| Sobriquet: Ezri.

| Actual Age: 52.

| Apparent Age: Early-30s.

| Race: Nine-Tailed Fox.

| Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Bisexual

| Height: 5'2".

| Weight: 49 kg.

| Dominant Side: Ambidextrous.

| Physique: Lean.

| Eyes: Gold.

Voice: Husky and soft.

| Hair color: Black.

| Hair style: Shoulder-length, slight curls

| Skin Tincture: Healthy.

Physical Peculiarities: Large ears at the top of her head, three distinctive red lines on each cheek.

| Affiliations: Unknown.

| Occupation: Vagabond and thief.

| Nature: Highly spirited.

| Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

| Likes: Trees, music, desserts, love stories, cats and dogs, exploring, dancing, cantrips, falling in love.

| Dislikes: Hunters, evil, being stereotyped, being objectified.


| Torso: Body wrap under red flowing robes.

| Hips: Belt.

| Legs: Pants or skirts.

| Footgear: Shoes.

As a traveller and thief, it is always in her best interests to travel light and to develop no connections to places. While she abhors lying and is not particularly good at it, her profession makes it difficult to remain in one place for an extended period of time, especially if she has been caught or is being suspected of crimes. She does not wear burdensome clothing but loves to wear clothes that flow well when dancing.


Other than a small enchanted pouch where she keeps her spoils, she does not have much in the way of gear. As a Nine-Tailed Fox she does not require food to eat (though she can partake of the act without difficulty) and can sustain herself on ambient energies and those of people. Ezri does not need weapons as her inherent magical abilities provide her with sufficient defensive ability.


Her heritage grants her the following abilities which she can cast at will (if a spell):

| Nine Tails: Ezri can hide the majority of her tails but can only hide all her tails temporarily. The number of tails that she displays has a direct effect on the strength of her magic. The more tails, the more powerful the effects and abilities she uses. Conversely, it becomes increasingly difficult to not draw attention when she has all nine of her tails showing.

| Teleport without Error: Ezri can, at will and without any casting effort, teleport her body a short distance (maximum 20 meters). This ability is often used by her for evasion and almost never for breaking and entering (she views this as cheating and without sport). Once she teleports there is a momentary after-image of deep purple smoke that starts to dissipate almost immediately. This smoke has no odour and is not actually smoke in the literal sense.

| Intuition: Nine-Tailed Foxes have a strong ability to measure the character of an individual. They often make snap judgements about character and are rarely wrong. This ability is not without downsides, as purposeful masking of identity can cause them to dislike individuals that they would normally like, and can also cause them to assume someone to be less dangerous than they actually are.

| Cantrips: Ezri has the ability to cause multi-coloured flashes of light to erupt around her which almost look like small fireworks. This ability causes no damage but can be disorienting and often is used by Ezri in coordination with Teleport without Error in order to escape a situation she does not want to be in.

| Knock: She is able to unlock simple locks simply by wishing them to be unlocked. This ability does not have an impact on complicated locks or magically enchanted locks.

| Charm: All Nine-Tailed Foxes are addicted to being in love, or at the very least to the idea of being loved, as a result on of their most potent skills is the ability to Charm people which results in a deep (albeit temporary) affection from the victim. This is usually enough for any Nine-Tailed Fox to 'take the edge off' their want. Stronger affections (actually being in love for example) are able to sustain Ezri for significant periods of time without needing to experience new love. Conversely, love is fleeting as a Nine-Tailed Fox might tire of one love and want to seek out another—a situation that can often be troublesome as having jilted paramours looking for you is rarely a desirable thing when you are also a criminal.

| Snowball: Ezri's main form of defence involves forming a ball of energy in her hand which she can throw with a great degree of accuracy. At one tail showing, this is an annoyance and would be mildly painful, but at nine tails, Snowballs will always find their mark, do not need to travel in a straight line (and can change directions as necessary in order to strike their target) and can be incredibly damaging (capable of burning and breaking bones). She generally will only use this ability in its single tail form.

One of the primary reasons that Ezri is easily capable of escaping from would be captors is her extreme level of fitness and agility. She is able to move exceedingly quickly and is able to jump, as an example, from the ground, on to a person's shoulders, to a wall and then over a rooftop without much effort. Coupled with Cantrips and Teleport without Error this makes Ezri's abilities to escape capture second to none. Foxfire increases Ezri's speed several times over to the point where dodging arrows or other projectiles is possible.
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Predator and Prey

Screen Shot 2022-09-14 at 7.54.24 AM.png

"I need a drink. You want a drink? I'm having a drink." - Jessica Jones

| Name: Amelia Garland.

| Sobriquet: Mel (only her sister calls her this).

| Actual Age: 27.

| Apparent Age: Late-20s.

| Race: Human.

| Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Bisexual

| Height: 5'6".

| Weight: 150 lbs.

| Dominant Side: Left.

| Physique: Lean.

| Eyes: Brown.

Voice: Mid, slightly husky.

| Hair color: Dark brown.

| Hair style: Long, loose.

| Skin Tincture: Healthy.

Physical Peculiarities: Small scar on her left temple, another on her right cheek.

| Affiliations: Garland Investigations. Her sister.

| Occupation: Private Investigator.

| Nature: Justice seeker.

| Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

| Likes: Cigarettes, beer, exercise, science fiction movies.

| Dislikes: Crime, police methodology, abuse.


| Torso: Usually t-shirts and a leather jacket.

| Hips: Belt.

| Legs: Jeans.

| Footgear: Boots.

Amelia believes that, for her job, it's best to not stand out. She wears clothing that reflects that. She never wears colourful clothing, or anything that she feels is "too out there". She prefers muted colours and a leather jacket that her father gave to her when she was 20.


She always has a couple of bobby pins and a small container with pepper spray on her keychain.


Her training allows her the following abilities:

| Hand to hand combat: Amelia has taken a few self-defence classes and is able to competently fight if the need presents itself. Her size and weight sometimes put her at a disadvantage, but she has no issues with fighting dirty and will do so if she needs to.

| Master lock pick : Lots of time being bored and too many bent bobby pins has resulted in an uncanny ability to pick locks of all sorts. She has no particular ability to get into combination locks, but if it uses a key normally, she can probably get into it.

| Licences: If it has wheels, Amelia can drive it. If it has a trigger, she can fire it. While Amelia largely abhors violence and guns, she does know how to use them.

| Go unnoticed: For whatever reason, Amelia is a forgettable person. She seems to be easily forgotten and blends into crowds effortlessly. Rare indeed is the person that remembers her.
Hiding in Plain Sight

| Name: Airi Yamakami.

| Sobriquet: Ai.

| Actual Age: 873.

| Apparent Age: Late-20s.

| Race: Nine-Tailed Fox.

| Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Bisexual

| Height: 5'4".

| Weight: 47 kg.

| Dominant Side: Ambidextrous.

| Physique: Lean.

| Eyes: Golden-brown.

Voice: Rich and melodic.

| Hair color: White.

| Hair style: Very long, often tied into a loose ponytail.

| Skin Tincture: Healthy.

Physical Peculiarities: Large, black-tipped ears at the top of her head. Tails.

| Affiliations: Unknown.

| Occupation: Convenience store employee.

| Nature: Highly spirited.

| Alignment: Chaotic Good.

| Likes: Nature, music, singing, desserts, love stories, dancing, falling in love, playing match-maker.

| Dislikes: Rude people, evil, being hunted, being stereotyped, being objectified.

Personal History

Not all Nine-Tailed Foxes want to follow the path that is laid out before them. Sometimes, they stray from the path. Sometimes they follow their own version of it. Airi has, for generations, dabbled in the relationships of others and played match-maker to hundreds, if not thousands of people over the years. She likes this, viewing it as another way to interpret the ethos of her people. While they feed on love and survive for centuries, Airi has learned out to feed on the love of others, making her own need to be involved in relationships less about survival and more about fun.

Airi has largely been able to keep her true nature hidden, despite how different her appearance tends to be from that of most people. Nine times out of ten she is able to convince people that she was born with albinism or dyes her hair, but if people start getting too suspicious, she will leave the city she's in for another place. As a result, she always rents apartments, and takes simple and easy to get jobs, like at convenience stores or kabakuras. She largely dislikes any job where she is forced to flaunt her looks, and will transition out of those jobs as quickly as possible, though often not before attracting several male suitors.


Airi is rarely without options when it comes to clothes. While all Nine-Tailed Foxes have some degree of vanity, Airi does not mind the attention that is lavished on her, particularly when she is seeking it. Receiving gifts from suitors is common, and she loves being taken on shopping dates. While Airi would strongly disagree with being called a 'gold-digger' (she has no interest in marrying someone for their money, and generally has little need for money), she appreciates that her nature and mythical powers grant her an... unfair advantage... at least insofar as she can get that sweater she really wants, or the boots that she finds irresistible. She also likes wearing hats, as it allows her to hide her ears without needing to resort to magic, though her tail has to be hidden this way. She prefers wearing younger trends, and for someone her age, she always seems to gravitate towards newer fashion trends, as if she already knew what would be popular.


Her heritage grants her the following abilities which she can cast at will (if a spell):

| Nine Tails: Airi can hide her tails, for a day or two at a time, but eventually will need to drop the spell. Much like flexing a muscle, spells need to be released. She is very careful about planning to ensure that she is never in a situation where she would have to release her spells in public. Her fox ears can often be hidden underneath a hat, especially when flattened against her head. Airi's desire to just live out her days, playing match-maker or having fun usually involve her hiding her heritage.

| Teleport without Error: Airi can, at will and without any casting effort, teleport her body a short distance (maximum 20 meters). She rarely if ever uses this ability, except for cases where she forgets her keys in her apartment and gets locked out. Once she teleports. there is a momentary after-image of soft yellow smoke that starts to dissipate almost immediately. This smoke has no odour and is not actually smoke in the literal sense.

| Intuition: Nine-Tailed Foxes have a strong ability to measure the character of an individual. They often make snap judgements about character and are rarely wrong. This ability is not without downsides, as purposeful masking of identity can cause them to dislike individuals that they would normally like, and can also cause them to assume someone to be less dangerous than they actually are.

| Cantrips: Airi has the ability to cause multi-coloured flashes of light to erupt around her which almost look like small fireworks. This ability causes no damage but can be disorienting.

| Knock: While Airi is able to unlock simple locks simply by wishing them to be unlocked, she rarely does. This ability does not have an impact on complicated locks or magically enchanted locks. The only times that Airi might be inclined to use this ability is if she's being chased by someone... or hunted.

| Charm: All Nine-Tailed Foxes are addicted to being in love, or at the very least to the idea of being loved, as a result on of their most potent skills is the ability to Charm people which results in a deep (albeit temporary) affection from the victim. This is usually enough for any Nine-Tailed Fox to 'take the edge off' their want. Stronger affections (actually being in love for example) are able to sustain Airi for significant periods of time without needing to experience new love. Conversely, love is fleeting as a Nine-Tailed Fox might tire of one love and want to seek out another—a situation that can often be troublesome as having jilted paramours looking for you is rarely a desirable thing when you are also a criminal. Very uniquely, Airi is able to feed off the love of others, and is rarely left hungry. Especially in spring.

| Snowball: Airi's main form of defence involves forming a ball of energy in her hand which she can throw with varying degrees of accuracy. At one tail showing, this is an annoyance and would be mildly painful, but at nine tails, Snowballs will always find their mark, do not need to travel in a straight line (and can change directions as necessary in order to strike their target) and can be incredibly damaging (capable of burning and breaking bones). She generally will only use this ability in its single tail form. Airi's general distaste for violence and lack of practice makes this offensive ability quite weak.
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