Any [not a proper request thread title]

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Any [not a proper request thread title]


..yo soy un poco loco.
Local time
Today 8:33 PM
the back of somebody's closet.
There are several canon stories I want to play with, and a few original stories I'd like to test in the waters of these forums. Some of these can easily be done between two people using multiple characters, or between many writers covering one character each.

If you've not played the games, or seen the shows, that my canon-based stories are from then it'll be very difficult for us to write in those verses. Please don't inquire about a role for a verse that you don't have any knowledge in.

(min. # of writers; max. # of writers)

Until Dawn (min. 2; max. 8)
The Last of Us (min.2; max. 3)
Left 4 Dead (min. 2; max. 7)
Borderlands (min. 2; max. 4)

synopsis: Based on an original story world, this plot involves alternate dimensional travel between a non-magic based human world, and a more advanced magical version of earth, that are in conflict with one another. This involves war, gun play, animal transformations, and usage of elemental magic.
(min. 2; max. 4)

synopsis: Based on the zodiac system, 12-13 signs, depending on whatever year you were born. Each zodiac deity is reborn in human form every 100 years,to experience life among the human population. Unfortunately, most of them take this as an opportunity to showcase hidden celestial talents, or to kill off the other zodiacs they don't like. This process is repeated every 100 years.
(min. 4; max. 12) Each sign already has a specific gender and base personality assigned. This cannot be changed.

synopsis: End of the world, in slow motion. The inevitable implosion of our Sun as it evolves into a red giant and consumes our world- is done very slowly. It's in the far enough future that we have the technology to board up on large vessels and ship ourselves away through space to a new, suitable planet. However, our lazy leadership skills left us to procrastinate the move until the last second. As the Sun is consuming the Earth, humans around the world suit up in heat resistant suits and wait on rescue crews to take them on up into the safety of space, as well as savaging everything that can still be saved: animals, food, other resources.
(min. 2; max. 8)

synopsis: Respawn. Much like in a video game, when you die, you respawn from a saved location. In this story, the select characters have specific glitches in life that set them apart from everyone else. They can't die, permanently. They end up getting into a lot of trouble and shenanigans, dying over and over again, only to respawn in another location. Chased by the authorities, they can even choose to kill themselves to make their escape by respawning elsewhere. Different characters will have a different glitch type of ability; ie. hacking, editing, creating, or deleting things in real life much like they would on a computer.
(min. 3; max. 5)
Other than the zodiac story- all original ideas are open for more original characters of your creation. Do not rely on me to create the character for you.

What I'm looking for in writing partners:
  • Activity. Decent activity means that you're able to reply once a week, and to at least communicate and chat a few times more than that.
  • Knowledge. Knowing what you're talking about is the easiest way for these stories to move forward. If I have to stop everything to explain things to you, then we're going to have a rough time.
  • Length. I can't reply to a one liner. I don't expect you to bring me a book, but please aim for a couple paragraphs at minimum. 5 sentences = 1 paragraph.
  • Two-way Effort. I can't be the only one putting in ideas. The writers that are accepted need to be adding in their own tug and pull to the story.
  • I don't write smut. ...
  • I just don't.

We'll start with this and see where it goes. I may add or remove things as time goes on.
I'd prefer you PM me if interested in anything here.
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