Nothing but Weird - Here

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Nothing but Weird - Here


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Today 6:38 AM
Hello~ My alias is WeebxDweeb. I'm in my early twenties , I'm a female and I've been role playing for several years. (Horrible with math) So we'll just say I've been at the game since I was 13. My themes usually turn more toward suspense, thriller, horror, off world. I love Dystopian / Post apocalyptic settings. I normally play the female role as you can guess. However I can play the male role if needed (say for those who like/love to double). I have dabbled in fantasy, high fantasy, modern , etc but there not my top favorites.

I do have two occ's that I adore. One is apart of a concept my friend has made. The theme takes after Norse/Greek mythology. He created his own race, history etc. My character's name is Nephele Lindwurm Hemmil. She is a hybrid mixed with an Air drake and a Canton <- The Canton is my friends creation. My second occ is named Lindel. She is based off of Bloodborne and my favorite mythos. Hp Lovecraft.

I normally write 5 paragraphs and + . I love adding details; emotions, environment, clothes, expressions, etc. I write both in third person and first but mainly third!

Ugh...what else? Occ wise. I'm a scatterbrain. I love anime, manga, games, everything nerd like. I want to go to E3 expo next year (but don't want to go alone). For ps4 I play normally first shooters. I just bought God of War but haven't played it yet. I'm gonna buy Ghost Recon here shortly T^T. I play Killing Floor 2, Overwatch, Cod. For PC, I only really play League of Legends. Oh Hulu and Netflix are life~
Welcome to the Sanctum, Weeb!

You've already been thoroughly welcomed via chat but just wanted to reach out and make it official, also, love your original characters and if you're into the Dystopian / Post Apocalyptic thing you should check out my RP Hook post in my signature, we might find some common ground and make magic happen!

Otherwise welcome, and I promise that nobody here bites... hard... unless... you know, that's what you want them to do.
Welcome to the Sanctum
Thank you!

Welcome to the Sanctum, Weeb!

You've already been thoroughly welcomed via chat but just wanted to reach out and make it official, also, love your original characters and if you're into the Dystopian / Post Apocalyptic thing you should check out my RP Hook post in my signature, we might find some common ground and make magic happen!

Otherwise welcome, and I promise that nobody here bites... hard... unless... you know, that's what you want them to do.

Yes it was a super warm welcome. Thank you lol. The first one Nephele is hard to get stories with. My friend created them as ...racist to any other race that wasn't their's. The only way to get a concrete story going was if the plot had knowledge, loyalty, respect etc. I'm hoping to expand on Lindel more when I have the chance. I will however look at your RP Hook.
Welcome, Weeb! I hope you enjoy your time here. See you around the forums.
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