Site Update Notifications and Emails

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Site Update Notifications and Emails

Hello Sanctum Dwellers!!

Tech demon extraordinaire @Otys has completed a couple of updates on the backend of the site.

First, the site now has push notifications. These should work, when enabled, on mobile and PC. They have to be enabled on a per-device basis. If you missed the notification, you can enable them in your site preferences: Preferences | Inner Sanctum Roleplaying ( Please report any issues in this thread by mentioning: your device/OS and your browser so we can isolate any problems.

Second, updates have been done to our email server that should ensure users properly receive emails. Note, new emails will not from, but from a new That said, there are two very important things we need everyone to do:

1. If you do not want email notifications, please disable them in preferences. DO NOT FLAG AS SPAM. It interferes with the ability of other users to get their emails. Our hope is that with the new email, past issues will not impact delivery, but that only works if it's not being viewed as spam.

2. Please check your spam folder and verify that you flag any previous emails from us as "not spam". Likewise if you fail to receive any emails in the next couple of days that should have arrived, make sure they are not being flagged.

Please report any issues that emerge for emails sent after this announcement in this thread. Please be sure to mention your email provider, as issues are often specific.

Thank you all. Enjoy the features, new and fixed!!
Hey, I'm very curious about what kinds of notifications come through when we enable push? Is it inclusive of site announcements, indications that watched threads have been replied to, etc? Would like to know prior to enabling, as this could be very helpful or very distracting depending 😉
Hey, I'm very curious about what kinds of notifications come through when we enable push? Is it inclusive of site announcements, indications that watched threads have been replied to, etc? Would like to know prior to enabling, as this could be very helpful or very distracting depending 😉
Anything you enable in your settings. For example, I have all the notifications enabled right now. Alert means on-site alerts while push means push notifications.
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