Nova-Leigh Meridin

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Nova-Leigh Meridin

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Full name Nova-Leigh Grace Meridin

Nickname: Nova

Age: 19

Religion: Wiccan

City of birth: Cintra (of The Witcher series)

The current place for living: Cintra

Job title: Metaphysical Shop merchant

Is he or she married? No

Mother tongue: English

Birthday: December 6

Does he or she own a home? An Apartment

What does the character like? Music, bars, sword fights

What does the character dislike? Rude people, being insulted, liars, cheats

She had a loving mother and her father was a hard-working man. Her father ran the metaphysical shop she now owns and her mother worked at a tavern down the road. Nova-Leigh attended mage school and grew her powers so now she works as a shop owner and helping hand for the town of Cintra. She has had bad relationships with men and has trouble trusting them. She is a bold woman and takes no risks when it comes to trusting people. She enjoys leaving town to find adventures to run on and monsters to kill.

Sisters or brothers: none

Wife or husband: none

Children: none

Addictions: smoking, gambling, sword fighting

Bad Habits: bites nails

Color of Eyes: yellow

The color of Hair: white

The color of Skin: pale as snow

Does the character drink regularly? yes

Does the character have any disabilities? no

Does the character smoke? yes

Good Habits: hygiene, gives to the poor

Height: 5ft 6

Hobbies: sword fights, crafting potions

Is he/she wearing Glasses? no

Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? Mutant blood

Type of Face: round

Weight: 170 lbs

Intelligent or not? Very intelligent

Fears: large snakes, insects

Self-Confidence: very high, she is very cocky

Rational Or Emotional: emotional but sometimes over rational in certain situations

How could you upset this character? Lying, stealing, going behind their back, making them lose a game

Is the character an introvert or an extrovert? extrovert

How does the character cope with fury and rage? Fighting

… with unhappiness? fighting

… with rivalry? fighting

… with new situations? Stresses out, but takes them head-on

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