Any Nsomnia's Desires

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Any Nsomnia's Desires


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility 250 Posts! 250 Likes!
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Today 1:45 PM
Birnin Zana, Wakanda
Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?

I'm Nsomnia, I've been forum-based roleplaying for about a decade, and I've been writing solo novels and short stories for twice as long. Naturally, that means I love detailed, medium-to-long-term stories. One-liners and a general lack of effort are great ways to get ghosted by me, though I'm also entering my mature era so I may very well simply just tell you I'm not feeling it anymore. I just really hate hurting people's feelings, so please let's not do that :3

I love an adventure, whether that be fantasy, supernatural, sci-fi, or even slice of life. There's always an element of romance in my tales because, let's face it, I'm a romantic. I believe smut is a real part of romance so I don't fade to black. If that's what you prefer, I'm probably not the partner for you. Still, smut isn't everything, and I prefer writing plot more than anything. That slow build and sexual tension are more fun than the juicy bits oftentimes. Even if it's heavy smut, let's make sure it's heavy plot too.

I will write either MxF or FxF... MxM stories are fantastic, I just suck at writing them :3 (But hey, with the right plot, you might be able to convince me to step out of my comfort zone.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?

As mentioned above, I prefer longer posts. The more you give me to read and reply to, the happier I am. Of course, there will be instances where a long reply isn't always feasible, but in most cases, I will try and give you multiple paragraphs, if not a whole novel to reply to. AGAIN, if I write a 6+ paragraph reply and you give me three sentences (except for special cases--I'm very understanding), I will lose interest and call it quits. Please feel free to communicate with me OOC if there are any issues or lack of interest. I love developing the story with my partner as I feel like it creates better posts from both of us and keeps us both interested. So please, whether it's my plot idea or yours, ultimately I'd like to make it OURS.

I'm a contract/ freelance worker in the TV/ Film/ Sports industry, so my writing schedule fluctuates. I will try to reply several times a week, if not daily, but there will be times in the future when that might become difficult, and I'll do my best to communicate if I'm not going to reply promptly. Currently I'm between gigs, so I have way too much free time on my hands. Other than socializing and going to the gym, I'm pretty much available most times of the day. I'm on EST if that matters.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
LOVE IT! The darker, the grittier, the more violent, the better! I can be roped into a sweet story, but it's the darkness that calls to me. If it's got bloodshed or tragic backstories, count me in. That being said, I like to separate that from the smut, with exceptions of course. If we're RPing vampires, I expect there'll be bloodplay in the mix. And d/s relationships have a way of getting extreme, so of course that would be an exception. But for the most part, I keep those two things mutually exclusive.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
Yes, as a hot-blooded human being, I love sex. One of these days I'll put together a list of likes and dislikes, but not today. I'm not into toilet play and stuff like that, but honestly, if you want a list, it's better to just ask me because I'm pretty open-minded about a lot of things.

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)
I prefer OCs and original worlds and storylines so I try to stay away from fandoms. An exception to that would be mythology if that counts.

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
But of course! These aren't in any list of importance, just interests, so pair them however

Magical beings (witches/ casters/ sorcerers/ etc)
Superpowered beings
Werewolves / Shifters
Supernatural hunters

Real World:
Teacher x student
Arranged Marriage (can pair with any of these)
Doctor x Patient


Future World
Time Travel

Do you have any detailed plots prepared?

A few...

The Genesis Project: (Sci-fi/Arranged pairing)

Earth is dying and a group of humans known as the Genesis Project are tasked with restarting life on another planet recently deemed safe to inhabit by humans. This story will include romance, of course, but also action, adventure, and some darker themes. This is a new planet so the more creative, the better. Magic can be included or we can keep it purely scientific based. Characters can literally be anything—from a scientist, to a teacher, to an artist, to a farmer... Hell, they could even be an alien x human pairing, which would completely screw up the entire project and become a forbidden love type of thing.

Student's Pet: (Teacher x Student--slice of life)
Set in a college setting, a timid female professor struggles to get a handle on her life, class, and the students that occupy it. In this tale, the professor is a sexually submissive woman who begins a secret forbidden romance with her a Dom male student who shows her the d/s lifestyle might be exactly what she needs to clear her head. This isn't one of those stories where one blackmails the other for an exchange of sexual favors for a higher grade. Instead, this is purely based on two consenting adults who are romantically and sexually attracted to each other.

Angel x Demon (Forbidden love)
Angels and demons operate as soldiers on opposite sides of the Holy War, natural enemies in every way. However, things change one fateful night when one of the Holy One's strongest Archangels crosses paths with the Dark One's favored archdemon. Upon meeting, the two battle it out until flashes of their memories from their mortal lives--thought to be wiped clean--begin to surface. Memories that involve the other. Desperate to uncover these memories, they eventually learn that not only did they know each other in their past life, but they were lovers. Deciding to team up to discover the truths behind this Holy War, and why their memories were wiped, they must operate under the radar while pretending to be faithful soldiers to the Ones they serve.

Do you have any characters you want to write? (Our character forum is here if you want a dedicated thread)
I like to come up with characters based on the RP so you're almost always going to get a character that's unique to our story.

Any additional notes you want to add?
If you have any questions or plot ideas, please let me know. I ultimately just want to write, so please don't be afraid to give plot suggestions. Send me a message here if you're interested, or message me directly.
Last edited:
Updated: Added "The Holy War" to my list of plots
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