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- Today 4:52 AM
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- 23
- Age
- 37
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Hey there everyone, figured it was about time I actually properly introduced myself! My name is Nev, I'm 35, female and I have She/Her pronouns. I'm a Montana born and raised girl, married for nearly five years now. No kids and don't have plans on having any either. My kids are my fur babies, two cats to be exact! I've been writing since I was 15, utilizing different platforms over time from pen and paper, IMVU, SecondLife, a slew of different online forums and a few servers in Discord. I've never published anything, and while the idea tickles something in the back of my head, I intend to keep writing as just a hobby for me instead of turning it into a form of work. That, for me, is a surefire way to quickly make me loose interest and make me not want to do it anymore. Work for me is already very demanding physically and mentally, and because of it I am constantly in a state of fatigue. Because of that, it can take me a bit to get posts done as I juggle work and sleep, but I will try to get a post to you at least once or twice a week. With that in mind, I try to limit myself to a max of 3 active stories at any given time, otherwise I run the risk of getting burnt out rather fast. If things are really crazy, I will let you know OOCly so that you don't think I've ghosted you. Speaking of ghosting... I am not against it, and will admit that I have resorted to it a time or two. I don't like when that happens, but sometimes its what was needed to get myself out of a situation with the least amount of pain, so if you feel like you need to ghost me for whatever reason, do what you gotta do, but if your just not feeling our story together, let me know and I'll do the same for you.
As for my writing style, I write in third person, and usually range between 500-600 words or a few paragraphs on average, and I prefer my partners to be about the same. I don't do single line posts, and even just one paragraph rubs me the wrong way. My posts do grow in size if I'm really feeling the story, or if I add in NPCs. I am fine with playing multiple characters in stories and while those posts can get pretty long and reach into the 1k or longer lengths, I never expect my partners to match that length, or expect them to come up with NPCs if that's not something they are familiar or fond of doing. I also don't mind taking the lead in stories, creating events for our characters to interact with, but I don't want to have to constantly do that just to keep the story moving. I'd like my partner to help out with that and give me stuff to work with.
I'm not that good at world building, so describing locations or clothing in detail is a little more difficult for me so I usually am somewhat vague when it comes to things like that, so any partner that can bring the world around us to life is very much welcome. I usually focus on Modern or Low Fantasy Slice-of-Life style of stories, mixing a little of other genre's in to spice things up, and prefer one-on-one rather than group. As I said before, work for me can get very demanding so I don't like being the reason a thread can't progress because they are waiting on me, more often than not in those instances I end up just having my characters back out. When it comes to smut in my stories.... There's usually quite a bit. I'm a pervert, I admit it! I really enjoy sexual tension, so flirting and teasing touches or looks are always getting tossed into my stories. I can do more wholesome less lewd writing, but I find I tend to loose interest in those a lot faster. I am a Switch that leans heavily toward the Top side, though I do welcome the chances I get to be the Bottom! I am very kink and fetish friendly, and if any of mine (which there are many) line up with my partner, you can usually guarantee I will work them into our storyline one way or another! When it comes to the sex of my characters, I prefer being able to play dual-gendered or futanari characters as that feels most natural for my mindset, I might also have a small bit of cock envy for guys and wish I had my own! I view those kinds of characters the best of both worlds! If your not comfortable with that, I will play female, and on occasion I have played full male but don't have that much experience in that area.
As for my writing style, I write in third person, and usually range between 500-600 words or a few paragraphs on average, and I prefer my partners to be about the same. I don't do single line posts, and even just one paragraph rubs me the wrong way. My posts do grow in size if I'm really feeling the story, or if I add in NPCs. I am fine with playing multiple characters in stories and while those posts can get pretty long and reach into the 1k or longer lengths, I never expect my partners to match that length, or expect them to come up with NPCs if that's not something they are familiar or fond of doing. I also don't mind taking the lead in stories, creating events for our characters to interact with, but I don't want to have to constantly do that just to keep the story moving. I'd like my partner to help out with that and give me stuff to work with.
I'm not that good at world building, so describing locations or clothing in detail is a little more difficult for me so I usually am somewhat vague when it comes to things like that, so any partner that can bring the world around us to life is very much welcome. I usually focus on Modern or Low Fantasy Slice-of-Life style of stories, mixing a little of other genre's in to spice things up, and prefer one-on-one rather than group. As I said before, work for me can get very demanding so I don't like being the reason a thread can't progress because they are waiting on me, more often than not in those instances I end up just having my characters back out. When it comes to smut in my stories.... There's usually quite a bit. I'm a pervert, I admit it! I really enjoy sexual tension, so flirting and teasing touches or looks are always getting tossed into my stories. I can do more wholesome less lewd writing, but I find I tend to loose interest in those a lot faster. I am a Switch that leans heavily toward the Top side, though I do welcome the chances I get to be the Bottom! I am very kink and fetish friendly, and if any of mine (which there are many) line up with my partner, you can usually guarantee I will work them into our storyline one way or another! When it comes to the sex of my characters, I prefer being able to play dual-gendered or futanari characters as that feels most natural for my mindset, I might also have a small bit of cock envy for guys and wish I had my own! I view those kinds of characters the best of both worlds! If your not comfortable with that, I will play female, and on occasion I have played full male but don't have that much experience in that area.