o/ howdy

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o/ howdy

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Today 7:53 PM
Sup I'm Sicarius ( Sic-ar-e-us ), I haven't text RPed, RP'd (?), in a long time. Like 4 years I think, which if I remember right the style I used was a narrative type seeing as that's around when I started making short stories and submitting them for extra credit in my English classes. For roleplay, though I primarily do tabletop D&D style of RP as a character and Gmod SWRP kind of roleplay if anyone is familiar with that.

I primarily like an RP that's open to different kinds of characters for the time period/setting given that they're well written instead of " Cindy is here because I said she is. ". I also like reading RPs if their premise intrigues me.

Some of what I've written/concocted as of recently has a militaria sense to it whether that be the characters or the setting. Usually, stuff though is influenced by real-world events altered to create an interesting story.

Introductions are awkward so, sorry if this was a bad read šŸ˜“
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to I.S. Sicarius, I hope you find what you are looking for.
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I hope you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! šŸŒ»

(Intros are hard. I think you did a wonderful job! ā¤ļø)
Welcome to the madhouse!
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