Character(s) OCs More to come

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Character(s) OCs More to come


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This is my primary Character and a couple plots more will be added
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Kyo Howling
Age: 25
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Race: Half Demon (Wolf)
Skills: Excellent Hand to Hand combatant uses firearms blades natural claws and pyroconisis
Job: Bounty Hunter
Rp type: Modern settings action oriented high fantasy (my first rp character ever made and still to this day my favorite)

Howling is a Bounty Hunter who specializes in hunting demon and other super natural targets. He used to be a normal boy until a raid on his home by a then unknown person who robbed him of his child hood. After being saved by the people of his home and escaping the raid he has been driven to find out the truth about what happened that day and to seek revenge on the one responsible. He lived on the streets for several years learning to survive but he he was found by a small family who raised him and instilled him with kindness and a desire to protect those weaker then him and despises pointless death though his kind nature is hidden behind a very stand offish and aloof persona his mission for revenge never truly came to an end despite a rather happy adolescence. However as if he were cursed this family was also taken from him as they died of disease before their time; the family was very poor so he never was able to inherit much of anything. Do to the several losses he faced he has limited his relationships with anyone outside of work relations. He took a job as a hunter to survive as he spent the rest of his life living on his own but he never abandoned the ideas of his surrogate family. During one of his hunts he found out that the person responsable for the raid on his home was a man by the name of Chrono a powerful CEO with strong ties to orginized crime acting as a falanthropist to cover up his twisted deeds. Chrono is a full demon who has ecentally bought off some one in every corner of government within Night City. Howling reputation became quite well know against supernaturals and criminals and has his own share of assassins that have tried to take him out and as a result he operates through go between and keeps all his contact and clients at arms length.

Plots more to come

Lit RPG Style RPs

Dark Fantasy: This rp is a Dark fantasy with Dark themes to match including but not limited to religion colonization as well as socioeconomic issues including totalitarianism and facisim as well as non consent in this rp so be ready for that. There is a huge focus on Narrative here and there are few rules for what your character can be in this rp unfortunately though no traditionally monster characters as it would not fit in the rules established by this world but hybrids and shape shifters are allowed to a point if you have an idea i will be happy to discuss it. Class creativity is encouraged just no world breaking characters stakes are what make a story interesting. In the world of Livilush monsters and abomination roam free preying on travelers merchants and Adventurers alike. My character is a lone adventurer who lost his home to a mysterious force in his youth. Lamp Lighters (your character) are people who are responsible for lighting purity lamps to keep monsters off the roads however with the increased hostility and growing strength of these beasts the lamps have dwindled in effectiveness. My character comes across you about to be eaten by a beast and saves you. Will you travel with him for protection or learn to fight for yourself. There is a fleshed out dungeon loot lvl and civilization builder system in this rp so there will be plenty to do.This is a base plot if you have any others please do start a conversation I am always open to discuss plot this is a huge world I would like to try and build with you and as a result I would need a long term partner if you no longer wish to continue that is fine just let me know. Don't ghost me or just continue out of obligation if you aren't enjoying yourself neither am I thank you.

Post apocalyptic: This is my attempt at a nautical adventure and is a 50/50 smut to Narrative ratio and the dark themes focus around genocide and the dangers of being a very rare species A Woman in a violent world mostly populated by men starved for female. In this world after the explosion of the star Alpha Centauri the laws of the world changed and a great flood occurred drowning even more of the world under the ocean what patches of land there still are are very rare and hard to find and to make it worse women started to be born less and less until they became more rare than gold (genders can be reversed if you want but that will require additional plotting as the logistics of it would have to be reworked) as a result women that were alive started being killed off by newly evolved monsters or natural causes and the human race started dwindling. However in this rp there are no real rules as to what your character can be.There is a loot, upgrade, civilization builder, dungeon system and world bosses. Class creativity is encouraged.
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