Both Needed Off-Versum

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Both Needed Off-Versum

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"Our physical selves can leave their places of birth easily. It is simply a matter of standing and taking those steps. The soul, however, cannot move as freely. Where it emerges within our grand versum, it remains..."

The versum, the realm in which our souls reside, acts as a map for our mastery over this world. Air above, earth below, fire and water at our sides, with vast transmutations beyond.

A gifted soul first lives at the versum's first ring, usually at the sources of the four basic elements. In reality, no soul truly resides at the center. Such an existence would achieve control over more than the physical realm, and has never been reached.
"...Unless trained."

yeah, I stole this


High Mentor Olivier entered the theater. The temple of Cyrus stood over twenty stories high, enough to challenge the more modern buildings that surrounded it, but he chose to hold this particular gathering at the lowest level. It felt fitting. Most unnerving, however, was his audience. A collection of miscreant students, with a single, outlying instructor that wanted to be there even less than they. As a whole, they represented the most recent disappointments in all of their groups, so belligerent in their teachings that Olivier felt it appropriate to take action. "In all my years of guiding the youths that have crossed the threshold of this great temple, I don't believe I've ever met a group of people so undeserving of the versum's gifts. And yes, Mentor, you're included in that," he prattled on from the stage, staring into each of their souls. "Your lack of respect for the sanctity of our abilities, for the institution of harnessing education we provide, is appalling. I see no alternative than to reinforce what you've failed to learn."

His attention turned entirely to the rogue Mentor. "You've been tasked with chaperoning these uninspired young people along a pilgrimage. I can think of no better way to learn than from the Masters, and I encourage you, Mentor, to listen to their words of wisdom just as closely. Perhaps some of you will redeem yourselves."

Okay, so, this story's about a group of crappy students in a world ripped-off from the Avatar franchise. (The one with element-bending, not the blue cats.) Basically, they're all gonna go on this little adventure to gain some sort of respect for the culture surrounding their powers. And I'll be playing a sort of similarly-inclined teacher that also has some self-improvement to do. (And in between, we'll have fight scenes and power progression, probably~)
• I will be the one to control any sort of gaining of powers.
• Your character must begin at one of the four elements.
• No being OP, obvs.
• Be decent at writing.
• Maybe I'll think of more.
[Face Claim]




Progression Lean: (One of the eight disciplines that go past the first four. Not super picky about these being repeated, but you know, lame.)

Name: Gao Bo
Nickname: Druid
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight

Build: Lean
Tattoos: Two black armbands, one on each arm, and a series of triangles, running from his right hip to the height of his right shoulder
Piercings: Two earrings, both on his right ear
Personality: Very aloof and lazy. Not to concerned with much outside of the power and beauty of nature. He passes his time sleeping in trees. However, if you can manage to peak his interest, you may gain a friend for life.
Bio: Gao Bo is the second son of a prominent merchant family. His older brother, Lei Bo, is set to inherit their business, but that never bothered Gao. He would rather spend most of his time learning about nature first hand, and that's exactly what he did. Eventually, he became a local legend, protecting the wild life around his hometown from poachers with his Earthbending . But this upset his parents, because sometimes his crusade interfered with their trade. So they sent him away to learn discipline and diligence at the Temple of Cyrus. So far, that hasn't worked out too well.

Element: Earth
Progression Lean: Plant
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Name: Farren Azela

Nickname: None

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bi

Height: 5'3

Build: Lean, toned

Tattoos: Tattoo of a water serpent on her back (Starting from her shoulders to the small of her back)

Piercings: 3 lobe piercings and 1 helix on her left ear

Personality: Farren hates responsibility. She is prone to anxiety when faced with anything remotely challenging that is set on her shoulders, and usually ends up running from her responsibilities. However, she is fairly active in terms of finding things to do outside and loves going on adventures simply to explore. She is quite extroverted, but prefers to follow people instead of lead. She enjoys making new friends as well although she has a hard time staying loyal simply because it seems like too big of a commitment to stay beside someone through thick and thin. She is very much an open book and doesn't mind telling people how she is feeling.

Bio: Farren grew up with her grandparents. Her father was nowhere to be found and her mother came to visit her occasionally, but never helped in taking care of her. She has a little sister who does live with their mom, but Farren rarely gets to see her. Her grandparents pushed her to practice her water bending as well as doing her daily chores. Although to most it seemed like a reasonable if not very normal part of daily life, to Farren it was unbelievably overwhelming, and she came off as very lazy. Instead of helping Farren through whatever it was that was holding her back, they usually resorted to yelling at her or at most completely giving up at the end of the day and just letting her do what she wanted. She's had her fair share of running away as well, but has always been caught and brought back. Finally, after much decision making, her grandparents decided to send her away to the Temple of Cyrus. They were sad of course. They loved her very much, but they couldn't handle her lack of discipline anymore and that is what it had come to.

Element: Water

Progression: Snow

Name: Mara Breau
Nickname: Blue
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Orientation: Homosexual

Height: 5'9"
Build: Slender
Tattoos: Blue Teardrop (real ghetto shit)
Piercings: None

Personality: In her efforts to assume the identity of a Mentor, Mara often finds herself feeling inhibited, especially when she'd rather follow the instincts of her younger, more reckless self.
Bio: Other than what the name suggests, late bloomers are more common that one might think. Up until the age of 12, Mara had no reason to question her place within the versum. That is, until she flooded a handful of bathrooms, but by then, she'd gone down a path most other kid with powers would've avoided. Her older brother, a then-younger, 20-something year old drug dealer had a bad habit of bringing Mara along for his dealings. Naturally, she fell into the same crowd, and eventually started a short-lived career as a preteen opioid pusher. However, once her powers came in, not even her brother could deny the life he'd shown her was bound to ruin Mara for life. Through her kicking and screaming, she dropped her off at the temple's steps and made sure someone came to collect her before driving away.

Wanting to fit in her new environment, like she had around her brother and his friends, Mara eventually found herself on the fast track to the position of Mentor, much to the dismay of her instructors, who all insisted that her control of her element was hardly a sufficient qualification.

Element: Water
Progression Lean: Blood
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Added a pic~ Hopefully we'll have one of each, but I'll change to fire if nobody else takes it. (Robbie's going with air.)
Would you mind if I popped in? I'm a bit green to this site, but I shall do my very best to write decently and not be OP. obvs.

Also, before I commit anything to writing, this is set in a modern era, yeah? I gathered that impression from some of the bios but since I didn't see it stated anywhere, I'm beginning to doubt my assumption.
It is a modern-ish world? But like, the kind with enough respect towards its ancient culture to build cities around a temple, rather than trying to change or bulldoze it to stay on-theme.

"The temple of Cyrus stood over twenty stories high, enough to challenge the more modern buildings that surrounded it, but he chose to hold this particular gathering at the lowest level."

I probably should've done a better job of making that point, but you're right.

Name: Ari Bashir
Nickname: Ari
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual

Height: 5'10"
Build: Slim and knobby
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: Several; three or four holes in each ear, two through his right eyebrow, and one through his bottom lip, though all are currently devoid of jewelry

Personality: Imagine the personification of using firebending to light a cigarette. A rebel without a cause, Ari can be rude, uncouth, and even mean. Most of this behavior is artificial, inspired by a fear of intimacy and a desire to avoid it by proving unlikable. Ari might be afraid of intimacy, but he abhors authority. If he's a jerk on a good day, he becomes a downright dick if he feels he's being ordered around. Like most young miscreants, beneath his sullen and withdrawn exterior, Ari is terribly lonely. Should anyone take the time to weasel their way past Ari's defenses, they'll find a humble and loyal soul yearning to connect with someone.

Bio: Born third to what would eventually be four children, Ari was never remarkable in any way. His parents, a wealthy business duo, found it difficult to spend time with their children, but their eldest daughter was their heir, their second child an academic prodigy, and their youngest the baby, who was doted upon accordingly. While never neglected or mistreated, Ari discovered from a young age that he did not get as much attention as his siblings and tried to remedy that by acting out. Unfortunately for him, it backfired; his parents, worried about maintaining their social image, only distanced themselves further from the unruly child. Then, when he was nine, Ari discovered that he was a firebender during a memorable incident with his younger brother's birthday candles. The only bender in the family.
His parents freaked, not wanting to sully the family name with a delinquent firebender, so they pulled Ari out of school and plied him with private tutors for his bending, his academics, and even his behavioral issues. Ari finally had his parents' attention, only to find he no longer wanted it. He spent the next several years doing the opposite of what was expected of him. He neglected his studies, started fights, and in his most angsty teenage moments, would disappear for hours and come back with new piercings, though the jewelry would often be confiscated soon after. He even picked up smoking somewhere along the way. In a final attempt to make something presentable out of Ari and, having had quite enough of him over the past decade, his parents have shuffled him off to the Temple of Cyrus.

Element: Fire
Progression Lean: Lightning




|| Name ||

Wilhelmina "Wil" Velazquez

|| Nickname ||

Mina- though, she only allows her mother to call her that

|| Age ||


|| Gender ||


|| Orientation ||

Currently in question


|| Height ||


|| Build ||

Average, however, slighlty lean around her limbs

|| Tattoos ||

In honor of her late father, Wil had gotten herself a tattoo at the ripe age of eighteen. And though seemingly abstract to the outside world, it is the very constellation of Cancer (as in, the zodiac), and quite obviously her father's sign.

|| Piercings ||

Lobe & cartilage piercings on both ears, though the accompanying jewelry are often kept at a minimal and resemble the image below~


|| Personality ||

It feels as though, wherever she goes, a party is sure to follow. For, having always assumed the role of primary entertainer, Wil is very much the life of the party. With bundles upon bundles of ideas & stories to share, there is not a day that goes in which a great deal of laughter & mischief do not arise. And so, as a proud troublemaker (though she very much prefers the term adventurer) Wil is prone to causing mayhem solely for the shits n giggles.

|| Bio ||

From the beginning, Wil had lived a very ordinary life- well, as ordinary as an elemental's life could get. For, she had a mother, a father (well used to anyway) and a very fat grumpy cat for a family, though, would never give them up for the world. However, being the only child, a lot of the available entertainment had stemmed- and continues to stem from her own means... And let's just say that she could get very creative, unfortunately for others. For, Wil had always known about her "abilities," ever since she was little actually, and would often use them to keep herself amused- at the cost of others. From making people fart to convincing kiddish playmates into thinking that she was actuall a scary deep sea creature (y'know, with the whole breathing underwater thing)
Wil had done it all. Though for a long time her antics were often put on pause by her parents,and yet that rarely ever stopped her. For, surprisingly, Wil was never really that rebellious, she was obedient (to a certain degree), great in her studies and an overall joy to have around, only, it was just her fatal thirst for trouble that had them second guessing just about everything else.

Years passed by and Wil had somewhat calmed down from her adventurous streak, somewhat matured from what she had once been- a class clown. And just as she thought that she would continue to improve, continue to win the approval of her parents,
it had all gone to shit. For, one evening, Officer Velazquez had been out on his routine patrol- scouting the more violence-prone streets with his partner. Only to find himself in the midst of a vengeful shootout... Let's just say that that was his last day on the job. But of course, at first, Wil hadn't exactly been herself after she'd caught word of the news. Often locking herself in her room, skipping meals and even classes just to be left alone, kept away from the world. It was evident then, that she was not the same. But with time, it seemed that she only regressed into her former self, finding comfort in reliving & reenacting her troublemaking memories, in which her father would often drag her into long, unbearable lectures. But now it was only her mother, a mother who had already lost a husband, her soulmate & was afraid of losing her daughter to her own recklessness. And off to the temple of Cyprus, Wil was sent.

|| Element ||


|| Progression Lean ||

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