Both Needed Off-Versum

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Both Needed Off-Versum


Name: Georgia Lin
Nickname: Jo
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bicurious

Height: 5'1"
Build: Petite
But very large and centered on her back
Piercings: Two on each earlobe, a helix ring on her right ear


Seemingly never low on energy, Jo is a powerhouse of a woman. She speaks as fast as she thinks and her words are usually exactly what she's thinking, for better or for worse. For this reason, it is extremely hard for Jo to bury her feelings and emotions. She has embraced it, however, and takes pride in being an open book whom people immediately feel comfortable around and welcomed by. She's not the most romantic but is a pretty avid flirt. Jo is rather immature and can be slow on picking up the mood of a room. It causes herself and others frustration, but once she's in the zone she is locked in. Her attention span is very short, which can cause her to be flaky and shallow when she doesn't mean to be. This also makes her a nightmare student, as she wants to give up when she's not immediately good at something. When excited, she can hardly contain it... Similar to her anger. Jo tolerates most quirks and is not easily pissed off past momentary annoyance. But when she's mad, she's mad.


Born to a Taiwanese father and white mother, Jo grew up in an upper-middle-class household. She is the youngest of six and the only daughter. Her brothers toughened her up over the years, but she was endlessly spoiled by her parents, who kept trying until they had a girl. Only one of her brothers is elemental, but he never embraced it and has practiced normalcy all of his life. It is for this reason Jo is a subpar student; not only has she never had a positive example, but it was also largely discouraged for her to hone her skills in her home.
Her father was an only child of now-passed parents, and she is completely estranged from her mother's side of the family. It's the one thing she never talks about.

As a teen, she became close to a boy skilled with the element of earth. Watching him over the years made her realize she was missing out on a huge part of herself. Despite warnings from her family, she left for the Temple of Cyrus. While there appears to be something of a talent budding, she has yet to do anything impressive with fire and her frustration only grows. Since beginning training, she has contacted her family only minimally and is ashamed of possibly disappointing them. They miss her dearly, but the only one who frequently writes her is her elemental brother. He is proud of her for indulging in what he has been secretly curious about all these years. She's too embarrassed to tell him how much of a failure training has been.

Progression Lean: Lava
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If you are still accepting I'd gladly fill in any left over spaces. If you need more males or more females I got you. If you need more of an element also I'd be happy to play any. Just let me know :)
Didn't expect this many applicants, but I also don't want to be held up by too many people. You can be our definitive last.
Okay. Thank you. Anything in particular you need? Also if you wanted to just start the role play I can find a place to jump in once my application is completed.
Eh, I don't feel the need to force diversity too much. We have at least one of each element, and I couldn't care less about gender imbalances. Feel free to make whatever character you'd like.

Name: Katerina Laveed
Nickname: Kathrine or Rin
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight

Height: just shy from 5'8
Build: Lithe/willowy
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: N/A

Although very curious by nature Rin is the wall-flower type. She prefers to keep quiet and observe the things going on around her instead of directly engaging. Katherine has quite the nosy habits she tends to find herself at the wrong places at the wrong time, fortunately with this as a reoccurring situation Rin can practically slip her way out of any sticky situation. Whether it be luck or an extreme talent in acting she easily makes herself come off as aloof to the things she discovers. She loves learning from and experiencing each opportunity that comes her way to it's full-potential, even the one's that other's wouldn't dare touch. Very rebellious and determined telling her to do something or even directly pointing her in a specific direction will cause Rin to deliberately choose the opposite of what someone else wants. Her individuality is of utmost importance to her.
She's just too smart for her own good, and way too hard-headed.

Katherine was raised in a family of benders in Ireland. Her mother was an Earthbender and her Father an Airbender. She had two older twin brothers who easily developed Earthbending abilities before they even reached the age of eight and a younger sister who, although hasn't show her element just yet, is very in touch with the energies around her. Mommy and Daddy's little angel. Rin as expected in being a middle child never really could fit in with anyone. He interests and desires were so opposite to the beliefs of her family. She wanted art and freedom and they wanted hard work and strict schedules. She never could settle down and just do as her family asked, she always wandered off on new adventure and neglected her chores at home. Not necessarily intentionally but she was just so filled to the brim with curiosity that she was unable to keep on track with her duties.

Being raised middle class they worked on their farms and raised their cattle, satisfied the motivation of hard work paying off and a their freedom to live a simple life. They gladly accepted how things were and where they stood in their society. Rin did not she wanted something bigger, something amazing. After a big blow out with her father who believed she spent too much of her time on adventures and reading rather than working and contributing to her family as a young woman at her age should. Exhausted with the endless fights and challenges their troubled daughter added to their family dynamic Rin's mother gave her an ultimatum, to stay at the Temple of Cyrus with family funding or fend for herself on the streets. She hoped that it would teach her discipline and appreciation, help her finally grow up.
Unfortunately this action had the opposite result. Rin now became angry and depressed, as she was feeling cast out by her family and alone. Without her parents expectation constantly looming over her shoulder she became negligent in her practices and cared less for her well being than before she was sent away.

Element: Air
Progression Lean: Sound
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_N A M E_

Theodore "Teddy" Goldberg

_N I C K N A M E_


_A G E_


_G E N D E R_


_O R I E N T A T I O N_

Heterosexual, though is of flustered by pretty much anyone


_H E I G H T_


_B U I L D_

Tall and yet, rather unimpressive


it's too embarrassing to reveal


The boy's far too afraid of needles to even consider it.



Unable to partake in social interactions without embarrassing himself, Teddy is what most of us would call a dork. Although highly profound and intelligent, his somewhat obsessive & eager disposition toward his interests often provide him with a rather unappealing image. And so, having always been acutely aware of his inability to socialize, Ted very much prefers the assurance of his own company over that of the judging opinions of others. Still, despite being slightly off-putting, Teddy very much resembles the boy-next-door trope and would likely go out of his way to aid friends (the very few that he has) and of course, family.


Born in Seattle, Washington, Ted has always lived a rather uneventful life. In fact, the only interesting thing about his history is the long list of bullies that he'd accumulated during his childhood and well into his adolescence. Oh, and one simply cannot forget the disapproving nature of his father, who'd oh so dearly wanted a strong man and instead got... that. And so, always at the butt of some damaging joke or insult, Teddy has since remained witin the shadows, unnoticed & shielding himself from the onslaught that was to come. That is, until one day he'd realized something... Why, he couldn't believe it at first, but as time progressed it had only become more and more evident... Evident that he had a superpower. Much like Clark Kent but without all the macho-ness, he was able to do things that were dangerously out of his control. From accidentally shrouding his lab project with vines to nearly putting his entire house under suffocating shrubbery, Teddy, in all of his fear had turned to someone that only he knew could help him during these troubling times. Grandmaster Olivier. And although he wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole being-placed-in-a -group-of-scary-delinquents thing, Teddy needed to learn how to control his abilities before something detrimental occurred. Soooo here we are.




Progression Lean:

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I'm so sorry! I haven't been getting any alerts for this, I'll have mine up soon, thanks for letting me know! :)
Do we need to decide on an order? Or is it just post, then wait for the rest of the people to post, then post again?
Is anyone else not getting alerts for the main thread? Cause I somehow missed Casual's post and I was wondering if anyone else had too >_>
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