Offworld characters

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Offworld characters


Literary Revolutionizer
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Here's a template if you guys need one:


AGE: (Not really important but just to help with picturing character)

APPEARANCE: (Description or photo works)

DESCRIPTION: (What is your character's attributes. Are they a mage who has amnesia? Monster with human like qualities? etc.)

BACKGROUND: (If you want to throw anything in to give your character some background. This one isn't really important, just an idea for if anyone wants to give a fun story for how their character obtained something)

NAME: Skroig

AGE: 25


DESCRIPTION: A true gentleman at heart, Skroig is a man who holds chivalry and honor to the highest form. Putting others before himself, Skroig has become a bit of a friendly neighbor rather than a hero. He has been seen helping others with jobs ranging from killing wild monsters to watering the gardens of elderly on hot days. No one is quite sure what Skroig looks like under his armor for he is constantly on the move. He has cat like reflexes and is surprising agile with the thin armor he wears. Most people struggle to see him at night as he dashes from rooftop to rooftop, but no one has ever mistaken the red scarf that Skroig carries with him at all times, along with his spear.

BACKGROUND: As a child, the portals were not of any concern to the royal family Skroig comes from. As a child, he spent most days with noble men, learning the basics of sword fighting as well as the responsibilities that would become his when he rose to the leadership of the castle he grew up in. However as he was about to become of age, he was framed for the murder of his father. Before having to escape the town he had grown to love, he said farewell to a girl of the same age as him named Megan. They had grown up together and were destined to marry one day, but as he stood with her in the courtyard to say farewell, he watched as the guards brutally murdered her for conceiving with a traitor of the kingdom. It was that day Skroig vowed to be a gentleman to anyone he encountered for he would not let this deceitfulness change him into a man of darkness.


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Name: Wyna Skyne
Age: 19
Description: Wyna is a refugee of sorts from a wartorn land.
Her people are a race of winged humanoids stuck in a devastating civil war and as such are rarely of ever seen travelling.
Wyna is considered a bit of an idiot by most of the people who know her but she has surprisingly bright moments.

Background: Wyna, like most of her generation, is an orphan and was raised by one of the nights who served the now dead king.
He taught her to fight with a spear and sword and she carries an ornate spear which she has been told belonged to her father.
NAME: Eledra

Between 25-28

APPEARANCE: Tall; long dark brown locks flow out from under her juniper green cape. Her leather gloves and boots were gifts from her - now dead - teacher.

DESCRIPTION: Eledra can conjure up liquids of different amounts. She has been learning and practising with fire but since she has to do it alone now, she cannot progress quickly. (in fact, it has been VERY slow for years now) She has a book she saved from the fire when her teacher died, filled with spells and runes. The book also contains how portals can be cast and made but she is reluctant to try because of its obvious dangers.

BACKGROUND: She was around the age of ten when her mother discovered she had skills for magic. Out of fear she abandoned her own daughter and passed Eledra to the closest known sorcerer who - luckily - became her teacher. Along the years he became a father figure for her, later it changed to a slight infatuation, unknown to him.
When the fire broke out, she was already knowledgeable and skilled with her magic but in spite of her best efforts, she was not able to save her teacher. She decided to learn fire (and other kind of) spells so next time she would have more chance at saving those who are in that type of need.
She is travelling and set her mind to get rid of monsters she can handle and in the meantime learn everything she can to expand her repertoire.
((vacation put me on a spot but I wlll thrown something together short and sweet so everyone can post and get us started I will elaboarate later))

Name: Windgust

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Windgust is a keeper elf, not as tall and the woodlands elves, but doesn't mean anyone should underesimate him.

Description: Windgust is one with nature and can control it as well, feel what it s feeling know what it knows including the creatures of this world.

Background: Windgust is a watcher of this world, and this world has seem to come to ruins, something is bringing in mosters, and creatures of destruction and he was called to help.
NAME: Grendel

AGE: As Old as the Mountains.


DESCRIPTION: Half man and half monster, this lonely giant stands 16 feet tall, and bears on himself overbearing strength and vicious claws, talons, and teeth. He is also quite agile for his size, and is able to climb with ease, even with his arm torn off.

He is dying a slow death now, for his stump is an open wound, eternally bleeding until he eventually succumbs to death. As such, while he never got along with people, and lived with only his mother, he is now obsessed with vengeance, searching for the one that ruined his life, before his life eventually slips away.

BACKGROUND: Grendel lived alone with his Mother, at peace in the silent wilderness below a large mountain, where their cave resides. This was, until a village was built miles away, and began to make loud noise. Grendel attempted to ignore them, until the sound became unbearable. He then decided to venture from his forest to the village, and kill a few of them as a sign to quite down.

The village became louder instead, and grew, so Grendel once again went into the town, and this time, massacred the lot of them, along with destroying anything he could touch. Pleased with the quiet, Grendel once again returned to his cave, and all was good, for a while. Then the noise returned, a third time. And a third time, Grendel came to rip the village apart.

This time, however, Grendel faced a Monster Hunter, and his men. They fought, and Grendel ended up with his arm lost. Grendel managed to return to the cave, before blacking out in his Mother's embrace. When Grendel awoke, he found his Mother dead, with the sword of the Monster Hunter stabbed through her. He wept in great sorrow over her corpse, before burying her far away from the cave, in her land of birth, a land of Fire and Ash. After this, Grendel took the sword as a reminder of his vengeance, and looked to his stump, still bleeding.

He then went of for vengeance against the Monster Hunter.
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"

Bio: Born to aristocracy Vlad did not have to work very hard in his early years. He entertained himself by learning the sciences. As his exploration deepened he became more and more endured in these sciences to the point of obsession. This, however, came to a halt when his families estate was lost. His father, who he had no ill will towards, had lost his entire estate to another count. After this Vlad decided to revoke his name, thus why he is only Vlad(no family name). Vlad lived as a merchant for a while; going town to town selling what wares he could acquire. On one average day, or so it seemed to Vlad, he encountered a "peculiar" man; this man was interested in the same sciences that he himself had studied. After a brief meeting the two became good friends; his name was Alexander. Alexander offered Vlad a chance to further his studies as his assistant; Vlad gladly accepted. These two were a dream team; they had the looks and brains to boot! Discovery after discovery these two led the field! Alas, one day Alexander fell sick. In an attempt to find some sort of cure the two began researching the illness. They scoured every text they had, alas there wasn't much to be told; it was an exceedingly rare disease. This disease progresses to the point of incapacitating Alexander. In a fury to create some kind of cure Vlad poured all of his knowledge into one solution; he called "Life." This was the beginning..... It was also the end. After injecting Alexander with "Life" he was cured, at least for a while. He was on his feet and fully rejuvenated. Life went on and one day, while returning from the market, Alexander was mugged and stabbed to death. Vlad was devastated by this loss; Alexander was like a father to him and had been able to teach him so much. Vlad inherited Alexander's estate; it was quite sizable. Vladimir depression over Alexander's death loomed over him as he conducted his research, however, he fucked up. While researching the a rare disease, a genetic variant of the one Alexander contracted, but there was an accident. Vlad dropped a vial and attempted to clean it up, however, he cut himself and was infected. The disease acted more rapidly than that of Alexander's and as such Vlad modified "Life" he called it "Life Mk2" and he injected it. He felt the effects immediately, it was death. No, it couldn't be called death, it merely felt like death. Thrashing about Vlad loses consciousness. Vlad awakens to the moonlight; he stumbles out of his house into town. The townsfolk gasp at his appearance, he has become pale--very pale. Walking through town he hears the heartbeats of the townsfolk and feels an insatiable hunger. He has no idea what this means or what has caused his paleness. After loosing consciousness yet again he awakens to three corpses, all drained of blood and himself soaked in blood. He put it together rather quickly, he needed blood. He only knew that "LifeMk2" must have caused this and that he had no idea what this meant for himself.
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