MxF {•Introducing me🥀•w/Starter's🕯✨•}

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MxF {•Introducing me🥀•w/Starter's🕯✨•}


Sage of the Earth
Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!!
Local time
Today 7:14 PM
[good morning, afternoon, evening or night.
whichever time of day greets you in this moment.]

{First off~ I would like to thank you for visiting my thread. It's a pleasure having you here and I hope you enjoy your stay…🌓}

I suppose this is the part where I tell you a bit about myself•••

My Interest lies in long-term rps, however I am not opposed to short and simple ones. I prefer to use original characters and stories created with my partner. But I dabble in canon from time to time.
The length in my replies varies from partner to partner and based off the flexibility we have to work with. I average between 500-1000+ lines but make it my mission to matched my partner in crime.
I love a roleplay with a compelling story and good build. Slow burns as well as hurt/comfort are encouraged and beloved- but not necessary. (I understand that it's not everybody's cup of tea). And obviously romance and smut are welcome at anytime.
NSFW content can be fun however I do not want it to be the center of the rp.
I also enjoy other genres as well.
From apocalyptic, medieval, horror, fantasy, slice of life, (No roommate themes unless necessary to the plot, please.) supernatural, mystery, etc.
Please share any ideas you may have or are interested in. I would love to hear them and perhaps build further.

Though I will warn you, ya girl does work two jobs. So there may be a few days I am absent because of it. Please be patient with me and I too will return the favor.

If you have more questions or wish to chat, don't hesitate to reach out.
And as usually my loves, keep on writing and embracing that writers spirit. 🕯🖋✨

Here you will find little writings or small starters I have. If any interest you, please PM me and maybe we can create something great with it. 💕

Forest stretching out for miles. It mattered little how far she ran or how fast, they were on her tail and closing in. Madison feared they could smell her, recalling past taunts of her reeking scent. Those worries justified and encouraged by the harsh treatment she received under their "care." The raven-haired woman held no reconciliation of how she ended up there. The only bit of information given was that she was to marry and submit herself entirely to the one they called Alpha. Utter nonsense. Nothing about the members of their group said sane. Each of them introducing a new horror to the young woman. Experiences that would now haunt her for the rest of her life.

'Cold. Focus of the cold and ignore the pain.' She repeated over and over again in her mind, pushed through the numbing pain. Had it not been for the cold air and snow nipping at her exposed skin, Madison might have found the chilled temperature on her muscles soothing. The petite girl could find no peace in her desperate attempts of escape. It seemed once she got out of the frying pan, she immediately jumped directly into the flame- confirming her looming future. Body fallen, beaten and defeated, Madison stared at the glowing snow beneath her. An unfamiliar group began to surround and circled her- wolves snarling and snapping at her ankles. Men with their weapons pointed, ready to strike.

There were no screams or cries. No calls for help or any movement. Only those hazel eyes darting around in panic, layered with anger. Amongst the crowd, a looming figure approached- watching with a calculated gaze as he took in the beaten woman. Her glare narrowed on him instantly. A mix of emotions took over in witnessing the strong figure standing before her. She took in his appearance through her blood soaked eyes, almost curious for a closer look. The air was thick, silence deafening. One question hanging in the air... Were they going to kill her?

A few more moments passed like that, unnerving the human in question. Both parties were immersed in one another, unsure of what to make of the feelings boiling between them. Her impatience won, a small struggle of forcing her body up to face him. "What are you waiting for?" She asked softly, worried for the consequences of her words. All feeling was long lost in her limbs, if it came down to a fight, she was done for. Easy prey. And yet no one dared to move, waiting patiently for the looming male's orders.

He slowly approached, kneeling before her trembling body and reaching out. Madison stopped herself from flinching away, unable to process her surroundings clearly. Everything was a mess and the rising hypothermia wasn't helping. The concerned look her offered did not go unnoticed by the young woman, noting the warmth it offered her upon seeing it. Unable to find proper words, Madison only shook her head- tearing the gazes apart.
Angry strong guy from mall✨: Very well. See you in 15.

The last text left her eyes glued to the screen, reading it over and over again. Even with it being a simple text, the brunette could hear his voice echoing in her head. Deep, calm and bruiting. If there was anything she learned about that man, it's that he didn't the word no very well.

Then, like a tumbling wall of bricks- it hit her. HE'S COMING HERE. "Oh god. I'm not ready to see him yet..." With a speed unknown to her- Rieka threw the quilt to the floor and dived out of the warm comfort of bed. She cringed the reflection facing her in the mirror. The mere thought of him witnessing her in the old white t-shirt covered in dry paint and boxers didn't seem like the most ideal situation. hurriedly she changed and exited the room- marching into the lively living room. Her roommate Lauren was seated at her desk working while Ellie and Dustin stood in the little kitchen, laughing as they prepared their breakfast. Totally unaware of the doom approaching them... Well... her.

"Can one of you give me a ride?" The auburn haired woman ask in her frenzy, poorly masking the panic inside whilst she slipped on her shoes. The look Dustin and Ellie exchanged showed their confusion. A glance Rieka chose to ignore. Time was running out and he would be there any minute. The young woman couldn't explain it, but she couldn't shake the feeling that now was the time for flight.
And yet, a small part of her whispered to stay. A suggestion swiftly shoved back down.

Lauren finished her typing before spinning the rocking chair around to look her friend up and down, raising a brow. "Uh, is everything alright?" The older woman asked, a nervous chuckle pushing past her lips.

'Great. Even Larie is suspicious.'

"I just... I gotta get to the store. Fast. Woman stuff." She gave her rushed reply, standing and straightening out the wrinkles in her clothing, each second casting a nervous glance to the door. "Like now." She added with urgency- motioning her hand impatiently to the door. "C'mon, let's go."

Dustin was the first to step forward, loosely spinning the keys on his finger. "I mean, I gotta head to work anyway. I'll drop you off-"

His offer was cut off by a loud knocking, echoing throughout the small home. A squeal escaped her as Rieka dived to the floor, hiding behind the old island that separated kitchen and living room. Their confusion and concern only grew by those actions. Ellie stepped forward, ready to open the door and give the unknown stranger a lesson in manners.

"Don't let him in!" Rieka hissed, shooting a glare in Ellie's direction. Ellie returned with her own glare, hand holding the doorknob. Rieka could almost hear the screams of 'wtf is wrong with you?' before the blonde huffed and stepped back to stand with Dustin. There was always a temper on that girl. But with her own outburst, the brunette couldn't blame her.

"Rieka, what's going on?" Lauren pressed, standing from her chair and moving in the smaller woman's direction. "Did you get yourself into trouble again?" She continued, worry lacing her tone. There was no reply. What could she say? No? Because part of her knew having a crazy, possessive being whom you left without word after a drunk night- being basically openly kidnapped by the one who is now coming after you again count as 'trouble?' Yeah, that's what she thought.

"Rieka... I know you're in there." The deep, desirable voice called to her from the other side of the door. Rieka swallowed- doing her best to ignore the chills traveling down her spine. Always triggered by that man's silky words. It held a gentleness she remembered quite well. But had what she guessed was irritation dripping from it. Honestly, she would be frustrated too if the hotter she spent the night with left her tied to the bedpost. Another bang pulled the woman from her thoughts with a jump. "Rieka!" Came the increasingly frustrated shout from the other side. And just like that, gentleness lost. Yep. He was pissed.

By this time the others began to become more alert. Dustin even went as far to pull out his old pocketknife, spinning the blade around in his hand. The small woman had to hold back a laugh at the sight. At most it would scratch him AND piss him off…more than she had already. Rieka knew ignoring him would only makes things worse. It was a losing game for her after all. Surrendering to her defeat, she let out a sigh. "I'm busy! Go home." The young woman shouted back.

Then there was complete silence. So eerie you could hear a pen drop in the next room. And for a moment, the foolish woman thought he was gone. Yet, something in her gut said otherwise. Hesitantly, Rieka took a step forward, eyeing the door. "Y/C?" She called out, guarded. At the call of his name, the doors handle began to wiggle, then silence once more. Her palms became sweaty, nerves taking over.
A loud bang followed with cracking on the door as the hinges gave into pressure. The wooden piece fell to the floor with a thud, leaving a mess. And standing over it was the exact person she tried so hard to avoid... (Y/C)...

His eyes studied on the auburn haired woman the instant those cold eyes found her. The icy sharp edge in them seemed to soften watching her. His once combed and styled to perfection hair was now a ruffled and unbelievably sexy. His towering build shielded her from the sun, casting a looming shadow over her frail body. The Rieka couldn't stop herself from admiring him. He was gorgeous than she recalled.


"Hi." Came awkward the greet. Rieka played it off as if she didn't leave him standing outside her door so long, bickering between the walls. It was clear she was in a lot more trouble than before. First, she tricked his guards into letting her escape and now she was refusing to let him near her. The way his eyes shifted; he knew that she knew. But Ri wasn't going to admit that out loud so easily.
Soft lips pressed together in a thin line- eyes filled with disbelief. She couldn't fathom the words spoken to her. No, she wouldn't believe them. Not with the lines he used to dance around the harsh, painful truth. In her stubborn resilience, the woman pushed away the hand lightly cupping her cheek and sent him a sharp glare. "Then say it…" the brunette demanded in an icy tone. "Say that it was all fake. Say that it was just a way to pass time! Say-"

The flooding of rage filled words came to a halt when two large hands grasped her face. Stunned at the sudden action- she froze, studying the pained expression twisted in the male's features. A moment of silence hung thickly in the air, neither party having the will or correct words to express their feelings. Feelings that only began to surface.

"Don't…" he trailed off, letting out an exhausted breath. Slowly he leaned in, placing his own forehead to hers. A few moments passed until he spoke again.

"Don't ask me to say I don't love you."

The woman's breath hitched, studying the sorrowful gaze capturing her own. Slowly she moved, this time stepping away from the one person she believed she could trust with everything. A trust that was broken from a single sentence- 'I can't do this.' The word he spoken moments ago- breaking down the bridge connecting them. But this time, she held no rope to throw him.

"No… I'm the one who can't do this." A soft whisper concluded. And with that, the woman turned, wiping her eyes frantically as she collected her things. Escape was the only thing on her mind.
Life is limited... It's short and unpredictable. You never know when it will be snatched from your hands. But most of all, you only have one.
At least that's what they say... What the world wants you to believe.
I say they only got part of it right.
It's true that life can be taken within seconds without any remorse for the person or the things they've done. Not even their families can prepare for the cold cut of death life gives each when it's deemed their time...
However, I know that's not where it ends. It's never that simple.
I know because I'm living it... Stuck in a world I believed to be a simple book. A silly teen romance as the side character- doomed to watch the pointless dramatics of dumb kids wrapped up in their irrelevant and soon fading feelings. So caught up in their own little worlds they can't see the bigger picture. Or won't see it.
And me? Merely the once childhood friend of the leading female role- destined to die tragically for their love. Not my own. Theirs.

But I have no intention of dying here. Not like that. Not like before…

I will make my own story. I'll survive and make something of myself here. For me and no one else. I deserve that much… Here I will find a light taken from me in the previous world. I will not lie down and take it- allowing another to decide my fate.

I have the power. I know the future. This is my story.

An old red pickup cruised past the small coffee shop hidden in the corner. It was a beloved relaxing area to the locals, not often found by tourist unless invited. Though occasionally a few stray adventurers would stumble upon the hole in the wall. But they never caused much trouble. Often finding peace in the cozy ambience and smooth jazz playing. Some nights they held live shows, though it wasn't anything to brag about. Merely another way for the people of this town to come together and enjoy friendly and familiar company.

Resting on a stool behind cash register, a blonde girl flipped through the pages of a rustic book. Her eyes scanned each page in seconds, darting through the words- entranced with it's story. Much like her own situation, the main character was stuck in a world unlike their own. Both fighting for survival in their own way... Theirs just happen to be flooded with dangerous monsters around every corner with constant lingering of death. While as for the blue eye's beauty, her danger was less prominent- tied to two individuals. One she had yet to meet, the other she did best never to reunite with. If she could avoid them entirely all together, then that's what she would do. But it wasn't an easy task. Working in the coffee shop owned by your parents and loved by the town made it difficult to hide forever. She knew one day their paths would cross. It was only a matter of time.

"Excuse me" A soft voice called out. The blonde snapped her gaze up, surprised at the guest's presence. Warm honey coated eyes smiled back at her paired with a grin. The brunette's curls bounced as the girl laughed earning a questioning gaze to the worker.

"I'm so sorry." Came her fumbled apology as she closed the book. The girl shook her head, seeming unfazed by the reaction. "What can I get for you?"

"One hot chocolate and two black coffees', please."

The barista nodded, typing in the order before giving the total. With the exchange over- she hurriedly prepared the drinks, adding extra whip cream to the top of the chocolate treat. The brunette watched, inspecting each movement. This was common in shop- folks eager to get their caffeine fix. However, something about this woman's gaze caused an anxious feeling to bubble inside her. Similar to the one she felt when awaking in this world. It happens from time to time. But this... This was weird.

Gently she placed the hot beverages on the counter, offering a small smile. "Here you are. Sorry again for the wait."

"It's no problem. I was the one who snuck up on you." The brunette insisted. A few moments passed with girl watching the other in anticipation but said nothing.

"Did you need something else?"

That earned a frown. She tilted her head, taking a long look at the name tag pinned to the others shirt. "You... You don't recognize me... do you?"

The blonde merely shook her head. Was she supposed to? Hell, there were many people in this town who knew her from a young age. An age that she didn't live through. When she came into this body- it had already lived 15 years of it's life. Memories were there but clouded by a dark shadow. It was jarring to wake up in another's body, much less shuffle through and organize it's past. She was a stranger living in an unknown world. That was until she turned 16. The girl realized where she was... or, what she had become. Two sets of lives constantly fought for power. Who she was... Who she is. Two names begging to be called out to. Needless to say the first two years in the world were their own dark shadow in her mind.

"C'mon.. Surely you remember..." The brunette pressed, leaning in closer. "It's only been like three years... We used to go swimming at Swamps Lake everyday."

Three years could be considered a long time to most. But to the girl who didn't belong in the world, It was a tale old as time. The lake rang familiar to her. A passing page in the book she once thought to be fiction. But the figure facing her was remained blank in her minds eye. Part of her knew their paths crossed in the ties of time. But what was their connection?
The more she thought about it, the more the pieces started to came together. Had she let her guard down so soon? Gone for three years. A cheerful and open personality. Tight curls with light brown eyes... Could this be the person she fought so long to avoid?

"Milly?" She asked masking the fear inside her.

"YES!" The cheerful girl replied, grabbing onto the barista's hand. Panic surged through the blonde, freezing her to the core. She had failed. And so miserably at it too. It was Milly, the main lead in this shit show. And now without even realizing it, she fell into the books hands, reuniting with the long lost friend of this body's childhood. "Whew, and here I thought you had forgotten me forever." The brunette replied in relief. "I've missed you so much, June."

June... The name of this adopted body. No matter how much she heard it- she couldn't accept it wholeheartedly. Part of her longed to be called by her birth name. But in this world, it simply wasn't possible. And it never would be. It wasn't safe. One misstep and it would be off to the loony bin for god knows how long. she had to play it safe. Keep it calm and cool like the one before her.

"It has been a long time... How are you?" June asked, forcing a smile on her lips. If Milly had noticed- she chose to ignore it, happily chatting with her lost friend. If only she knew how truly lost she was

"I'm doing great! Just finished with boarding school and I'm home showing some friends my hometown." As she finished her sentence, the door chimes rang alerting them of new guests. "Ah, that's them now." Milly hummed, turning to usher her friends over. More faces the blonde didn't recognize. "June this is my boyfriend, Tommy." The brunette beamed, clinging to the shorter males arm. "Tommy, this is my dear and old friend, June."

"Pleasure to meet you."

The worker could only nod, words abandoning her in the moment. She looked over the partner, recalling their relationship in the beginning of the story. Another side character doomed to heartbreak for the leading roles to find one another. Feeling a pang of sympathy for the man she offered a small smile. "I hope you are enjoying your stay here."

"Can't recall a better time than with Mills." He replied, glancing to the brunette longly. She responded with a giggle, pulling him closer.

"Oh! Of course, I almost forgot. And this is his friend... erm, I'm sorry, I'm having a bit of trouble with your name." Milly looked sheepishly to the male standing behind them. Friend? What friend? The blonde couldn't recall a mention of a friend when last reading the book. Granted it had been a few years- but surely her memory wasn't that lost.

The stranger cleared his throat, earning her attention once more. And when she looked up, her breath hitched.
Who was this man?
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I am very intrigued by your entry, miss! Hello I am Irene, I would love to discuss a possible vampiric original roleplay, or even perhaps a more freestyle scenario of a Twilight. If it is ok with you of course?
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