Any On the hunt for a Fallout partner

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Any On the hunt for a Fallout partner

Cthulhu’s Curse

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Today 12:38 AM
Hey everyone! This is a major shot in the dark here, but I got a random craving to do some fallout rps and thought I'd reach out.

Before we get i to the other stuff, I'm looking for a preferable multi paragraph writer. I won't explicitly say how many or how many words because it takes away from the fun. But I'd prefer some length because I can write a lot. For pairing stuff, I am more comfortable with male characters. Platonic, MxF, or MxM, I'm not picky! As for smut, I'm not that well versed in it. I can try if you'd like but no promises of quality. As for characters, I'd prefer OCs.

Now onto the Fallout stuff!

I actually don't have a specific plot in mind but will say that I have played every game and every DLC except for 76. So I am completely open to whatever setting you want! The Fallout universe is so vast I like making our own little slice of it!

Sorry this is so short and disorganized! If you're interested shoot me a PM!
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