Any On the Run

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Any On the Run


Village Idiot
250 Posts! 100 Likes! Happy Birthday!!
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Today 2:14 PM
Heyo! So I just randomly got the idea for a roleplay. So I'm thinking a dog hybrid and a neko escape from a pet store (or something similar) together and they fucking HATE each other but they work with each other to kinda survive y'know? Idk what the goal would be, to make it to a rumored safe place for them or to just survive in the wild with each other. They could start to like each other, and maybe start to form a relationship?

Anyways, I'm hella in the mood for a mxm rp but I'm not against an mxf one. I'll also play the neko on account of I already have a character for it and uh yeah. I'm just looking for someone mostly literate, out of roleplay I don't care but in roleplay I do. I'm also not looking for your character to be completely dom, but I'm looking for someone who has a backbone when faced with my characters bullshit

Uhhh I think that's it. Just dm me if you're interested!!
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