Name: Morwen Zurilla Le Fey
Nicknames: Wren, Zuri
Gender: Female
Birthday: 15th September, 27 years old
Birthplace: Chalais
Parents: Morgan Le Fey
Siblings: None that she knows of.
Eye Color: Heterochromatic, left is brown and right is gray.
Hair Color: Warm, rose colored hair.
Complexion: Fair and clear with freckles over the bridge of her nose.
Marks/Scars/Tattoo: Runic tattoos on her right forearm as well as a series of scripts over her upper torso.
Height: 5'8''
Preferred Hand: Right
Distinguishing Features: Unique appearance even by fairytale standard.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Addiction: A very specific pastry with an enhanced vanilla and maple syrup filling.
Attitude: Self assured and confident, bordering on arrogant.
Career: Sorceress / Interior Designer
Desires: Unknown
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Skills/Talents: Particularly prolific in certain magical segments.
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