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I've just come out of a roleplaying hiatus and I'm quite excited to delve into some new plots.
About Me
24 yrs old | asexual | agender (any pronouns) | Rising Pisces
◦ I have 10+ years of roleplay experience
◦ When I write outside of rp, my predilection is towards nature in the form of poetry, memoirs, and short stories.
◦ If I'm not working, writing or reading, I'm probably drawing. You can most likely expect me to draw our characters together.
Who I Am as a Roleplayer
◦ Intermediate-Advanced ? (never sure what the parameters are really)
◦ I write varying lengths of paragraphs, but typically don't write novels. I keep that kind of energy for my personal writing.
◦ I adore character building and enjoy making sheets even if they're characters we both already know. But I'm a planner and the type to have a spreadsheet for anything.
◦ World building is also something I enjoy, but not to the same extent some people do? I'm less of a Tolkien and more of a... I'm not sure. I just never spend the time to develop entire languages and anything past one or two religions. I go ham when building worlds, but I have to contain myself otherwise I'll never get anything done because I'll spiral.
◦ This is rather new to me, but I've seen people recently using a ratio for their smut/story preferences? Mine would be 90/10 in favor of story/romance. It's not that I'm against smut, it's just not what I'm here for. I'm also really tame and my kinks are not extensive. But feel free to ask or suggest some to me and I'll let you know if I think I'm up for it. Just keep in mind, it will be slow burn with me. Glacial burn even if you'll let me have my way.
◦ Oh! Almost forgot, time-frames. My mortal enemy. Irl is kind of hectic for me, as it is for most people, and I can't always predict when I'll be free. Some days I'll be able to respond within an hour or two, others it could take me up to a week or longer. It also depends on my partner and how much they're expecting from me. I'm a slow writer and if you're expecting a big block of words, well, I'll need time.
◦ I like to talk outside of plotting, but I don't demand it and also can't promise I will always be the most sociable version of me. I'm an introvert.
What I Would Like from You
◦ Intermediate-Advanced. To elaborate on that, I would prefer it if you had a decent if not excellent grasp of spelling, grammar, and structure. If you can't use the proper "you're" or don't know the difference between "weary" and "wary," we are probably not the best match. I do, however, understand dyslexia does not make you illiterate and that no amount of grammatical correctness can surmount pure creativity.
◦ Never feel obligated to write an essay in response to me. Just don't send one-liners my way and we're good.
◦ I don't really expect you to write a character sheet for me, but I'd love you forever if you do. I think they're wonderful references for our productions. Even with canon characters we inevitably alter them for our own purposes and we can't always remember exactly what's unique to your character. Please character build with me. I beg you.
◦ Let's plot together! I don't mind holding the reins or handing them over. But let's make sure to share at least a few ideas. [
◦ If you're of a particularly smutty or kinky subset, please don't pressure me. Ask, suggest, but don't try to manipulate me. No means no.
◦ Feel free to take as much time as you need to reply to me! If you're going to take longer than a week or so or whatever your usual is, please give me a heads up just so I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat. That said, I've ghosted in the past so I won't hold it against you if you suddenly disappear. I know that no story, no matter how intense and involved, holds weight over real life.
◦ Message me! Or don't! Up to you, lol.
Plots and Characters
what we actually care about

Westerns (that don't have to be set in olden times or the West. We can be in Kentucky in the 21st Century if that's what you want.)
✎ A retired detective from the city rolls into town, taking over the position of deputy sheriff. Will he try to fit in? Or stay an outsider looking in? One cowboy hellbent on protecting his ranch from greedy landsharks is intent to find out. When a murder occurs and the cowboy finds himself as a prime suspect, the two are begrudgingly thrown together.
✎ Two rival cowboys stumble upon a secret? treasure? after a sundown challenge. Suddenly the two are fending off assassins and learning that there might be more to the town legends than just old men cooking up tales to excite the children. As they're winding their way through this new world of conspiracies and intrigue, they discover a friendship and maybe even more is brewing.
✎ A demon and a cowboy. That's it. That's all I got. Could be switched out with a vamp or other creature. Plot to be discussed together?

Pirates (during the Golden Age or Ancient Greece)
✎ A Navy lieutenant is captured by the pirate crew he's been chasing for years. He expects torture and a violent death, maybe to be marooned on an uninhabited island if he's lucky. What he does not expect is for the captain to engage in banter and intelligent conversation with him. Apparently he has endeared himself over the years with his attempts to hang the man for his crimes. The captain wants the lieutenant as his first mate and advisor.
✎ Rival crews have to ally together when a big bad (either navy or larger pirate crew) comes after them. Begrudging friendships and surprising relationships ensue. Will the crews stay loyal to each other or will betrayal—often the marker of pirates—get the best of them all?
✎ Grecian pirates and Gods collide in mythical proportion.
Stranger Things✎ Billy Hargrove survived. Or so Max thinks. In truth, no one knows what happened to him. All they know is that he was taken by the men in lab coats and no one has heard a peep since. If it'd been a few weeks maybe some would hold out hope and assure Max it was true. But it's been a year. Billy missed graduation—never got to be a senior. Steve Harrington is stuck at Family Video pretending aliens exist only in sci-fi movies and that his parents will be home when his shift ends. It feels like wading through quicksand until he's driving through the dark streets of Hawkins and something, someone is stumbling into the side of his BMW.
The Old Guard
✎ Nicolo Di Genova has not yet accustomed himself to the horrors of war. Trapped within the commandments of a God who supposedly condoned the spillage of blood, unrelenting even in the face of children, he starts to question. Maybe not his faith—not yet. Nor does he question whether or not it is the right of his people to obtain the holy lands. But are those in power truly fighting for their Gods? Do they consider the souls they wrench here and there? His thoughts are held in secret, but as he steps onto yet another battlefield there is something within him that shivers. That something near trembles when he comes upon a soldier with eyes which might be as haunted as his own.
Yusuf Al-Kaysana has blood on his hands. It never fades. These men, these rabid dogs come and they take and they take. Yusuf takes right back. He can no longer remember the face of his first kill. He thinks it might be better that way. His dreams can no longer taunt him with that particular vision of convulsing features and waning life. Doubt tugs at the fringes of his mind. Whispering the simple question, "is this what Allah wants?" It is not his place, however; to challenge the orders from above. Which is why he ignores the ripple of awareness within his gut when he finds himself face to face with a tired, but sharp eyed man in the midst of fallen bodies.
They kill each other. Because that's what they're supposed to do. Then they wake up and kill each other again. And again and again. Upon waking first one fateful time, Yusuf leaves the other man behind. Nicolo stalks after him with murderous intent.
✎ SUPERBAT : plot to be discovered; key points : Clark doesn't know Batman's identity, possibly other way around too, Lex Luthor and Joker shenanigans, Alfred ships it, are the batkids the kids? or the guardians? who cares they love and support each other
✎ SHIELD HUSBANDS : Clint is taken in by Coulson. Doesn't trust anyone, but especially his handlers. Coulson hopes to prove himself as someone worthy of his trust. (down for other plots)
✎ IRONSTRANGE : facial hair bros; Tony survives the snap, but is left with half his body destroyed. He hides himself in his workshop and doesn't come out for anyone. Enter Dr. Strange. | Tony, Strange and Peter never went to Titan, instead they left heading toward a nameless galaxy far away. | open to other plots
more to come...
OH! Another thing I always forget to add somewhere. I only do MxM! Sometimes FxF. And I do not care for the whole dom/sub thing. Like, I'm okay with some undertones, but does every frickin relationship have to entail a dominant and subserviant role?? What happened to equals in partnership?? Sorry, rant ended. I'm really chill—I swear!
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