MxF Our Story Starts... Enter at risk of brainstorming

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MxF Our Story Starts... Enter at risk of brainstorming


Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!!
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Today 8:17 PM
Hello, all. I'm GhostDash and I kinda regret signing up with that name, but not enough to do anything about it! Oh well! I joined here I think a year ago now, but never really got involved much, so I'm here to change that. I've been RPing in various ways and platforms for, what, fifteen years now? Something along those lines. But let's get to the good stuff.

What to Expect From Me

-Semi-regular replies. Because of the nature of my work, I have regular computer access. That said, I do have a bad habit of forgetting to check the website for RP (too used to IM role play for many years). However, I am working to change this habit. This means I could disappear for a bit, but that doesn't mean I've ghosted. Just means I got distracted, so please do pester me if you like. I really won't mind. Especially with plot ideas.

-Third person, past tense but I will flavor with present tense on purpose. I mention it because I've had someone drop me entirely over this. While I of course prefer good grammar, I am not above bending grammar rules how I see fit. This is a hobby, not a published novel. And either way, lighten up, man. Lol

-Shared plotting. I cannot stress this enough: this is our story, not just mine. The vast majority of my OOC chatter will be for plotting purposes. What ifs, maybes, what about this… Whatever random thought we have, lets feel free to share.

-Multiple characters. I am very much used to making a slew of side characters. Filling in the world around our mains always enriches the story. I'm also good with writing female or male.

-Multi-paragraph replies. Sometimes, especially during dialogue, there's not much to be done or explained, but something to reply off of is of course a must. No floating talking heads, either.

-Concerning romance, will fade to black or write tasteful smut. Nothing overly descriptive or graphic. Not listing kinks because I'm not writing it for myself, it's for the characters. They do what they do. If I don't wanna write what they do, I'll tell you. lol

What I Expect From You

-Replies at your pace.
We absolutely don't have to do multiple replies a day (unless we really get bit by the muse bug), but I want to be more regular on here specifically, not just with my outside RP. Just let me know what I might be able to expect or if something comes up! Even if you don't and you come back months later still wanting to continue our story, odds are I'll be willing to pick it right back up. I'm not one to pester, but if a while passes I'll probably message you. Ghosting friendly, though.

-Third person. I guess this goes without saying? It'd just be weird to have third with a second or first.

-Plotting!! Cannot emphasis this enough. Let's brainstorm together!

-Able to carry NPCs at the very least. I don't want to carry the whole rest of the world myself. Not a Dungeon Master. lol

-You don't have to match my replies paragraph to paragraph as I likely won't either. So long as I have something to work with and the story is carried forward, varied lengths don't bother me at all.


Always Yes
Fantasy (High, Low, Urban, Historical, doesn't matter.)
Romance (Will always accept and prefer this flavor in any RP I do. MxF only.)

Good Maybe
Historical (Accuracy here has always been questionable because I will bend dates and things as needed for the story. Whoops?)
Slice of Life/Modern (Very very picky with anything modern, but have done it a few times before. Tends to be what-if type stories with already established characters.)
Soft Sci-Fi (Space Operas, Dystopian Futures, Sci-Fantasies and the like. Have yet to start a successful story in this genre for some reason.)

Hard No
Horror (Absolute zero interest. Black hole interest. lol)
Hard Sci-Fi (Science is cool and all but I'd rather not do that much extensive research. Usually.)
Supernatural stuff beyond vampires or werewolves. Stories with demons, zombies, angles, or hardcore witches beyond the more fantasy types don't particularly interest me. Unless it's strictly fantasy-setting. Then I'll work with it.


I don't have any! That's mostly because I prefer coming up with a plot together—seriously, big sucker for collaborative brainstorming. I do, however, have some generalities that I have a hankering for.

-Arranged marriage. Preferred high or low fantasy. Humans, elves, shape-changing dragons, some mix of the above, whatever. Could be a sappy love story; could be an enemies to lovers story. Could have a bit of forbidden romance in there. The sky's practically the limit here. Really wanting to delve into this sort of story.

-Werewolves. Another one I've yet to really sink my teeth into (har har). Really big on the idea of creating my own mythos for how werewolves work. Especially interested in incorporating some actual wolf lifestyle aspects that are often ignored with these guys, or just BSing all of it and having some wild fun. Another sky's the limit with potential.

-Forbidden romance. I mentioned it above but this gets its own spot on the list. I'm talking like solider and princess or king and mistress or really anything that could bring on the angst and drama alongside the romance. Could be a more gentle ache; could be full-on heart wrenching. Open to just about anything with this one.

-Space Opera-esque. I've actually started a thread once with a pilot that went nowhere, so I have a skeleton of a muse for something like this. It's not super high on my list, but I would like to delve a little more into the sci-fi genre. Unfortunately, I don't even remember the plot for that particular thread, either, which isn't helpful, but I'm very open for ideas.

-Vampires.*** I've gotten the Dracula the musical bug yet again, so I'm especially down for the pretty leech people these days. Could be vampire x vampire, vampire x human, heck, vampire x werewolf. Very open to be creative with the lore in this.

If anything strikes your fancy or if you have your own ideas to shared, feel free to PM me. Let's see what we can come up with! And as I think of more pot ideas, I'll certainly be adding them. Thanks for stopping by!
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Bump for a couple edits.
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