Either Needed Outcasted Protectors

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Either Needed Outcasted Protectors


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--This is more of a story but I want to open it up for people to put their own spin on it and add their own OC's if they want. In this story the main group is a bunch of social outcasts that protect the people that hate them. Each one is here for a different reason and fight's for different goals. But they all are alike in one way, thats what keeps them together.--​

A group of outcasts fight and protect the very people that ostracized them. Why do they hate them, fear them, loath them? Because they are strong, and dangerous, but most importantly they don't fit in. Sought out by the government these strong individuals have one job stop any that the government can't handle, they are basically the governments throwaways.

---The story takes place in the resent past when supernatural abilities started appearing. Although rare the ones that did get special powers became very strong and the government struggled to keep them in check.

---This is a story I've been writing and I have the main group already figured out but I want to RP with different people and see how others would go about creating this story. I would love to see the different OC's people come up with, and how they connect them to the story.
-Although if you want to be apart of it and not make an OC I will provide a list of all the characters In the story and you can pick from anyone of them.
-I plan on making an brand new OC for this story so I can also get a new feel as well.

This is a story we can write together so I encourage everyone to join and help!!!

If you want to join or have any questions just send a PM or reply and I'll answer as soon as I can!
Your character is great but It doesn't seem like there are many people interested, I'll be making a new request later on and if your still interested than I'll let you know
Is this still accepting? And what kind of supernatural abilities? More info?
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