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Absolute Deviancy
Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Posts! 100 Likes!
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Today 9:49 AM
I can express nothing but gratitude for anyone who has taken the time out to look at this short introduction.
You're beautiful, I hope your day goes wonderfully. You have my blessings.

Without further ado, I am Edel. It's derived from my favorite flower, the Edelweiss. It's what I most commonly use as my username. I'm twenty-one years old, and I'm a full-time student studying to get my degree in aerospace engineering. In essence, I'm a colossal fanatic over mathematics and physics and you may or may not be subject to my nerdy side gushing out in full force. For that, I apologize in advance. I promise that I try to be mentally stimulating when I'm not nerding out.

I've been roleplaying for approximately five years though I've taken a gap in the midst of my college years. This left me with a severe lack of creative writing and here I am to make up the deficit. I write most effortlessly in the male role though I care little about what gender my partner is so long as they're capable of enjoying the story with me. Darker elements are my poison and my drug. However, I sometimes find myself running for the desire for the more cutesy parts of storytelling. Romance and drama are also heavily sought after yet I very often step out of my comfort zone and look at the partner in front of me rather than my personal preferences of the past.

Now, don't let the politeness fool you. I was born and raised in New York City. If you aren't American, that usually means you have the highest potential to be a clinical asshole. This is merely me making up the difference for my dastardly personality.

All joking aside, please feel free to send me a message if you wish. I'm very much open to discussion from anyone and everyone, and I'd love to make friends if not partners... preferably both. A guy can dream, can't he?

Thank you, and goodbye.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
This is merely me making up the difference for my dastardly personality
my profile @ me

welcome to the sanctum !
im sure youll find many great
roleplayers to make wonderful
stories with uvu
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy it here!
(We're all fluent in one form or another of "Nerd-Speak" here. You will fit right in. ;) )
Welcome to the Sanctum! Can't wait to see what you write! ::3
Hello and welcome to IS! You admittedly had me at dark elements. ;3
Oh dear... napped in for the day and I missed all these sweet welcomes.

Everyone, thank you. I genuinely appreciate each and every single one of you, and I'll look forward to becoming a long-term member of this community.
@Idrat It would be my pleasure to blow your mind if you'd so desire. However, as much as I'd like to throw a flashy term like quantum physics around... I've only ever looked at it theoretically. My field deals more specifically with tangible physics rather than the theoretical.

That being said, I'd still definitely nerd out super hard on you. Quantum physics is god damned fascinating to me.
The little particles... They don't care. They don't give two f*cks, they do whatever they want. Being in two places at once? Going in a loop in time? Tunneling through a barrier?

Not a crap to give today. The last 14 billion years don't look good, either

I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I'm not on any other site. Perhaps it's just a similar taste in profile pictures?
Same picture? They must be an insanely aesthetic, stylish individual and this community would benefit greatly if they were to join.

In all seriousness, it's all good. No harm done, no worries.
Hi and Welcome
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