Character(s) Ozzy's Character Page

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Character(s) Ozzy's Character Page

Ozzy Cross

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This is my official character page where I will place my creations for my future roleplays.
Please do not post here unless given permission by me.

- Ozzy C.

My Cast for the roleplay
The Walking Dead: Holding on

My Cast

Captain Kyle Reeves.jpg
Name: Kyle Reeves
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Birthdate: June 30th 1971

Occupation: Military
Rank: Captain

"A true hero is not one who goes into a battle they know they can win, but rather one who goes into a battle they know they can not. They do not do this because they are unafraid of death, but because they are willing to sacrifice their lives for the ones they love." - Captain Kyle Reeves

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 207 lbs
Hair Color: Chestnut brown
Eye Color: Hazel

Tattoos: Semper Fi (Right upper shoulder), Death before dishonor (left forearm), Tribal marking (left shoulder)
Scars: Neck (slash from side to side), Right shoulder (bullet wound), Abdomen (stab wound)

Voice: Deep with a barely noticeable southern quality, a bit scratchy due to damage received in battle.

Personality: Kyle is a straight shooter and is a person who is above reproach. His loyalties like his bonds are real and he would never betray them. While he can be a bit rough around the edges he is man of kindness at heart, and would almost certainly help you if you asked, even if he didn't know you. He often enjoys a good laugh with friends. Although, while Kyle is genuine, it also very apparent that there is something else just beyond the surface, something that no one can see, a coldness that has long existed.

History: To be added through the story

Commander Josepth Ryker.jpg
Name: Josepth Ryker
Gender: Male
Birthdate: March 5th 1972

Occupation: S.W.A.T
Rank: Commander

"Some people call me weird, honestly when I hear that I can't help but chuckle. My daddy was an alcoholic by trade, not a mean one but what you would call a funny drunk. Well one night mom brings dad home drunk as a skunk, while she's undressing him he sits up a little bit, I was in the doorway watching, he pointed and said 'make sure to let your pet unicorn out to pee, otherwise there will be glitter all over the house' and passed out. Weird is a relative term.

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180

Hair color: n/a
Eye Color: Gray

Tattoos: Tribal Marking (Right shoulder), Cross (with scripture in hebrew on chest) Semper Fi (Right forearm)
Scars: Drag mark (lower stomach), Shotgun Spray (abdomen), Feint scar from knife (right cheek)

Voice: Medium to deep with a bit of a brooklyn accent.

Personality: Josepth is a fairly easy going kind of guy at least when he is not on the job. On the job he is a tough as nails, follow my commands, type of man. He is a conflict in personality some day because one second he is serious as a heart attack and the next joking like he doesn't have a care in the world. He is a loyal friend and can not be bought. He believes in his ideals and would never betray them no matter how bad things get. Hes the kind of guy who gives a hundred percent every day.

History: To be added through the story

Partners Cast:

First name: Raeanne
Middle name(s): Beverly
Surname: West
Age: 19
Date of birth: 8/11/1998
Race: White American
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Current residence: Nomadic
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Society is done

Traits of Voice

Accent (if any): Not really
Language spoken: English
Other languages known: French
Style of speaking: Dunno
Volume of voice: Quiet enough not to attract attention. Louder when excited.

Physical Appearence

Height: 5ft4
Weight: 7 st
Eye colour: Green
Skin colour: Pale Olive
Shape of face: Heart
Distinguishing features: freckles
Build of body: Mesomorphic, slender and toned
Hair colour: Black
Hair style:
Complexion: Tanned
Posture: Relaxed
Tattoos: a few.
Piercings: yeah





Likes: Rain, Singing, Animals, Leaves, Autumn, Teddy bears

Dislikes: Zombies, Arguing, Being too hot, Uncomfortable beds.

Education: Was still in school when the outbreak started

Fears: spiders, heights, loud noises.

Personal goals: To survive

General attitude: Pleasant all things considered.

Religious values: Aetheist.

General intelligence: High

Personality: Calm and fun, she maintains the peace by keeping people mellow and happy. She can have a short temper and when she flips she gets very angry. She is a lil rough round the edges, she knows how to hold her own and she don't need looking after. That said she's got her insecurities and wants someone to tell her it's just gonna be alright.


Sleeping habits: Broken sleep pattern

Energy level: High considering her sleep isn't always great

Eating habits: Doesn't eat when stressed, otherwise high metabolism means she can eat as she likes.

Memory: Has short term memory issues.

Any unhealthy habits: Drinking?


Birth country: America


Childhood: Spent drifting with family from town to town while her father looked for work and her mother cared for her.

Teen years: Spent in Atlanta. Her father was working his way up he business ladder in a small time fishing company.

Adult years: The outbreak.

Past places of residence:

History of family: Doesn't wanna talk about it
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