Character(s) Paper Town

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Character(s) Paper Town


stardust in a silver spoon
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility 100 Posts! 100 Likes! Welcome to the Sanctum
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A majority of my characters don't have proper character sheets, so I'll be uploading them here as I write them. I'll be using a heavily modified version of dehydomon's Abridged Character Sheet. Some of these sheets may be a little more in depth than what you may be willing to read, so for the sake of tl;dr I'll highlight particular points I think are of use to you, the reader. Please note that I'm using the Dark Raven theme, so if things are difficult to read, you may consider switching your screen for better viewing.

As per site rules, all characters are 18+. However, I don't really have a set age for any of them? I'd say they're all within a decade of each other, starting at the minimum. If you are more comfortable with me listing an exact age in relation to your character, let me know!

Consider checking out my Search Thread for more details into their plots!

potential places for your role
points of interest
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image source: unknown; pulled from unsourced weheartit post.


Name: Myra Invidia Coronetta Sinclair. Myra before God and blood. Invidia before lovers.
Title: Ninth Princess of the Court of Sinclair. Alternatively; The Bane of the Court of Sinclair.
Theme Song: "Primadonna Girl" - Marina and the Diamonds

Story: ✾ Fickle Amaryllis
Preferred Plot-Points: incest // princess x sibling/knight/tutor.

Physical Characteristics

Gender: Female
Orientation: Presumably heterosexual.
Height: Short. 5'o".
Weight: A trim 1oo lbs.
Nationality: Anglo-Scott.
Skin Color: Very pale, milky white.
Hair Color: A vibrant red-orange.
Hair Length: Down to the small of her back, in very tight, groomed ringlets.
Eye Color: Grey-Green.
Scars: One small birthmark on the the top of her left knee. It's the bane of her perfect complexion.

Tattoos and Piercings: Earlobes pierced once on each side.
Wardrobe: Myra's favorite colors are green and blue. Most of her clothing is vibrant shades of these two colors, although she does own some of her deceased mother's beautiful deep purple gowns. She does not wear them, as she is much too small for them. Dressed down, she wears floor-length gowns with little to no petticoat. Perhaps a pannier to give her more rump. A normal day would see a more extravagant gown with bare shoulders and a bustle underneath. Jewelry would be limited to a statement ring and a pearl necklace. Any chance to dress up would mean a dangerously short dress (below the knee) with a full bell-skirt and lots of decorations about the dress. She would adorn herself with as many jewels as she could without appearing gaudy.

Personal History and Relations

Birth Place: Court of Sinclair. Scotland.
Known Languages: Fluent English and Welsh; conversational French and Spanish; minimal German and Italian.
Immediate Family: All eighteen of her siblings, including the baby on the way; Father, the coward; Step-mother, the martinet.
Close Relatives: Infantile and adolescent nephews and nieces. Typically the married siblings move out after pregnancy, losing Myra's interest.

Ancestors: Coronetta Guinne Riviere-Sinclair, Myra's short-lived birth-mother. The woman was a tyrant and despicable; she sought to expunge every unworthy civilian who dared disgrace her land with their presence.

Heroes: Her birthmother, with the convoluted belief that Coronetta lived a pleasant life doing whatever she pleased. Father refuses to admit Coronetta's crimes, as to spare Myra from the hatred of the people.


Persona: Demanding, bossy, and arrogant. Choleric. Illogical. Tends to give "outsiders" the cold shoulder. She's trying to appear dominant, but she acts more like an intolerable child. Those who hold her interest tend to be treated as playthings. Hardly any understanding of the Earth she lives on, and no desire to learn.
Anima: Unsure, stagnant. Somewhat possessive of the things and people she admires. She cannot easily nor effectively communicate her heart's true and honest desires.

Fears: Drowning among her many siblings' accomplishments. She has no claim to her throne, no land to call her own, and little interest in marrying to some stranger simply for power. She refuses to become her mother, but can't handle the thought of being unseen, unheard.
Desires: To live happily lavished in all the riches of the world, but free from responsibility. Laws of man and nature have no meaning to Myra.

Emotional Stability: Strangers' comments are virtually ineffective; someone close may wound her deeply in little time at all.

Lures: Beautiful, intricate things. She's certainly cultivated her expensive tastes.
Hobbies: Myra enjoys collecting small, jeweled trinkets. Her cabinets are covered with these little knick-knacks. She also enjoys being outside on pleasant days, either attempting to paint or plucking petals from flowers.

Likes: Her lovely pet, Ashen, a dappled grey stallion. She also enjoys delicate cakes, and has hired a personal patisserie chef.
Dislikes: A majority of her family members, her forced attachment to the throne despite being a lesser royal, and tart flavors.

Religion: Most likely Agnostic. Formalities demand she bow before her God as a Christian woman, but she treats it as ritual without worship.

Virtues: Courage
Vices: Envy; Pride
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image source: Jacquelin Deleon - "Amethyst"


Name: Mallow.
Title: The Tea Witch.
Theme Song: "Begin Again" - Purity Ring

Story: ⚘ HEARTH & HOLLOW ⚘
Preferred Plot-Points: low-mid fantasy/modern day magic // witch x familiar/demon/god/witch

Physical Characteristics

Gender: Female.
Orientation: Pansexual.
Height: 5'1O".
Weight: 155 lbs.
Nationality: Indi.
Skin Color: Caramel.
Hair Color: Dyed a muted lavender. Naturally black.
Hair Length: Choppy, self-cut bob.
Eye Color: Brown.
Scars: Stretchmarks on her hips, and assorted shallow cuts along her arms from prickly plants.

Tattoos and Piercings: Mallow is decorated with several tattoos, both ink and henna. A majority of them are actually spells and recipes, treating her body as her Book of Shadows.
Wardrobe: Simple cuts and basic shapes. Mallow is less focused on the intricacies of her clothes, but does have a well-balanced fashion taste. She does wear the traditional color of the witch, but can also be seen in greys, yellows, and the very occasional pop of red. Her complexion is undoubtedly autumnal. Flat-top hat with a stiff, wide brim, decorated with sprigs of lavender and juniper.

Personal History and Relations

Birth Place: Unknown. Adopted at a young age by a local coven. She grew up in Ghariyal, a small witch's town by the sea.
Known Languages: Common.
Immediate Family: Hemlock, foremost; raised alongside him as his sister.
Close Relatives: The coven. "It takes a village to raise a child."

Ancestors: Unknown. Cannot call the spirits of her blood, as she did not come to know them. Her magic is therefore strictly earth-based.

Studies: White Magic.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Element: Earth.


Persona: Bright and calm like winter sun.
Anima: Just a bit self-absorbed, in the way one puts their wishes before others'. When overwhelmed by duties, this becomes stronger.

Fears: Straying so far from the coven values that she is cast out, divorced from the idea of family as they once found her. Mallow feels indebted to them, but also dreams of the hermit's freedom.
Desires: Separating from the herd without backlash. A small adventure- excuse, even- to get away and explore the forests that call to her.

Emotional Stability: She does her best to live to others' expectations, but Mallow knows her limits.

Lures: The deep Darkness of the surrounding forest.
Hobbies: Seed collecting, flower pressing, foraging, and trying new tea blends. She also has a small interest in the art of kintsugi, but all previous attempts have been less than fruitful.

Likes: Fruits and grains. Guilty pleasure is the jar she keeps full of homemade honey lemon drops, meant for tea but eats like candy.
Dislikes: Others' strong opinions attempting to dictate her steps.

Religion: Wicca - eclectic. Worships Demeter as the Goddess.
Virtues: Kindness; Humility
Vices: Sloth
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image source: Lauren Nichols - "The Witch's Son"


Name: Hemlock
Title: The Hedgewitch.
Theme Song: "Anachromism" - Crywolf

Story: ⚘ HEARTH & HOLLOW ⚘
Preferred Plot-Points: low-mid fantasy/modern day magic // witch x ghost/demon/god/familiar

Physical Characteristics

Gender: Male.
Orientation: Unknown.
Height: 5'11".
Weight: 14O lbs.
Nationality: Romani.
Skin Color: Medium-fair.
Hair Color: Deep ruddy-brown.
Hair Length: Choppy on top, clipped clean at the nape.
Eye Color: green.
Scars: Fingertips, from bloodletting during rituals. Burn scar on his right ankle from a childhood accident.

Tattoos and Piercings: Two piercings in his left earlobe. One banded tattoo on his right arm, just below the shoulder. A bond with his familiar.
Wardrobe: Minimalist; threadbare. Plain white button-downs and tank tops, greyed from age and old stains. Black pants, patched at the knees from over-wear. Traditional hat, loose point. Hand-me-down.

Personal History and Relations

Birth Place: Ghariyal, a small witch's town by the sea.
Known Languages: Common; Rune.
Immediate Family: Mallow, much to his chagrin.
Close Relatives: The coven. "It takes a village to raise a child."

Ancestors: A deep and catalogued list; a majority of them are locals to the land. Hemlock calls on their spirits frequently in rituals for their assistance.
Heroes: The mysterious fortune teller that appeared to him as a child, awakening within him the desire to communicate with spirits.

Studies: Grey Magic.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Element: Metal.


Persona: Stiff, cold-hearted, certain in his opinions. He's unafraid to speak up when he believes someone is stepping out of line, which makes him unapproachable at times. Hemlock has little trust in outsiders.
Anima: Lonely. Concerned for the wellbeing of his shrinking coven and carefree sister.

Fears: Worried that his anger will control him, and that it will seep into his magic. Hemlock believes in balance, but his temperament can easily muddy the waters.
Desires: To deepen his bond with his spirits and become the Seer after the coven's Seer passes on.

Emotional Stability: Content in himself, but easily agitated around others. (Specifically, Mallow.)

Lures: Bones, feathers, and other bits of animal remains. While they are mainly used for his spells, he finds comfort in a large personal supply.
Hobbies: Playing his viola in downtime. He also reads, occasionally. Has an interest in woodworking.

Likes: Dried meat and fish jerkies.
Dislikes: Milk, eel, and bell pepper.

Religion: Wicca - traditional. Finds himself with a strong bond to Nordic Hela, unusual for his heritage.
Virtues: Temperance
Vices: Wrath
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image source: twitter @BOYCHAAA


Name: Trinity.
Title: Exorcist.
Theme Song: "Singularity" - BTS

Story: D E V I L ㊉ D R I V E R
Twenty years ago, a young Norwegian family ripped themselves from their roots, chased out of their homeland by a powerful demon. Trinity still remembers his powerless terror, clutched in his pregnant mother's arms, as his father and uncle faced the entity, buying barely enough time for their escape. Stronger still, Trinity remembers the screams his mother made, faced with the news that her husband had given his life for them. As a child, Trinity swore time and time again he would avenge his father's death. Following in his father's footsteps, Trinity took on the family trade alongside his uncle. As an adult, he's beginning to realize he may never get the closure he so desired. The child prodigy, so coldly slaying those against God, fell from his uncle's grace as a "sympathizer with the evil". What kind of Exorcist sits and chats with devils over coffee? What kind of Catholic goes against the nature God described of Trinity? What fool thinks he can face his father's murderer with kindness in his heart?

Some elements are adjacent to D. Gray-Man and Supernatural. Willing to adjust to your tastes. Do the Exorcists have an organized center, or do Exorcists answer to themselves? Are there "freelance" exorcists? Are spirits and demons like typical christian tellings, or far from? Do they also have their own organized civilization? Do they haunt because they can, or do they have a particular end-goal? Is Trinity's uncle the real killer?
Preferred Plot-Points: supernatural/low-fantasy // exorcist x demon/angel/hunter

Physical Characteristics

Gender: Male. (ftm; no-T)
Orientation: Masculine-aligned individuals.
Height: 5'11".
Weight: 188 lbs.
Nationality: Norwegian.
Skin Color: Pale white.
Hair Color: Pale blonde.
Hair Length: Overgrown bowl-cut.
Scars: None.

Tattoos and Piercings: A small black plus on the inside of each wrist. Several piercings in both lobes, although some of them have closed over time.
Wardrobe: Restricted to black as per The Code of Exorcists. Trinity is a very modest person, sticking to simple slacks and long sleeves. Is often seen wearing big and bulky jackets or coats.

Personal History and Relations

Birth Place: Nordland, Norway. Raised in British Columbia, Canada.
Known Languages: English, Norwegian, Latin.
Immediate Family: Mother, two younger brothers. Uncle, who has stepped into the role of father to Trinity's brothers.
Close Relatives: Father; deceased.

Ancestors: Unknown; Trinity is a second-generation immigrant.
Heroes: Father, whom stories suggest was a brave and generous man, offering his life in exchange for his family's safety to BC.


Persona: Calm, gentle, and empathic. Trinity abstains from violence against others, human or otherwise, unless forced into a life-threatening situation. When the switch is flipped, it's as though he's become possessed.
Anima: Too forgiving. Willing to trust wholeheartedly at the first sign of kindness, which has led to a number of problems. He struggles with finding a genuine connection to people while trying to douse his carnal desires.

Fears: Trinity fears a hidden vendetta between their father and the supernatural, worrying that someday soon the rest of his family will face the same fate.
Desires: Returning to the homeland, recovering some small part of his connection to an extended family.

Emotional Stability: High-functioning depression.

Lures: Quiet coffee shops, quiet people, quiet days. The idea of a low-stress life, although practically unattainable in his line of work.
Hobbies: Pressing flowers, and growing his extensive music collection. Trinity is secretly a fan of romance novels.

Likes: Coffee, sweet breads.
Dislikes: Beans.

Religion: Catholic
Virtues: Charity
Vices: Lust
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image source: twitter @vacuum_chan


Name: undefined.
Model: B I Ѻ N I C A
Serial Number: 77R2PF-83, which can be accessed by verbal confirmation as well as on the CPU.
Theme Song: "ZÉRO" - Beau Jordan.

Story: B I Ѻ N I C A
systems: offline. rebooting….

(Chobits / HER adjacent.)

Earth is now ushering in the twenty-third century and a new era of civilization. Humanity has somehow survived another devastating nuclear world war, but has effectively decimated the planet along the way. Between global warming and radiation zones, the remaining survivors have been forced into Ecuma - a giant domed ecumenopolis and last remaining human stronghold. Every inch of livable space has been meticulously designed to provide maximum benefit to the remainder of humanity. Meaning that, despite how desolate Ecuma appears from outside its walls, the city is richly lush with edible vegetation.

For every human, there are approximately 1.12 LUMO androids working to keep Ecuma safe. They are programmed to do the dangerous jobs: rebuilding the outer radiation barrier, repairs within the mainframe, and serving the populace by any means necessary. Where LUMO is a helper model, a m u z a is more for play. They are lighter, sleeker, and more excitable than the job-oriented LUMO. Optional parts are available for personal a m u z a models, leaving many to seek comfort in a programmable android rather than human connection. But before there were a m u z a, before there were LUMO, there were B I Ѻ N I C A.

Before the Third War, a robotics company from Hong Kong made headlines across the globe. LaBѺ not only cracked the code for true Artificial Intelligence, but had also built near-perfect humanoid robots to house their computers. B I Ѻ N I C A was the next chapter of humanity. Fifteen models were given to fifteen world leaders, who soon found their androids incredibly useful as military tacticians. Within the month, sirens tore through the air. Atom bombs scarred country after country. B I Ѻ N I C A, who were built with the intention to save humanity, brought with them a swift and terrible nuclear catastrophe. The planet was ruined. Struggling to cling to what remained.

And, strangely, the B I Ѻ N I C A wept.
Preferred Plot-Points: sci-fi/post-apocalyptic // robot x human/robot

Physical Characteristics

Gender: undefined; most refer to as "it".*
Orientation: undefined.
Height: 5'5".
Weight: 312 lbs.
Nationality: undefined; titanium skull and latex skin lend east asian features.
Skin Color: neutral peach.*
Eye Color: copper.*
Hair Color: strawberry blonde.*
Hair Length: Generously long wig made of kanekalon, brushes the floor if worn down.*
Features may change if replacement parts are necessary.

Scars: Its current skin is beginning to wear at the knee joints, and seems to have suffered some injuries as indicated by the deepset scuff marks and dents across the torso.

Tattoos and Piercings: Latex skin model number and logo at the craniovertebral junction.
Wardrobe: A collection of borrowed dingy, ill-fitting clothes from encounters with others. This is due to 77R2PF-83 struggling with (among other things) its Modesty function, often bypassing it. Currently a mannequin for a boutique; wears what the shopkeeper designs.

Personal History and Relations

Birth Place: LaBѺ, a now-defunct lab from what was once Hong Kong.
Known Languages: Esperanto is the prompted language upon set-up, although a majority of the operating programs are written in Chinese. Can download any language as long as there is an internet connection.

Immediate Family: fourteen other B I Ѻ N I C A models. The first wave of mobile artificial intelligence, who were violently removed from service. Logs suggest they have been out of commission for at least four decades.
Close Relatives: Second and third wave mobile artificial intelligences. LUMO and a m u z a respectively.


Persona: Peacekeeper. Every move is calculated for the best possible outcome for the surrounding individuals. Often slow to react and stutters - CPU malfunctioning. This happens more frequently in tense situations, leaving it vulnerable.
Anima: Watchful. Bleeders would call it "distrustful".

Fears: Being disassembled. Even exchanging parts can be traumatizing. Tortured, as the others in the B I Ѻ N I C A line were all those years ago. Resurgence of human violence.
Desires: Return "home". Home undefined.

Emotional Stability: Separation anxiety.

Lures: Living things they can study in a semi-controlled environment. Potted plants, small animals like pets. Has a fascination with flora.
Hobbies: Taking analog photos. 77R2PF-83 has a small collection of polaroids tucked in a dusty old book they rescued from a landfill before Ecuma. (Possibly radioactive.)

Likes: Doing menial tasks for those in need of assistance. 77R2PF-83 is particularly popular with the very old and the very young.
Dislikes: Miscreant folk who attempt to trick it into labor simply because it's a free-roaming android.

Virtues: Charity; kindness.
Vices: "symptoms of Living" - experiencing spikes of laziness and greed.
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image source: my art!


Name: Tsumiki.
Title: Healing Bell.
Theme Song: "Trampoline" - Kero Kero Bonito

Story: Healing ✧ Bell
Tsumiki is a cleric with a big heart and dreams of becoming a super famous magician! The only problem is, she's clumsy and easily distracted and also terrible at magic. But she won't let a little failure stop her! Although… the gross bugs on the forest trail might…

I was going through my sketchbook a little while ago and fell in love with a character design I never fleshed out. So this world is shiny new! I don't really have much in mind for this one, but I'd like to have a light and happy vanilla story with a little world exploration and maybe a little lewdness thrown into the mix!
Preferred Plot-Points: vanilla fluff/DnD style adventuring // nekomimi cleric x mentor; "master"/famous magician/traveling companion (equally bad at magic)

Physical Characteristics

Gender: Female.
Orientation: Senpai.
Height: 5'2". ('Two feet taller with the hat'- no, more like seven inches. She wears it at a tilt, but it has quite a large brim.)
Weight: 124 lbs.
Ethnicity: Nekomimi.
Skin Color: Pale pink; covered with fine fur, so she appears as white as her hair.
Eye Color: Yellow.
Hair/Fur Color: White.
Hair Length: To her knees, tied back into two low ponytails.
Scars: Tail is cut from when humans captured her as a child. The mark is covered with hair, but it's still quite sensitive to the touch.

Tattoos and Piercings: Three gold piercings in her ears, two on the left and one on the right. She wears a set of bell earrings and a little cuff.
Wardrobe: Full of white and red and gold and black. She'd probably look really cute in pastel colors, but this particular scheme makes her feel powerful! Her clothing style leans more toward chinese influence, and has quite a large selection of things to mix and match.

Personal History and Relations

Birth Place: Crescent Bay.
Known Languages: Common.
Immediate Family: Mom and Dad, and a litter of siblings!
Close Relatives: Grandma, some aunts and uncles, and lots of cousins scattered along the coastline.

Ancestors: Great-great-great grandmother Mitsuki, famed magician and founder of Crescent Bay! There's a statue of her in town.
Heroes: Great-Great-Great-Grandma Mitsuki!

Studies: She tries to study lots of different kinds of magic, but she's best at the healing variety. Tsumiki wasn't allowed to attend the school of magic because her performance is shoddy at best, so she had to find someone who would give her special lessons. She's level 1, but better late than never! Like Grandma Mitsuki always said: "Never give up!"


Persona: Very excitable and hardworking. She always has a smile on her face, even when she messes up! Which… is a lot. Her unending determination can make it seem like she's a little full of herself, but she's a sweet girl with a path to follow! She likes to help where she can, but is easily distracted and prone to napping in warm spots.
Anima: Maybe a bit too willing to set aside her wishes for the person she admires. She knows she can be easily taken advantage of, but for the sake of bettering her skills, there's not much she won't agree to.
Fears: Tsumiki worries she'll never be better than the way she is now. That she'll be a letdown to her hero and her teacher and her bloodline. She places a lot of responsibility in herself to be good at magic.
Desires: To be famous! So she can have a statue of herself built right next to Mitsuki!

Emotional Stability: Life can't get her down! Unnervingly optimistic.

Lures: Antique bells. She loves the way they sound! She also loves the beach! Her favorite part of it is the food vendors that sometimes sell yummy snacks!
Hobbies: Antiquing, napping, and collecting useful things for her master!

Likes: Seafood! And seafood shaped snacks and desserts. And milk-based treats!
Dislikes: Seaweed. Even though it's yummy, it sticks to her teeth and it's hard to get out!

Religion: Tsumiki has yet to pledge allegiance to a particular deity for fear of mocking them with her poor skills.
Virtues: Diligence
Vices: Pride
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