image source: unknown; pulled from unsourced weheartit post.
Name: Myra Invidia Coronetta Sinclair. Myra before God and blood. Invidia before
Title: Ninth Princess of the Court of Sinclair. Alternatively; The Bane of the Court of Sinclair.
Theme Song:
"Primadonna Girl" - Marina and the Diamonds
Story: ✾
Fickle Amaryllis ✾
Preferred Plot-Points:
incest // princess x
Physical Characteristics
Gender: Female
Orientation: Presumably heterosexual.
Height: Short. 5'o".
Weight: A trim 1oo lbs.
Nationality: Anglo-Scott.
Skin Color: Very pale, milky white.
Hair Color: A vibrant red-orange.
Hair Length: Down to the small of her back, in very tight, groomed ringlets.
Eye Color: Grey-Green.
Scars: One small birthmark on the the top of her left knee. It's the bane of her perfect complexion.
Tattoos and Piercings: Earlobes pierced once on each side.
Wardrobe: Myra's favorite colors are green and blue. Most of her clothing is vibrant shades of these two colors, although she does own some of her deceased mother's beautiful deep purple gowns. She does not wear them, as she is much too small for them. Dressed down, she wears floor-length gowns with little to no petticoat. Perhaps a pannier to give her more rump. A normal day would see a more extravagant gown with bare shoulders and a bustle underneath. Jewelry would be limited to a statement ring and a pearl necklace. Any chance to dress up would mean a dangerously short dress (below the knee) with a full bell-skirt and lots of decorations about the dress. She would adorn herself with as many jewels as she could without appearing gaudy.
Personal History and Relations
Birth Place: Court of Sinclair. Scotland.
Known Languages: Fluent English and Welsh; conversational French and Spanish; minimal German and Italian.
Immediate Family: All eighteen of her siblings, including the baby on the way; Father, the coward; Step-mother, the martinet.
Close Relatives: Infantile and adolescent nephews and nieces. Typically the married siblings move out after pregnancy, losing Myra's interest.
Ancestors: Coronetta Guinne Riviere-Sinclair, Myra's short-lived birth-mother. The woman was a tyrant and despicable; she sought to expunge every unworthy civilian who dared disgrace her land with their presence.
Heroes: Her birthmother, with the convoluted belief that Coronetta lived a pleasant life doing whatever she pleased. Father refuses to admit Coronetta's crimes, as to spare Myra from the hatred of the people.
Demanding, bossy, and arrogant. Choleric. Illogical. Tends to give "outsiders" the cold shoulder. She's trying to appear dominant, but she acts more like an intolerable child.
Those who hold her interest tend to be treated as playthings. Hardly any understanding of the Earth she lives on, and no desire to learn.
Anima: Unsure, stagnant. Somewhat possessive of the things and people she admires.
She cannot easily nor effectively communicate her heart's true and honest desires.
Fears: Drowning among her many siblings' accomplishments. She has no claim to her throne, no land to call her own, and
little interest in marrying to some stranger simply for power. She refuses to become her mother, but can't handle the thought of being unseen, unheard.
Desires: To live happily lavished in all the riches of the world, but free from responsibility. Laws of man and nature have no meaning to Myra.
Emotional Stability: Strangers' comments are virtually ineffective;
someone close may wound her deeply in little time at all.
Lures: Beautiful, intricate things. She's certainly cultivated her expensive tastes.
Hobbies: Myra enjoys collecting small, jeweled trinkets. Her cabinets are covered with these little knick-knacks. She also enjoys being outside on pleasant days, either attempting to paint or plucking petals from flowers.
Likes: Her lovely pet, Ashen, a dappled grey stallion. She also enjoys delicate cakes, and has hired a personal patisserie chef.
Dislikes: A majority of her family members, her forced attachment to the throne despite being a lesser royal, and tart flavors.
Religion: Most likely Agnostic. Formalities demand she bow before her God as a Christian woman, but she treats it as ritual without worship.
Virtues: Courage
Vices: Envy; Pride