Both Needed Parkour Zombies (open enrollment for the apocalypse)

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Both Needed Parkour Zombies (open enrollment for the apocalypse)


A Little Bit of Crazy Never Hurts
Local time
Today 10:31 AM
It's hot here and we have movie stars
y'all I have been playing a game called Dying Light in my very (very) limited free time I have at home and it has invested in me a strong group role play craving. Now if you like this and would rather a one on one feel free to IM me, or if you wanna take it and run to a partner, go, fly free my child. However, if you're down for a group project I'm looking for at least five people, no more than ten to try and keep things from getting to crazy/confusing.

To put things simple, the setting of the game is a fictional country quarantined off from the rest of the globe due to a break out of the zombie virus (pick your flavor lol), licking both infected and survivors inside. The survivors have set up small communities to protect themselves, using UV lights to ward off the worst of the infected that come out at night and are sensistive to light. The normal infected are kept out with high fences, electrified barbed wire and other such baricades. Out side of these small communities are small safe houses with one to two beds also equipped with UV lights, high off the ground entrances and metal doors that can be locked. Essentially, a safe zone is 100% safe. Outside of these areas?
Not so safe.
Those who go outside of the communities to collect supplies are known as runners, and as the name may imply, they run, and obstacles mean little as they are free runners/parkour athletes. It's the only way to travel through the city and avoid the majority of the infect, whom operate like classic zombies (slow and lumbering, able to grab you and hit you and do decent damage and if not watching easily over come you in numbers, especially in small spaces). These people bring back supplies for their communities, but and sell between themselves and the community traders, as well as craft and build their own make shift weapons. Guns are rare and often not worth it, as loud noises draw the next tier up of infected, the ones that are fast and can climb after you. There are chests and baskets, boxes and stashed left behind by other survivors for runners to find, as well as air drops to collect, before someone else does.


For the purpose of the role play we are going to throw out the games story, I'm barely keeping track of it myself. It's open world with many mini side quests and it's just as much fun to run around and loot, so asking anyone to try and watch something about it or read it is rediculous.
Gutting the plot we are going to make another one!

  • A small group of survivors have decided to try and escape the quarantine, something many have attempted only for people to come back with stories of being gunned down at the boarder. They start on the coast, in their small coastal survivor community known as Fishvile
  • Two communities are about to go to war, to close together and constantly fighting over air drops for supplies, communities Tower and Bridge going to head could attract the biggest horde the city would ever see and likely none would survive the attack. No one seems to care.
  • There's a Man/Woman running a group of thugs, a big group, and is starting to take control of the small communities in an attempt to gain a portion of their supplies in exchange for 'protection'. This has earned them a surplus of supplies and weapons, making them dangerous. Two larger communities are looking to take them down. (Sky and Coast)
  • There are two groups of roaming runners who align with no community.
Not really a plot but a lose base of ideas we can all work off of or pick one of and go for.
I'm so creative look at my super creative names for things hohoho.

I'm hoping for a balance of lads and gals but please don't let this stop you from playing who inspires you! Feel free to pick a community.

If you would like to join, please post your character profile! I will be posting mine as soon as I pick someone I want to play. I will be making a thread rather than having us write here.
Name: Nathalie or Nat
Age: 20

(without the guns of course)
Personality: Nat is not entirely thrilled by the thought of living the rest of her life in a zombie hellscape. She doesn't really like to be tied down, keeping inside the well maintained walls of the communities that have managed to spring up in some semblance of safety. But it only takes one or two saboteurs to ruin things for everyone. And some communities have ...interesting ideas now that the outside world has abandoned them basically to deal with the outbreak alone. So Nat would prefer to keep moving with a band of people she knows she can trust. She can be sweet or sassy as the situation demands, a sort of social chameleon who only shows her true side to those in her band of Runners. Weapons of choice are usually long range, (throwing knives? knives duct taped to brooms? anything she can get her hands on but also she's not going to risk her life to get back a weapon she could live without) but all things considered she also has a bat for close combat. The type to think about putting a wetsuit under her clothes, and a ride or die loyalty to her squad. Once you have earned her trust you have earned someone who will fight tooth and nail for your life. However she is fond of the silent treatment and ignoring others if angered. This is typically a slow process, though sometimes accelerated by the life/death nature of the new world. Has a weakness for sweet kids, and tries to deal with people fairly. Has not abandoned morals though sometimes practicality wins over sentiment.

(If it was unclear I'd like to do the last prompt)
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