FxF Partners?

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FxF Partners?


Eternal Nightmare
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Umm, hi? I'm not sure how to start this but hey, I'm searching for some roleplay partners. I won't dawdle with unnecessary information so let me get right into it:
* anything in blue will not change *

  • I can respond anywhere from 1 to +4 times a day. It depends on my daily events.
  • I only roleplay FxF and MxF pairings where I play the female. I wouldn't be able to portray a male character very well, nor enjoy it.
  • I love excessive violence and gore. Bringing my characters pain brings me joy in my life.
  • My interest in romance is in between 'meh' and 'yes please'. I prefer the ratio of romance to plot to be anywhere between 20/80 to 70/30. It depends on what you like.
  • As much as I love gore and suffering, I'm not interested in extreme body modifications, like removing someone's body parts. I'm not squeamish, I just like my babies to remain pretty; scars are fine.
  • I'm not too fussed about OOC chatting, but don't be afraid to! I'm sorry if I don't feel motivated to message you first, but I certainly won't ignore you if you start a conversation.
  • One paragraph minimum, PLEASE. Bloody hell, please do not send me a one-liner. I can't deal with those; I need something to work with. I understand that when there is a lot of dialogue that it's hard to write long responses, but at least make your character do something? Thank you kindly.
  • Please have acceptable grammar and spelling. I'm not too fussed on this one, but the most I ask is that I can read and understand what you are writing.
Pairing time! I have no preferences for these unless stated otherwise. Please feel free to bring forward any pairings or plots of your own, but be prepared if I'm not interested.
* these can be medieval or modern *
  • Supernatural creature x Supernatural creature <--- furries not included
  • Hunter x Supernatural creature
  • Gang member/criminal x Gang member/criminal
  • Human x Human
  • Bounty hunter x prey
* this list is tiny so go ahead and suggest something you'd like to do! *

Fandoms(all of these will be OC x OC. Sorry, I just don't like roleplaying with canon characters):
  • Tokyo ghoul-anime <-- currently craving a Tokyo Ghoul OC x OC
  • Blood C

PM me with some interests of yours if you want to roleplay.
Open for 2 more partners
Last edited:

Open for another partner.

anyone up for a Tokyo Ghoul roleplay?
Hi id be interested in the supernatural x supernatural or the hunter x supernatural
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