MxF Paying the price - Trapped in a world of Liminal Spaces (completed)

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MxF Paying the price - Trapped in a world of Liminal Spaces (completed)


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I am Alphonse, a long term writer with over a decade of experience, and I am seeking a long term partner for my new idea.

Some info about me - I take writing seriously and get invested in my projects so I'm not interested in partnering with someone who will not do the same. I write because my stories are a piece of me and I like to look back and relish on our works. My forte is gothic horror atmosphere and all creatures of the night. 3rd person past tense is my primary writing style and I am no stranger to fantasy realm writing.

My story is derived from the concept of being trapped within a liminal world, many of you may be familiar with the viral creepypasta of the backrooms; this ties to that idea.
Although what makes this idea unique is that time doesn't seem to flow here, and those who live within never age. Peoples of the past whom scribed stories of this "other plane" tell of settlers who entered willingly in search of god, fortune, or life everlasting. More details to share in personal messaging.

My ask is for someone who can dedicated 2-3 posts per week or more, and a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs per piece.
Communication is a big thing for me and I am open to your thoughts and ideas.
thank you for your time

I'm interested! All I know about the backrooms is what I learned from Wendigoon video but it sounds like you have a pretty clear idea of what you're looking for!
The only thing I know about liminal space is something like Stanley Parable. This does sound interesting though. Please send me the info as well. Even if I don't end up writing with you, I would certainly still like to read it.
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