MxF Picking Up the Pieces

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MxF Picking Up the Pieces


The River Styx
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About five years ago, I began to build a story of interconnecting characters, edgy horror only seen in creepypasta stories, and probably a little too much cheese for it be considered equal parts realism and science fiction/supernatural. Alss time took its toll and kicked my shit to pieces.

So here we are, picking them up.

Obviously, I dont want to start a mess of a story in the middle of the book, but all I'm saying is I'm prone to trying to make it larger down the line, interconnect some side stories and side characters and give it background.

I haven't managed a roleplay like this in a while, actually not since I got to this site, so my history is mainly just their will be smut and it may be very dirty smut at that. But it happens, right?

But onto the actual plot and not the melodrama of my failed stories of yesteryears.

Quite simply as a beginning, You are an explorer, a meddling young youth who enjoys breaking into abandoned buildings, much like old asylums just to see what the hell is left over when a state sanctioned building gets out of town and leaves its shit behind. Blood. That's what they leave behind.

As an troubled youth, you find the devastated building covered in old, rusty blood, specifically one hallway and all centered around one room.

Somehow, your character opens the door and finds...a placefacesd boy, just about your age at 18 or so, and he looks completely checked out and not from around here.

That's our general entrance point, if you have comments, questions, concerns let me know, this will be a very story based story, could definitely have alot of smut if you are so interested, and I would love any brainstorming. Just because I had a loose story 7 years ago, does not mean I remember it, it loved it then, or even thought it was good.

Upgrades People, Upgrades

PM if you are interested ^-^
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